| Index Entry | | Section |
! | | |
| !/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-cut |
| !/0, cut : | | ref-sem-ctr-cut |
# | | |
| #/\ /2 (clpfd) : | | Propositional Constraints |
| #< /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| #<= /2 (clpfd) : | | Propositional Constraints |
| #<=> /2 (clpfd) : | | Reified Constraints |
| #<=> /2 (clpfd) : | | Propositional Constraints |
| #= /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| #=< /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| #=> /2 (clpfd) : | | Propositional Constraints |
| #> /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| #>= /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| #\ /1 (clpfd) : | | Propositional Constraints |
| #\ /2 (clpfd) : | | Propositional Constraints |
| #\/ /2 (clpfd) : | | Propositional Constraints |
| #\= /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
$ | | |
| $= /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| $=< /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| $>= /2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
' | | |
| 'SU_messages':generate_message/3 : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| 'SU_messages':generate_message/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-generate_message |
| 'SU_messages':query_abbreviation/3 : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| 'SU_messages':query_abbreviation/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_abbreviation |
| 'SU_messages':query_class/5 : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| 'SU_messages':query_class/5 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_class |
| 'SU_messages':query_hook/6 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_hook |
| 'SU_messages':query_input/3 : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| 'SU_messages':query_input/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_input |
| 'SU_messages':query_map/4 : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| 'SU_messages':query_map/4 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_map |
, | | |
| ,/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-and |
| ,/2, conjunction : | | ref-sem-ctr |
- | | |
| -> /2 ;/2, if then else : | | ref-sem-ctr-ite |
| -> /2, if then : | | ref-sem-ctr-ite |
| ->/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-if_then |
: | | |
| : /2, module qualifier : | | ref-sem-ctr-oth |
| :- /1, directive : | | Directives |
; | | |
| ;/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-or |
| ;/2, disjunction : | | ref-sem-ctr-dis |
< | | |
| <-/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-send |
| </2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-less_than |
| <</2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-put |
= | | |
| =../2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-act |
| =../2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-univ |
| =/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-met-usu |
| =/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-unify |
| =:=/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-equal_to |
| =</2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-not_greater_than |
| ==/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sot |
| ==/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_equal_to |
| =\=/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-not_equal_to |
> | | |
| >/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-greater_than |
| >=/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-not_less_than |
| >>/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-get |
? | | |
| ?- /1, query : | | Queries |
| ?=/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-met-usu |
| ?=/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_unify_decided |
@ | | |
| @</2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sot |
| @</2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_less_than |
| @=</2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sot |
| @=</2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_not_greater_than |
| @>/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sot |
| @>/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_greater_than |
| @>=/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sot |
| @>=/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_not_less_than |
\ | | |
| \+ /1, not provable : | | ref-sem-ctr-naf |
| \+/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-not_provable |
| \= /2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-met-usu |
| \=/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-not_unifiable |
| \==/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sot |
| \==/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_not_equal_to |
^ | | |
| ^ /2, existential quantifier : | | ref-sem-ctr-oth |
| ^/2 (built-in) : | | ref-all-cse-equ |
| ^/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-exists |
{ | | |
| {}/1 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
A | | |
| abolish/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-rcd |
| abolish/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-abolish |
| abort/0 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-int |
| abort/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-abort |
| absolute_file_name/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-absolute_file_name |
| acyclic_term/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-acyclic_term |
| acyclic_term/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-act |
| add_breakpoint/2 (built-in) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| add_breakpoint/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-add_breakpoint |
| add_edges/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| add_edges/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| add_element/3 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| add_vertices/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| add_vertices/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| aggregate/3 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| aggregate/4 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| aggregate_all/3 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| aggregate_all/4 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| all/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| all_different/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| all_different_except_0/1 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| all_distinct/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| all_distinct_except_0/1 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| all_equal/1 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| all_equal_reif/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| append/3 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-acl |
| append/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-append |
| append/[2,5] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| append_length/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| append_queue/3 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| arg/3 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-act |
| arg/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-arg |
| arithmetic_mean/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| ask_query/4 (built-in) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| ask_query/4 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-ask_query |
| assert/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-acd |
| assert/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-assert |
| asserta/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-acd |
| asserta/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-asserta |
| assertz/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-acd |
| assertz/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-assertz |
| assignment/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| assoc_to_list/2 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| atom/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-atom |
| atomic/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-atomic |
| atomic_type/[1,2,3] (structs) : | | str-etr |
| atom_chars/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| atom_chars/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| atom_chars/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-atom_chars |
| atom_codes/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| atom_codes/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| atom_codes/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-atom_codes |
| atom_concat/3 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-atm |
| atom_concat/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-atom_concat |
| atom_length/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-atm |
| atom_length/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-atom_length |
| attribute/1 (declaration) : | | lib-atts |
| attribute_goal/2 (Module) : | | lib-atts |
| at_end_of_line/[0,1] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-elf |
| at_end_of_line/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-at_end_of_line |
| at_end_of_stream/[0,1] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-elf |
| at_end_of_stream/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-at_end_of_stream |
| automaton/[3,8,9] (clpfd) : | | Sequence Constraints |
| avl_change/5 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_delete/4 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_del_max/4 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_del_min/4 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_domain/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_fetch/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_fetch/3 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_height/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_incr/4 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_map/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_map/3 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_max/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_max/3 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_member/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_member/3 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_min/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_min/3 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_next/3 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_next/4 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_prev/3 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_prev/4 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_range/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_size/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_store/4 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| avl_to_list/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
B | | |
| bagof/3 (built-in) : | | ref-all-cba |
| bagof/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-bagof |
