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Arithmetic Relations

?IExpr #= ?IExpr   reifiable
?IExpr #\= ?IExpr   reifiable
?IExpr #< ?IExpr   reifiable
?IExpr #=< ?IExpr   reifiable
?IExpr #> ?IExpr   reifiable
?IExpr #>= ?IExpr   reifiable
?RExpr $= ?RExpr   reifiable
?RExpr $=< ?RExpr   reifiable
?RExpr $>= ?RExpr   reifiable

defines an arithmetic relation. The syntax for IExpr and RExpr is defined by a grammar (see Syntax of Integer Expressions; see Syntax of Real Expressions). Note that the expressions are not restricted to being linear. Constraints over nonlinear expressions, however, will usually yield less constraint propagation than constraints over linear expressions.

Several examples of arithmetic relations over reals can be found at Equation Solving.

Arithmetic relations can be reified as e.g.:

| ?- X in 1..2, Y in 3..5, X#=<Y #<=> B.
B = 1,
X in 1..2,
Y in 3..5

| ?- X in 1.0..2.0, Y in 3.0..5.0, X$=<Y #<=> B.
B = 1,
X in 1.0..2.0,
Y in 3.0..5.0

| ?- X in 1.0..3.0, X $>= 2.0 #<=> B, indomain(B).
B = 0,
X in 1.0..2.0 ? ;
B = 1,
X in 2.0..3.0 ? ;

Linear integer relations, except equalities, maintain bounds consistency. All other relations endeavor to maintain bounds consistency.

Partiality and Undefined Values

Some arithmetic functions are partial, i.e., they do not have a defined value for all combinations of arguments. The partial integer functions are:

X / Y
X // Y
X div Y
X mod Y
X rem Y

for Y #= 0

X ^ Y

for Y #< 0 if abs(X) #\= 1. Note that this differs from the MiniZinc semantics. In MiniZinc, X ^ Y = 1 div (X ^ -Y) if Y < 0. In SICStus, the CLPFD value is equal to the Prolog value if the latter is defined and integer.


for X not in 0..1

The partial real functions are:


for X $=< 0.0 if Y is not integral.


for X not in 0..1.


for X $=< 0.0.


for X not in -1.0 .. 1.0.


for X $=< 1.0.


for X in -1.0 .. 1.0.

Like MiniZinc, SICStus implements the relational semantics of partial functions. Quoting [MiniZincHandbook], “any undefinedness bubbles up to the closest Boolean context and becomes false there”. Here, a Boolean context is simply an arithmetic relation. A few examples illustrate how this works:

| ?- Y in -1 .. 1, 10 div Y #= Z, indomain(Y).
Y = -1, Z = -10 ? ;
Y = 1, Z = 10 ? ;

Here, the division by zero silently made the #= constraint fail.

| ?- Y in 0..1, 10 div Y #= 10 #<=> B, indomain(Y).
Y = 0, B = 0 ? ;
Y = 1, B = 1 ? ;

Here, the division by zero again made the #= constraint fail, reflected in the answer B = 0.

| ?- Y in -1 .. 1, Z #= if_then_else(1, 2, 10 div Y), indomain(Y).
Y = -1, Z = 2 ? ;
Y = 1, Z = 2 ? ;

Here, the division by zero “bubbled up” through the if-then-else expression, making #= fail for Y = 0, even though if_then_else/3 actually did not use its third argument.

| ?- X in 1..2, Y in -1 .. 1, X ^ Y #= Z, indomain(X), indomain(Y).
X = 1, Y = -1, Z = 1 ? ;
X = 1, Y = 0, Z = 1 ? ;
X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1 ? ;
X = 2, Y = 0, Z = 1 ? ;
X = 2, Y = 1, Z = 2 ? ;

Here, 2 ^ -1 #= Z failed, because 2 ^ -1 is undefined.

Other Arithmetic Constraints

The following constraints are among the library constraints that general arithmetic constraints compile to. They express a relation between a sum or a scalar product and a value, using a dedicated algorithm, which avoids creating any temporary variables holding intermediate values. If you are computing a sum or a scalar product, then it can be much more efficient to compute lists of coefficients and variables and post a single sum or scalar product constraint than to post a sequence of elementary constraints.

sum(+Xs, +IRelOp, ?Value)

where Xs is a list of integer arguments, IRelOp is a relational symbol as above, and Value is an integer argument. True if sum(Xs) IRelOp Value. Corresponds roughly to sumlist/2 in library(lists).

scalar_product(+Coeffs, +Xs, +IRelOp, ?Value)   reifiable
scalar_product(+Coeffs, +Xs, +IRelOp, ?Value, +Options)   reifiable

where Coeffs is a list of length n of integers, Xs is a list of length n of integer arguments, IRelOp is a relational symbol as above, and Value is an integer argument. True if sum(Coeffs*Xs) IRelOp Value.

Options is a list that may include the following options:

among(Least,Most,Range)   obsolescent

If given, then Least and Most should be integers and Range should be an IntegerRange (see Syntax of Range Expressions). This option imposes the additional constraint on Xs that at least Least and at most Most elements belong to Range.


This can be used to control the level of consistency used by the constraint. The value is one of the following:


The constraint maintains domain consistency. Please note: This option is only meaningful if IRelOp is #=, and requires that all integer arguments have finite bounds.


The constraint tries to maintain bounds consistency (the default). Note that the same algorithm is used also if Cons = value.

scalar_product_reif(+Coeffs, +Xs, +IRelOp, ?Value, ?Reif)   since release 4.5
scalar_product_reif(+Coeffs, +Xs, +IRelOp, ?Value, ?Reif, +Options)

is the reified version of scalar_product/[4,5], i.e., Reif is 1 if scalar_product/[4,5] with the same arguments holds; otherwise, Reif is 0.

The following constraints constrain a numeric argument to be the minimum (maximum) value of a given list.

minimum(?Value, +Xs)   polymorphic

where Xs is a list of numeric arguments, and Value is a numeric argument. True if Value is the minimum of Xs. Corresponds to min_member/2 in library(lists) and to minimum in MiniZinc.

maximum(?Value, +Xs)   polymorphic

where Xs is a list of numeric arguments, and Value is a numeric argument. True if Value is the maximum of Xs. Corresponds to max_member/2 in library(lists) and to maximum in MiniZinc.

The following constraints constrain an integer argument to be the index of the minimum (maximum) value of a given list. They maintain domain consistency.

minimum_arg(+Xs, ?Index)   since release 4.6

where Xs is a list of integer arguments, and Index is an integer argument. True if Index is the index of the minimum value of Xs, counting from 1. If that value occurs more than once, Index is the index of the first occurrence. Corresponds to arg_min and minimum_arg in MiniZinc.

maximum_arg(+Xs, ?Index)   since release 4.6

where Xs is a list of integer arguments, and Index is an integer argument. True if Index is the index of the maximum value of Xs, counting from 1. If that value occurs more than once, Index is the index of the first occurrence. Corresponds to arg_max and maximum_arg in MiniZinc.

The following constrain restricts a numeric argument to take the value of either of two other numeric arguments, depending on a Boolean argument. It maintains domain consistency.

if_then_else(If, Then, Else, Value)   polymorphic,since release 4.8.0

True if If=1 and Value=Then, or If=0 and Value=Else. If should be an integer argument with domain contained in 0..1. Then, Else, and Value should be numeric arguments, either both integer or both real. Corresponds to if-then-else expressions in most programming and modeling languages.

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