Before reporting a problem, please read this |
We take great pride in SICStus Prolog, and your bug reports are extremely
useful in improving its quality. To ensure a speedy resolution to
your problem, please review the following checklist before submitting
a bug report.
Check that you have found a genuine bug, i.e. a case where SICStus
Prolog does not substantially perform the functions described in the
Check by consulting the list of known
bugs that the bug is not a known, reported bug.
Check that you have an active support contract. if you don't have
such a contract, we are still grateful for bug reports, but we have no
commitment to help you.
Check that the bug concerns a supported SICStus version. Recall that
every version ceases to be supported 12 months after the release of a
newer version. If the bug concerns an unsupported version,
chances are that the problem
has gone away in the new version.
Check that you are about to send us a reproducible test case. We
really can't do much about bug reports unless they are reported in a
way that allows to reproduce the problem. In rare, fortunate cases,
an error message or a post-mortem backtrace suffices. Our contractual
maintenance commitment is limited to reproducible test cases.
Please use this form (hosted at Atlassian) to report your bug.