| bagof_rd_noblock/3 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| bag_add_element/4 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_del_element/4 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_intersect/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_intersection/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_intersection/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_length/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_max/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_max/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_member/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_memberchk/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_min/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_min/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_subtract/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_to_list/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_to_ord_set/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_to_ord_set/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_to_set/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_to_set/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_union/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bag_union/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| bb_delete/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-bbd |
| bb_delete/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-bb_delete |
| bb_get/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-bbd |
| bb_get/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-bb_get |
| bb_inf/[3,5] (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| bb_inf/[3,5] (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| bb_put/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-bbd |
| bb_put/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-bb_put |
| bb_update/3 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-bbd |
| bb_update/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-bb_update |
| begin_tests/[1,2] (plunit declaration) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| between/3 (between) : | | lib-between |
| bin_packing/2 (clpfd) : | | Placement Constraints |
| block/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-block |
| block/1 (declaration) : | | Block Declarations |
| blocked/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| bool_and/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| bool_channel/4 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| bool_or/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| bool_xor/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| break/0 (built-in) : | | Nested |
| break/0 (built-in) : | | ref-lod-rpx |
| break/0 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-int |
| break/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-break |
| breakpoint_expansion/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-breakpoint_expansion |
| breakpoint_expansion/2 (user, hook) : | | Hooks Related to Breakpoints |
| breakpoint_expansion/2 (user, hook) : | | Condition Macros |
| byte_count/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| byte_count/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sos |
| byte_count/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-byte_count |
C | | |
| call/[1,2,...,255] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-call |
| callable/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-callable |
| call_cleanup/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-call_cleanup |
| call_residue_vars/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-call_residue_vars |
| case/[3,4] (clpfd) : | | Extensional Constraints |
| cast/1 (structs) : | | str-cas |
| catch/3 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-hex-pgo |
| catch/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-catch |
| central_moment/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| character_count/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| character_count/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sos |
| character_count/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-character_count |
| char_code/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| char_code/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| char_code/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-char_code |
| char_conversion/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-char_conversion |
| checkbag/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| chr_constraint/1 (CHR declaration) : | | CHR Constraint Declaration |
| chr_flag/3 (chr) : | | CHR Debugging Predicates |
| chr_leash/1 (chr) : | | CHR Debugging Predicates |
| chr_notrace/0 (chr) : | | CHR Debugging Predicates |
| chr_option/2 (CHR declaration) : | | CHR Semantics |
| chr_show_store/1 (chr) : | | CHR Debugging Predicates |
| chr_trace/0 (chr) : | | CHR Debugging Predicates |
| chr_type/1 (CHR declaration) : | | CHR Constraint Declaration |
| circuit/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Graph Constraints |
| class/1 (objects) : | | obj-exp-class |
| class_ancestor/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-class_ancestor |
| class_method/1 (objects) : | | obj-exp-class_method |
| class_of/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-class_of |
| class_superclass/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-class_superclass |
| clause/[2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-acl |
| clause/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-clause |
| cleanup/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| close/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-cst |
| close/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-close |
| close_all_streams/0 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| close_client/0 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| clpfd:dispatch_global/4 : | | The Global Constraint Programming Interface |
| clpfd:full_answer/0 : | | Answer Constraints |
| clumped/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| clumps/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| comclient_clsid_from_progid/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_create_instance/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_equal/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_exception_code/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_exception_culprit/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_exception_description/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_garbage_collect/0 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_get_active_object/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_iid_from_name/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_invoke_method_fun/3 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_invoke_method_proc/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_invoke_put/3 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_is_exception/1 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_is_object/1 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_name_from_iid/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_progid_from_clsid/2 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_release/1 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| comclient_valid_object/1 (comclient) : | | COM Client Predicates |
| compare/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-compare |
| compile/1 (built-in) : | | ref-mod-lod |
| compile/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-compile |
| complement/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| compose/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| compound/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-compound |
| condition/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| cons/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| consult/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-consult |
| contains_term/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| contains_var/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| convlist/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| copy_term/[2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cpt |
| copy_term/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-copy_term |
| correlation/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| correspond/4 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| count/4 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| covariance/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| coverage_data/1 (built-in) : | | Coverage Analysis |
| coverage_data/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-coverage_data |
| create/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-create |
| create_mutable/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-mut |
| create_mutable/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-create_mutable |
| cumlist/[4,5,6] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| cumulative/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Scheduling Constraints |
| cumulatives/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Scheduling Constraints |
| current_atom/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_atom |
| current_breakpoint/5 (built-in) : | | Built-in Predicates for Breakpoint Handling |
| current_breakpoint/5 (built-in) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| current_breakpoint/5 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_breakpoint |
| current_char_conversion/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_char_conversion |
| current_class/1 (objects) : | | obj-exp-current_class |
| current_directory/[1,2] (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| current_host/1 (sockets) : | | lib-sockets |
| current_input/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-cis |
| current_input/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_input |
| current_key/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-idb |
| current_key/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_key |
| current_module/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-mod-ilm |
| current_module/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_module |
| current_op/3 (built-in) : | | ref-syn-ops-ops |
| current_op/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_op |
| current_output/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-cos |
| current_output/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_output |
| current_predicate/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mod-ilm-def |
| current_predicate/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_predicate |
| current_prolog_flag/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_prolog_flag |
| current_stream/3 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-bos |
| current_stream/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-current_stream |
| cyclic_term/1 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
D | | |
| datime/[1,2] (system) : | | lib-system |
| db_reference/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-db_reference |
| debug/0 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| debug/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-debug |
| debugger_command_hook/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-debugger_command_hook |
| debugger_command_hook/2 (user, hook) : | | Hooks Related to Breakpoints |
| debugger_command_hook/2 (user, hook) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| debugging/0 (built-in) : | | Undefined Predicates |
| debugging/0 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| debugging/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-debugging |
| debug_message/0 (objects) : | | obj-exp-debug_message |
| decreasing/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| decreasing_prefix/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| define_method/3 (objects) : | | obj-exp-define_method |
| delete/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| delete_directory/[1,2] (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| delete_file/1 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| del_edges/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| del_edges/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| del_element/3 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| del_vertices/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| del_vertices/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| depth_bound/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| descendant_of/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-descendant_of |
| destroy/1 (objects) : | | obj-exp-destroy |
| dif/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-met-usu |
| dif/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-dif |
| diffn/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Placement Constraints |
| directory_exists/1 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_exists/2 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_members_of_directory/[1,2,3] (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_member_of_directory/2 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_member_of_directory/3 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_member_of_directory/4 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_must_exist/1 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_must_exist/2 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| directory_property/[2,3] (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| direct_message/4 (objects) : | | obj-exp-direct_message |
| disable_breakpoints/1 (built-in) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| disable_breakpoints/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-disable_breakpoints |
| discontiguous/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-discontiguous |
| discontiguous/1 (declaration) : | | Discontiguous Declarations |
| disjoint/2 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| disjoint1/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Placement Constraints |
| disjoint2/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Placement Constraints |
| disjoint_union/3 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| dispatch_global/4 (clpfd) : | | The Global Constraint Programming Interface |
| display/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tou-dsp |
| display/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-display |
| dispose/1 (structs) : | | str-cdf |
| do/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-do |
| do/2, do loop : | | ref-sem-ctr-dol |
| domain/2 (clpfd) : | | Membership Constraints |
| domain/3 (clpfd) : | | Membership Constraints |
| dump/3 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| dynamic/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-dynamic |
| dynamic/1 (declaration) : | | Dynamic Declarations |
E | | |
| edges/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| edges/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| element/2 (clpfd) : | | Extensional Constraints |
| element/3 (clpfd) : | | Extensional Constraints |
| elif/1 (conditional directive) : | | ref-lod-cnd |
| else/0 (conditional directive) : | | ref-lod-cnd |
| empty_assoc/1 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| empty_avl/1 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| empty_bag/1 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| empty_fdset/1 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| empty_interval/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| empty_queue/1 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| enable_breakpoints/1 (built-in) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| enable_breakpoints/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-enable_breakpoints |
| endif/0 (conditional directive) : | | ref-lod-cnd |
| end_class/[0,1] (objects) : | | obj-exp-end_class |
| end_tests/1 (plunit declaration) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| ensure_loaded/1 (built-in) : | | ref-mod-lod |
| ensure_loaded/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-ensure_loaded |
| entailed/1 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| environ/[2,3] (system) : | | lib-system |
| erase/1 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-rcd |
| erase/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-erase |
| error/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| error/2 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| error_exception/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-error_exception |
| error_exception/1 (user, hook) : | | ref-ere-hex |
| error_exception/1 (user, hook) : | | Exceptions Debug |
| exception/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| exclude/[3,4,5] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| execution_state/[1,2] (built-in) : | | Built-in Predicates for Breakpoint Handling |
| execution_state/[1,2] (built-in) : | | Accessing Past Debugger States |
| execution_state/[1,2] (built-in) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| execution_state/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-execution_state |
| expand_term/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lod-exp |
| expand_term/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-expand_term |
F | | |
| fail/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-fail |
| fail/0 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| false/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-false |
| fdbg_annotate/[3,4] (fdbg) : | | FDBG Writing Visualizers |
| fdbg_assign_name/2 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Naming Terms |
| fdbg_current_name/2 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Naming Terms |
| fdbg_get_name/2 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Naming Terms |
| fdbg_guard/3 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Debugging Global Constraints |
| fdbg_labeling_step/2 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Annotation |
| fdbg_label_show/3 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Built-In Visualizers |
| fdbg_legend/[1,2] (fdbg) : | | FDBG Writing Visualizers |
| fdbg_off/0 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Options |
| fdbg_on/[0,1] (fdbg) : | | FDBG Options |
| fdbg_show/2 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Built-In Visualizers |
| fdbg_start_labeling/1 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Annotation |
| fdbg_transform_actions/3 (fdbg) : | | FDBG Writing Legend Printers |
| fdset_add_element/3 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_complement/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_del_element/3 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_disjoint/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_eq/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_intersect/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_intersection/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_interval/3 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_max/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_member/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_min/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_parts/4 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_singleton/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_size/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_subset/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_subtract/3 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_to_list/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_to_range/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdset_union/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| fdvar_portray/3 (fdbg, hook) : | | FDBG Customizing Output |
| fd_batch/1 (clpfd) : | | Posting Constraints |
| fd_closure/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_degree/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_dom/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_failures/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_flag/3 (clpfd) : | | The Global Constraint Programming Interface |
| fd_getrand/1 (clpfd) : | | The Global Constraint Programming Interface |
| fd_global/[3,4] (clpfd) : | | The Global Constraint Programming Interface |
| fd_max/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_min/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_neighbors/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_purge/1 (clpfd) : | | Forgetting Constraints |
| fd_set/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_setrand/1 (clpfd) : | | The Global Constraint Programming Interface |
| fd_set_failures/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_size/2 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fd_statistics/[0,2] (clpfd) : | | Statistics Predicates |
| fd_var/1 (clpfd) : | | Reflection Predicates |
| fetch_slot/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-fetch_slot |
| file_exists/1 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| file_exists/2 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| file_members_of_directory/[1,2,3] (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| file_member_of_directory/[2,3,4] (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| file_must_exist/1 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| file_must_exist/2 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| file_property/[2,3] (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| file_search_path/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-file_search_path |
| file_search_path/2 (user, hook) : | | ref-fdi-fsp-def |
| findall/[3,4] (built-in) : | | ref-all-cba-cal |
| findall/[3,4] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-findall |
| find_chr_constraint/1 (chr) : | | CHR Debugging Predicates |
| first_bound/2 (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| first_bound/2 (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| fixme/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| float/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-float |
| flush_output/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-flu |
| flush_output/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-flush_output |
| forall/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| forall/2 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| foreach/2 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| foreign/[2,3] (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-foreign |
| foreign/[2,3] (Module, hook) : | | Conversion Declarations |
| foreign_resource/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-foreign_resource |
| foreign_resource/2 (Module, hook) : | | Conversion Declarations |
| foreign_type/2 (structs) : | | str-fty-dty |
| format/[2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cou-fou |
| format/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-format |
| format_to_codes/[3,4] (codesio) : | | lib-codesio |
| fractile/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| freeze/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-freeze |
| free_of_term/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| free_of_var/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| free_variables/4 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| frozen/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-frozen |
| full_answer/0 (clpfd) : | | Answer Constraints |
| functor/3 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-act |
| functor/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-functor |
| fzn_dump/[2,3] (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_identifier/3 (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_load_file/2 (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_load_stream/2 (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_objective/2 (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_output/1 (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_post/1 (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_run_file/[1,2] (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_run_stream/[1,2] (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
| fzn_solve/1 (zinc) : | | FlatZinc Exported Predicates |
G | | |
| garbage_collect/0 (built-in) : | | ref-mgc-gcd |
| garbage_collect/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-garbage_collect |
| garbage_collect_atoms/0 (built-in) : | | ref-mgc-ago-agc |
| garbage_collect_atoms/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-garbage_collect_atoms |
| generate_message/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-generate_message |
| generate_message/3 (SU_messages) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| generate_message_hook/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-generate_message_hook |
| generate_message_hook/3 (user, hook) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| gen_assoc/3 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| gen_int/1 (between) : | | lib-between |
| gen_label/3 (trees) : | | lib-trees |
| gen_nat/1 (between) : | | lib-between |
| geometric_mean/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| geost/[2,3,4] (clpfd) : | | Placement Constraints |
| getrand/1 (random) : | | lib-random |
| get_address/3 (structs) : | | str-afd |
| get_assoc/3 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| get_atts/2 (Module) : | | lib-atts |
| get_byte/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-cha |
| get_byte/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-get_byte |
| get_char/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-cha |
| get_char/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-get_char |
| get_code/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-cha |
| get_code/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-get_code |
| get_contents/3 (structs) : | | str-afd |
| get_label/3 (trees) : | | lib-trees |
| get_mutable/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-mut |
| get_mutable/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-get_mutable |
| get_next_assoc/4 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| get_prev_assoc/4 : | | lib-assoc |
| global_cardinality/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| goal_expansion/5 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-goal_expansion |
| goal_expansion/5 (Module, hook) : | | ref-lod-exp |
| goal_source_info/3 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-err |
| goal_source_info/3 (built-in) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| goal_source_info/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-goal_source_info |
| ground/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-ground |
| group/[3,4,5] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
H | | |
| halt/[0,1] (built-in) : | | ref-ere-int |
| halt/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-halt |
| harmonic_mean/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| head/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
I | | |
| if/1 (conditional directive) : | | ref-lod-cnd |
| if/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-if |
| if/3, soft cut : | | ref-sem-ctr-ite |
| if_then_else/4 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| illarg/[3,4] (types) : | | lib-types |
| in/1 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| in/2 (clpfd) : | | Membership Constraints |
| in/2 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| include/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-include |
| include/1 (declaration) : | | Include Declarations |
| include/[3,4,5] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| increasing/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| increasing_prefix/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| indomain/1 (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| inf/[2,4] (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| inherit/1 (objects) : | | obj-exp-inherit |
| initialization/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-initialization |
| initialization/1 (declaration) : | | Initializations |
| instance/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-acl |
| instance/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-instance |
| instance_method/1 (objects) : | | obj-exp-instance_method |
| integer/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-integer |
| intersect/2 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| intersection/[2,3] (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| in_noblock/1 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| in_set/2 (clpfd) : | | Membership Constraints |
| is/2 (built-in) : | | ref-ari-eae |
| is/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-is |
| is/2 (declaration) : | | Is2 Declarations |
| is_assoc/1 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| is_avl/1 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| is_bag/1 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| is_fdset/1 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| is_json_term/[1,2] (json) : | | lib-json |
| is_list/1 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| is_mutarray/1 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| is_mutdict/1 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| is_ordset/1 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| is_process/1 (process) : | | lib-process |
| is_queue/1 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| is_set/1 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
J | | |
| jasper_call/4 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_create_global_ref/3 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_create_local_ref/3 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_deinitialize/1 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_delete_global_ref/2 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_delete_local_ref/2 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_initialize/[1,2] (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_is_instance_of/3 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_is_jvm/1 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_is_object/[1,2] (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_is_same_object/3 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_new_object/5 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_new_object/5 (jasper) : | | Deprecated Jasper Predicates |
| jasper_null/2 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_null/2 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| jasper_object_class_name/3 (jasper) : | | Jasper Library Predicates |
| json_from_atom/[2,3] (json) : | | lib-json |
| json_from_codes/[2,3] (json) : | | lib-json |
| json_read/[2,3] (json) : | | lib-json |
| json_to_atom/[2,3] (json) : | | lib-json |
| json_to_codes/[2,3] (json) : | | lib-json |
| json_write/[2,3] (json) : | | lib-json |
K | | |
| keyclumped/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| keyclumps/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| keymerge/3 (samsort) : | | lib-samsort |
| keysort/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sor |
| keysort/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-keysort |
| keysorting/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| keys_and_values/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| kurtosis/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
L | | |
| labeling/1 (clpb) : | | CLPB Interface |
| labeling/2 (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| last/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| last/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| later_bound/2 (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| later_bound/2 (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| leash/1 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| leash/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-leash |
| legend_portray/3 (fdbg, hook) : | | FDBG Customizing Output |
| length/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-acl |
| length/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-length |
| length/3 (bags, deprecated) : | | lib-bags |
| length_bound/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| lex_chain/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| library_directory/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-library_directory |
| linda/[0,1] (linda) : | | lib-linda-server |
| linda_client/1 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| linda_timeout/2 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| line_count/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| line_count/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sos |
| line_count/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-line_count |
| line_position/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| line_position/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sos |
| line_position/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-line_position |
| listing/[0,1] (built-in) : | | Syntax Errors |
| listing/[0,1] (built-in) : | | ref-mod-idp |
| listing/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-listing |
| list_queue/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| list_to_assoc/2 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| list_to_avl/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| list_to_bag/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| list_to_fdset/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| list_to_mutarray/2 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| list_to_mutdict/2 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| list_to_ord_set/2 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| list_to_set/2 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| list_to_tree/2 (trees) : | | lib-trees |
| lmdb_close/1 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_compress/2 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_create/[2,3] (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_enumerate/3 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_erase/2 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_export/2 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_fetch/3 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_findall/3 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_import/2 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_iterator_done/1 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_iterator_next/3 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_make_iterator/3 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_open/[2,3] (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_property/2 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_store/3 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_sync/1 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_with_db/[2,3] (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| lmdb_with_iterator/3 (lmdb) : | | LMDB The Predicates |
| load_files/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-sls-ssl |
| load_files/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-load_files |
| load_foreign_resource/1 (built-in) : | | Interface Predicates |
| load_foreign_resource/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-load_foreign_resource |
M | | |
| make_directory/1 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| make_sub_bag/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| mapbag/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| mapbag/3 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| maplist/[2,3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| map_assoc/2 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| map_assoc/3 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| map_list_queue/3 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| map_product/5 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| map_queue/[2,3] (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| map_queue_list/3 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| map_tree/3 (trees) : | | lib-trees |
| max/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| maximize/1 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| maximize/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| maximum/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| maximum_arg/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| max_assoc/3 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| max_cliques/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| max_member/[2,3] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| max_path/5 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| max_path/5 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| maybe/[0,1,2] (random) : | | lib-random |
| mean/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| median/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| member/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-acl |
| member/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-member |
| member/3 (bags, deprecated) : | | lib-bags |
| memberchk/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-acl |
| memberchk/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-memberchk |
| memberchk/3 (bags, deprecated) : | | lib-bags |
| merge/[3,4] (samsort) : | | lib-samsort |
| message/4 (objects) : | | obj-exp-message |
| message_hook/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-message_hook |
| message_hook/3 (user, hook) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| meta_predicate/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-meta_predicate |
| meta_predicate/1 (declaration) : | | Meta-Predicate Declarations |
| meta_predicate/1 (declaration) : | | ref-mod-met |
| min/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| minimize/1 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| minimize/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| minimum/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| minimum_arg/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| min_assoc/3 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| min_max/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| min_member/[2,3] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| min_path/5 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| min_path/5 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| min_paths/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| min_paths/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| min_tree/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| min_tree/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| ml_standard_deviation/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| ml_variance/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| mode/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-mode |
| mode/1 (declaration) : | | Mode Declarations |
| mode/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| module/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-module |
| module/[2,3] (declaration) : | | Module Declarations |
| module/[2,3] (declaration) : | | ref-mod-lod |
| multifile/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-multifile |
| multifile/1 (declaration) : | | Multifile Declarations |
| multi_cumulative/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Scheduling Constraints |
| must_be/4 (types) : | | lib-types |
| mutable/1 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-mut |
| mutable/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-mutable |
| mutarray_append/2 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_gen/3 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_get/3 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_last/2 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_length/2 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_put/3 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_set_length/2 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_to_list/2 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutarray_update/4 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| mutdict_append/2 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_clear/1 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_delete/2 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_empty/1 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_gen/3 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_get/3 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_items/2 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_keys/2 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_put/3 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_size/1 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_update/4 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mutdict_values/2 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| mzn_load_file/[2,3] (zinc) : | | MiniZinc Exported Predicates |
| mzn_load_file/[2,3] (zinc) : | | MiniZinc Exported Predicates |
| mzn_run_file/[1,2] (zinc) : | | MiniZinc Exported Predicates |
| mzn_run_model/[1,2] (zinc) : | | MiniZinc Exported Predicates |
| mzn_to_fzn/[2,3] (zinc) : | | MiniZinc Exported Predicates |
N | | |
| name/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| name/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| name/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-name |
| neighbors/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| neighbors/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| neighbours/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| neighbours/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| network_flow/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Graph Constraints |
| new/[2,3] (structs) : | | str-cdf |
| new_mutarray/1 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| new_mutarray/2 (mutarray) : | | lib-mutarray |
| new_mutdict/1 (mutdict) : | | lib-mutdict |
| nextto/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| nl/[0,1] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cou-nln |
| nl/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-nl |
| nodebug/0 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| nodebug/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-nodebug |
| nodebug_message/0 (objects) : | | obj-exp-nodebug_message |
| nondet/0 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| nonmember/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-acl |
| nonmember/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-nonmember |
| nonvar/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-nonvar |
| normalize/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| nospy/1 (built-in) : | | Plain Spypoint |
| nospy/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-nospy |
| nospyall/0 (built-in) : | | Plain Spypoint |
| nospyall/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-nospyall |
| notrace/0 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| notrace/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-notrace |
| now/1 (system) : | | lib-system |
| nozip/0 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| nozip/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-nozip |
| nth0/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| nth1/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| null_foreign_term/2 (structs) : | | str-nul |
| number/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-number |
| numbervars/1 (varnumbers) : | | lib-varnumbers |
| numbervars/3 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-anv |
| numbervars/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-numbervars |
| number_chars/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| number_chars/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| number_chars/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-number_chars |
| number_codes/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| number_codes/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-c2t |
| number_codes/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-number_codes |
| numlist/[2,3,5] (between) : | | lib-between |
| nvalue/2 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
O | | |
| occurrences_of_term/3 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| occurrences_of_var/3 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| odbc_db_open/3 (odbc) : | | ODBC Predicates |
| odbc_db_open/4 (odbc) : | | ODBC Predicates |
| odbc_db_open/5 (odbc) : | | ODBC Predicates |
| odbc_env_open/1 (odbc) : | | ODBC Predicates |
| odbc_list_DSN/2 (odbc) : | | ODBC Predicates |
| once/1 : | | ref-sem-ctr-ite |
| once/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-once |
| one_longer/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| on_exception/3 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-leg |
| on_exception/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-on_exception |
| op/3 (built-in) : | | ref-syn-ops-ops |
| op/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-op |
| open/[3,4] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-sob |
| open/[3,4] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| open/[3,4] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-open |
| open_codes_stream/2 (codesio) : | | lib-codesio |
| open_null_stream/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| open_null_stream/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-open_null_stream |
| ordered/[1,2] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| ordering/1 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| ordering/1 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Variable Ordering |
| ordset_order/3 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_add_element/3 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_del_element/3 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_disjoint/2 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_disjoint_union/3 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_intersect/2 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_intersection/[2,3,4] (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_list_to_assoc/2 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| ord_list_to_avl/2 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| ord_member/2 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_nonmember/2 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_seteq/2 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_setproduct/3 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_subset/2 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_subtract/3 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_symdiff/3 (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| ord_union/[2,3,4] (ordsets) : | | lib-ordsets |
| otherwise/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-otherwise |
| out/1 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
P | | |
| pairfrom/4 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| partition/5 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| path/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| path/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| peek_byte/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-pee |
| peek_byte/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-peek_byte |
| peek_char/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-pee |
| peek_char/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-peek_char |
| peek_code/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-pee |
| peek_code/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-peek_code |
| perm/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| perm2/4 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| permutation/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| phrase/[2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-gru-exa |
| phrase/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-phrase |
| pointer_object/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-pointer_object |
| population_standard_deviation/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| population_variance/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| portray/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-portray |
| portray/1 (user, hook) : | | ref-iou-tou-por |
| portray/1 (user, hook) : | | CLPQR Fragments and Bits |
| portray_assoc/1 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| portray_avl/1 (avl) : | | lib-avl |
| portray_bag/1 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| portray_clause/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tou-pcl |
| portray_clause/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-portray_clause |
| portray_message/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-portray_message |
| portray_message/2 (user, hook) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| portray_queue/1 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| power_set/2 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| predicate_property/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lps-app |
| predicate_property/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mod-ilm-vis |
| predicate_property/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mod-ilm-vis |
| predicate_property/2 (built-in) : | | ref-mod-ilm-vis |
| predicate_property/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-predicate_property |
| prefix/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| prefix_length/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| print/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tou-dsp |
| print/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-print |
| print_coverage/[0,1] (built-in) : | | Coverage Analysis |
| print_coverage/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-print_coverage |
| print_message/2 (built-in) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| print_message/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-print_message |
| print_message_lines/3 (built-in) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| print_message_lines/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-print_message_lines |
| print_profile/[0,1] (built-in) : | | Execution Profiling |
| print_profile/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-print_profile |
| process_create/[2,3] (process) : | | lib-process |
| process_id/1 (process) : | | lib-process |
| process_id/2 (process) : | | lib-process |
| process_kill/[1,2] (process) : | | lib-process |
| process_release/1 (process) : | | lib-process |
| process_wait/[2,3] (process) : | | lib-process |
| profile_data/1 (built-in) : | | Execution Profiling |
| profile_data/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-profile_data |
| profile_reset/0 (built-in) : | | Execution Profiling |
| profile_reset/0 (built-in) : | | Coverage Analysis |
| profile_reset/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-profile_reset |
| projecting_assert/1 (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| project_attributes/2 (Module) : | | lib-atts |
| prolog_flag/[2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tin-trm |
| prolog_flag/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-prolog_flag |
| prolog_load_context/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-prolog_load_context |
| prompt/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tin-cpr |
| prompt/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-prompt |
| proper_length/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| proper_prefix/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| proper_prefix_length/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| proper_segment/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| proper_suffix/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| proper_suffix_length/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| public/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-public |
| public/1 (declaration) : | | Public Declarations |
| put_assoc/4 (assoc) : | | lib-assoc |
| put_atts/2 (Module) : | | lib-atts |
| put_byte/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cou-cha |
| put_byte/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-put_byte |
| put_char/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cou-cha |
| put_char/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-put_char |
| put_code/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cou-cha |
| put_code/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-put_code |
| put_contents/3 (structs) : | | str-afd |
| put_label/[4,5] (trees) : | | lib-trees |
Q | | |
| query_abbreviation/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_abbreviation |
| query_abbreviation/3 (SU_messages) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| query_class/5 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_class |
| query_class/5 (SU_messages) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| query_class_hook/5 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_class_hook |
| query_class_hook/5 (user, hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| query_hook/6 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_hook |
| query_hook/6 (user, hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| query_input/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_input |
| query_input/3 (SU_messages) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| query_input_hook/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_input_hook |
| query_input_hook/3 (user, hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| query_map/4 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_map |
| query_map/4 (SU_messages) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| query_map_hook/4 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_map_hook |
| query_map_hook/4 (user, hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| queue_append/3 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_cons/3 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_head/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_last/[2,3] (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_length/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_list/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_member/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_memberchk/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| queue_tail/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
R | | |
| raise_exception/1 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-leg |
| raise_exception/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-raise_exception |
| random/[1,3] (random) : | | lib-random |
| random_member/2 (random) : | | lib-random |
| random_numlist/4 (random) : | | lib-random |
| random_perm2/4 (random) : | | lib-random |
| random_permutation/2 (random) : | | lib-random |
| random_select/3 (random) : | | lib-random |
| random_subseq/3 (random) : | | lib-random |
| random_ugraph/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| random_wgraph/4 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| range/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| range_to_fdset/2 (clpfd) : | | FD Set Operations |
| rd/[1,2] (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| rd_noblock/1 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| reachable/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| reachable/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| read/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tin-trm |
| read/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-read |
| read_from_codes/2 (codesio) : | | lib-codesio |
| read_line/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-read_line |
| read_record/[1,2] (csv) : | | lib-csv |
| read_records/[1,2] (csv) : | | lib-csv |
| read_record_from_codes/[2,3] (csv) : | | lib-csv |
| read_term/[2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tin-trm |
| read_term/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-read_term |
| read_term_from_codes/3 (codesio) : | | lib-codesio |
| reconsult/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-reconsult |
| recorda/3 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-idb |
| recorda/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-recorda |
| recorded/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-recorded |
| recordz/3 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-idb |
| recordz/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-recordz |
| reduce/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| reduce/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| register_event_listener/[2,3] (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| register_query/[2,3] (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| regular/2 (clpfd) : | | Sequence Constraints |
| relation/3 (clpfd) : | | Extensional Constraints |
| remove_breakpoints/1 (built-in) : | | Built-in Predicates for Breakpoint Handling |
| remove_breakpoints/1 (built-in) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| remove_breakpoints/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-remove_breakpoints |
| remove_dups/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| rem_add_link/4 (rem) : | | lib-rem |
| rem_create/2 (rem) : | | lib-rem |
| rem_equivalent/3 (rem) : | | lib-rem |
| rem_head/3 (random) : | | lib-rem |
| rename_directory/2 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| rename_file/2 (file_systems) : | | lib-file_systems |
| repeat/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-repeat |
| repeat/1 (between) : | | lib-between |
| restore/1 (built-in) : | | Saving |
| restore/1 (built-in) : | | ref-sls-sst |
| restore/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-restore |
| retract/1 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-rcd |
| retract/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-retract |
| retractall/1 (built-in) : | | ref-mdb-rcd |
| retractall/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-retractall |
| rev/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| reverse/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| rotate_list/[2,3] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| runtime_entry/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-runtime_entry |
| runtime_entry/1 (user, hook) : | | too-spld |
| run_tests/[0,1,2] (plunit) : | | PlUnit Running the Test-Suite |
S | | |
| same_functor/[2,3,4] (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| same_length/[2,3] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| samkeysort/2 (samsort) : | | lib-samsort |
| sample_standard_deviation/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| sample_variance/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| samsort/[2,3] (samsort) : | | lib-samsort |
| sat/1 (clpb) : | | CLPB Interface |
| save_files/2 (built-in) : | | Saving |
| save_files/2 (built-in) : | | ref-sls-ssl |
| save_files/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-save_files |
| save_modules/2 (built-in) : | | Saving |
| save_modules/2 (built-in) : | | ref-sls-ssl |
| save_modules/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-save_modules |
| save_predicates/2 (built-in) : | | Saving |
| save_predicates/2 (built-in) : | | ref-sls-ssl |
| save_predicates/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-save_predicates |
| save_program/[1,2] (built-in) : | | Saving |
| save_program/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-sls-sst |
| save_program/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-save_program |
| scalar_product/[4,5] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| scalar_product_reif/[5,6] (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| scanlist/[4,5,6] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| see/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| see/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-see |
| seeing/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-cis |
| seeing/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-seeing |
| seek/4 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-raf |
| seek/4 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-seek |
| seen/0 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-cst |
| seen/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-seen |
| segment/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| select/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| select/4 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| selectchk/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| selectchk/4 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| select_max/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| select_min/[3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| seq_precede_chain/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Sequence Constraints |
| session_get/4 (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| session_put/3 (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| set/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| seteq/2 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| setof/3 (built-in) : | | ref-all-cse |
| setof/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-setof |
| setproduct/3 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| setrand/1 (random) : | | lib-random |
| setup/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| set_input/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| set_input/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| set_input/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-set_input |
| set_module/1 (built-in) : | | ref-mod-tyi |
| set_module/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-set_module |
| set_order/3 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| set_output/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| set_output/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| set_output/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-set_output |
| set_prolog_flag/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-set_prolog_flag |
| set_stream_position/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-raf |
| set_stream_position/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-set_stream_position |
| shorter_list/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| shutdown/[0,1] (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| shutdown_server/0 (linda_client) : | | lib-linda-client |
| simple/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-simple |
| singleton_queue/2 (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| size_bound/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| skewness/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| skip_byte/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-ski |
| skip_byte/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-skip_byte |
| skip_char/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-ski |
| skip_char/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-skip_char |
| skip_code/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-ski |
| skip_code/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-skip_code |
| skip_line/[0,1] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-cin-ski |
| skip_line/[0,1] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-skip_line |
| sleep/1 (system) : | | lib-system |
| smt/1 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| socket_client_open/3 (sockets) : | | lib-sockets |
| socket_select/7 (sockets) : | | lib-sockets |
| socket_server_accept/4 (sockets) : | | lib-sockets |
| socket_server_close/1 (sockets) : | | lib-sockets |
| socket_server_open/[2,3] (sockets) : | | lib-sockets |
| solve/2 (clpfd) : | | Enumeration Predicates |
| some/[2,3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| somebag/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| somechk/[2,3,4] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| somechkbag/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| somechk_queue/[2,3] (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| some_queue/[2,3] (queues) : | | lib-queues |
| sort/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-cte-sor |
| sort/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-sort |
| sorting/3 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| source_file/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-lps-apf |
| source_file/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-source_file |
| spy/[1,2] (built-in) : | | Plain Spypoint |
| spy/[1,2] (built-in) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| spy/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-spy |
| start/[0,1] (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| statistics/[0,2] (built-in) : | | ref-mgc-ove-sta |
| statistics/[0,2] (built-in) : | | ref-mgc-gcp |
| statistics/[0,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-statistics |
| store_slot/2 (objects) : | | obj-exp-store_slot |
| stream_code/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-sob |
| stream_code/2 (built-in) : | | Prolog Streams |
| stream_code/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-stream_code |
| stream_position/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-raf |
| stream_position/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-stream_position |
| stream_position_data/3 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-stream_position_data |
| stream_property/2 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-bos |
| stream_property/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-stream_property |
| subcircuit/[1,2] (clpfd) : | | Graph Constraints |
| sublist/[3,4,5] (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| subseq/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| subseq0/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| subseq1/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| subset/2 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| subsumes/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| subsumeschk/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| subsumes_term/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-met-usu |
| subsumes_term/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-subsumes_term |
| subtract/3 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| sub_atom/5 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-atm |
| sub_atom/5 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-sub_atom |
| sub_term/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| suffix/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| suffix_length/3 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| sum/3 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic Constraints |
| sumlist/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| sup/[2,4] (clpqr) : | | CLPQR Solver Predicates |
| symdiff/3 (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| symmetric_all_different/1 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| symmetric_all_distinct/1 (clpfd) : | | Arithmetic-Logical Constraints |
| symmetric_closure/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| symmetric_closure/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
T | | |
| table/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Extensional Constraints |
| tail/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| taut/2 (clpb) : | | CLPB Interface |
| tcl_delete/1 (tcltk) : | | Basic Functions |
| tcl_delete/1 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters |
| tcl_eval/3 (tcltk) : | | Evaluation Functions |
| tcl_eval/3 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters |
| tcl_event/3 (tcltk) : | | Event Functions |
| tcl_event/3 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters |
| tcl_new/1 (tcltk) : | | Basic Functions |
| tcl_new/1 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters |
| tell/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-opn |
| tell/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-tell |
| telling/1 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-cos |
| telling/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-telling |
| term_depth/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| term_expansion/6 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_expansion |
| term_expansion/6 (user, hook) : | | ref-lod-exp |
| term_hash/[2,3,4] (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| term_order/3 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| term_size/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| term_subsumer/3 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| term_variables/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-act |
| term_variables/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_variables |
| term_variables/3 (aggregate) : | | lib-aggregate |
| term_variables_bag/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| term_variables_set/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| test/[1,2] (plunit declaration) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| test_sub_bag/2 (bags) : | | lib-bags |
| throw/1 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-rex |
| throw/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-throw |
| throws/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| time_out/3 (timeout) : | | lib-timeout |
| tk_destroy_window/1 (tcltk) : | | Housekeeping |
| tk_destroy_window/1 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| tk_do_one_event/[0,1] (tcltk) : | | Servicing Tk Events |
| tk_do_one_event/[0,1] (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| tk_main_loop/0 (tcltk) : | | Passing Control to Tk |
| tk_main_loop/0 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| tk_main_window/2 (tcltk) : | | Housekeeping |
| tk_main_window/2 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| tk_make_window_exist/1 (tcltk) : | | Housekeeping |
| tk_make_window_exist/1 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| tk_new/2 (tcltk) : | | Basic Functions |
| tk_new/2 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| tk_next_event/[2,3] (tcltk) : | | Event Functions |
| tk_next_event/[2,3] (tcltk) : | | Servicing Tk Events |
| tk_next_event/[2,3] (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| tk_num_main_windows/1 (tcltk) : | | Housekeeping |
| tk_num_main_windows/1 (tcltk) : | | Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions |
| told/0 (built-in) : | | ref-iou-sfh-cst |
| told/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-told |
| top_sort/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| top_sort/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| trace/0 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| trace/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-trace |
| transitive_closure/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| transitive_closure/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| transitive_reduction/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| transpose/2 (lists) : | | lib-lists |
| transpose_ugraph/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| transpose_wgraph/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| tree_size/2 (trees) : | | lib-trees |
| tree_to_list/2 (trees) : | | lib-trees |
| trimcore/0 (built-in) : | | ref-mgc-ove-rsp |
| trimcore/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-trimcore |
| true/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-true |
| true/0 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| true/1 (plunit option) : | | PlUnit A Unit Test Box |
| type_definition/[2,3] (structs) : | | str-etr |
U | | |
| ugraph_to_wgraph/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| ugraph_to_wgraph/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| unbiased_standard_deviation/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| unbiased_variance/2 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| undefine_method/3 (objects) : | | obj-exp-undefine_method |
| unify_with_occurs_check/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-met-usu |
| unify_with_occurs_check/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-unify_with_occurs_check |
| uninherit/1 (objects) : | | obj-exp-uninherit |
| union/[2,3,4] (sets) : | | lib-sets |
| unknown/2 (built-in) : | | Undefined Predicates |
| unknown/2 (built-in) : | | ref-ere-hex-hup |
| unknown/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-unknown |
| unknown_predicate_handler/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-unknown_predicate_handler |
| unknown_predicate_handler/3 (user, hook) : | | Undefined Predicates |
| unknown_predicate_handler/3 (user, hook) : | | ref-ere-hex-hup |
| unload_foreign_resource/1 (built-in) : | | Interface Predicates |
| unload_foreign_resource/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-unload_foreign_resource |
| unregister_event_listener/1 (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| unregister_query/1 (prologbeans) : | | PB Prolog Server Interface |
| update_mutable/2 (built-in) : | | ref-lte-mut |
| update_mutable/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-update_mutable |
| user:breakpoint_expansion/2 (hook) : | | Hooks Related to Breakpoints |
| user:breakpoint_expansion/2 (hook) : | | Condition Macros |
| user:breakpoint_expansion/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-breakpoint_expansion |
| user:debugger_command_hook/2 (hook) : | | Hooks Related to Breakpoints |
| user:debugger_command_hook/2 (hook) : | | Breakpoint Predicates |
| user:debugger_command_hook/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-debugger_command_hook |
| user:error_exception/1 (hook) : | | ref-ere-hex |
| user:error_exception/1 (hook) : | | Exceptions Debug |
| user:error_exception/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-error_exception |
| user:file_search_path/2 (hook) : | | ref-fdi-fsp-def |
| user:file_search_path/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-file_search_path |
| user:generate_message_hook/3 (hook) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| user:generate_message_hook/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-generate_message_hook |
| user:library_directory/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-library_directory |
| user:message_hook/3 (hook) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| user:message_hook/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-message_hook |
| user:portray/1 (hook) : | | ref-iou-tou-por |
| user:portray/1 (hook) : | | CLPQR Fragments and Bits |
| user:portray/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-portray |
| user:portray_message/2 (hook) : | | Message Handling Predicates |
| user:portray_message/2 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-portray_message |
| user:query_class_hook/5 (hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| user:query_class_hook/5 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_class_hook |
| user:query_hook/6 (hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| user:query_input_hook/3 (hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| user:query_input_hook/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_input_hook |
| user:query_map_hook/4 (hook) : | | Query Handling Predicates |
| user:query_map_hook/4 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-query_map_hook |
| user:runtime_entry/1 (hook) : | | too-spld |
| user:runtime_entry/1 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-runtime_entry |
| user:term_expansion/6 (hook) : | | ref-lod-exp |
| user:term_expansion/6 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-term_expansion |
| user:unknown_predicate_handler/3 (hook) : | | Undefined Predicates |
| user:unknown_predicate_handler/3 (hook) : | | ref-ere-hex-hup |
| user:unknown_predicate_handler/3 (hook, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-unknown_predicate_handler |
| use_module/[1,2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-mod-lod |
| use_module/[1,2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-use_module |
V | | |
| value_precede_chain/[2,3] (clpfd) : | | Sequence Constraints |
| var/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-var |
| variant/2 (terms) : | | lib-terms |
| varnumbers/[2,3] (varnumbers) : | | lib-varnumbers |
| verify_attributes/3 (Module) : | | lib-atts |
| vertices/2 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| vertices/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3 (ugraphs) : | | lib-ugraphs |
| vertices_edges_to_wgraph/3 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| view/0 (gauge) : | | lib-gauge |
| volatile/1 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-volatile |
| volatile/1 (declaration) : | | Volatile Declarations |
W | | |
| weighted_mean/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| weighted_standard_deviation/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| weighted_variance/3 (statistics) : | | lib-statistics |
| wgraph_to_ugraph/2 (wgraphs) : | | lib-wgraphs |
| when/2 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-when |
| with_output_to_codes/[2,3,4] (codesio) : | | lib-codesio |
| write/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tou-wrt |
| write/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-write |
| writeq/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tou-wrt |
| writeq/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-writeq |
| write_canonical/[1,2] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tou-wrt |
| write_canonical/[1,2] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-write_canonical |
| write_record/[1,2] (csv) : | | lib-csv |
| write_records/[1,2] (csv) : | | lib-csv |
| write_record_to_codes/2 (csv) : | | lib-csv |
| write_term/[2,3] (built-in) : | | ref-iou-tou-wrt |
| write_term/[2,3] (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-write_term |
| write_term_to_codes/[3,4] (codesio) : | | lib-codesio |
| write_to_codes/[2,3] (codesio) : | | lib-codesio |
X | | |
| xml_parse/[2,3] (xml) : | | lib-xml |
| xml_pp/1 (xml) : | | lib-xml |
| xml_subterm/2 (xml) : | | lib-xml |
Z | | |
| zip/0 (built-in) : | | Basic Debug |
| zip/0 (built-in, ref page) : | | mpg-ref-zip |