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Following are the currently supported solve annotations:
bool_search(array[int] of var bool: x, ann: a1, ann: a2, ann: a3)
int_search(array[int] of var int: x, ann: a1, ann: a2, ann: a3)
seq_search(array[int] of ann: s)
restart_constant(int: scale) since release 4.10.0
restart_geometric(float: base, int: scale) since release 4.10.0
restart_linear(int: scale) since release 4.10.0
restart_luby(int: scale) since release 4.10.0
relax_and_reconstruct(array[int] of var int: x, int: p) since release 4.10.0
Described in the MiniZinc documentation.
lex_minimize(array[int] of var int: x) since release 4.10.0
lex_maximize(array[int] of var int: x) since release 4.10.0
An annotation of this form supersedes any solve objective
, minimize expr
, or maximize expr
with a lexicographic minimize or maximize objective, as described in
Enumeration Predicates.
pareto_minimize(array[int] of var int: x) since release 4.10.0
pareto_maximize(array[int] of var int: x) since release 4.10.0
An annotation of this form supersedes any solve objective
, minimize expr
, or maximize expr
with a Pareto minimize or maximize objective, as described in
Enumeration Predicates.
To illustrate how lexicographic and Pareto objectives work, suppose you have
a model with variables x
to minimize and y
to maximize.
One way to express that is with the objective minimize x - y
include "globals.mzn"; var 0..10: x; var 0..10: y; constraint y <= x+5; constraint y <= 15-x; solve minimize x-y;
Let’s run it:
$ minizinc --solver sicstus demo.mzn x = 0; y = 5; ---------- ==========
Another way to express it is to minimize x
, breaking ties by
maximizing y
, i.e., by lexicographic minimization. Let’s
change the solve
statement to:
solve :: lex_minimize([x,-y]) satisfy;
and rerun:
$ minizinc --solver sicstus demo.mzn x = 0; y = 5; ---------- ==========
The solution was the same, but that is not generally the case for less
trivial models. Let’s investigate what happens if we swap the priorities, i.e.,
maximize y
, breaking ties by minimizing x
solve :: lex_maximize([y,-x]) satisfy;
where satisfy
is superseded but required for syntax correctness,
and rerun:
$ minizinc --solver sicstus demo.mzn x = 5; y = 10; ---------- ==========
Finally, let’s investigate the relation between the two objectives by
collecting the set of solutions where no solution is dominated
is not smaller and y
is not greater) by another
solution. Such a set of solutions is known as a Pareto front.
solve :: pareto_minimize([x,-y]) satisfy;
where satisfy
is superseded but required for syntax correctness,
and rerun:
$ minizinc --solver sicstus demo.mzn x = 5; y = 10; ---------- x = 4; y = 9; ---------- x = 3; y = 8; ---------- x = 2; y = 7; ---------- x = 1; y = 6; ---------- x = 0; y = 5; ---------- ==========
Variables not included in any solve or is_defined_var
annotation are labeled with a default heuristic that corresponds to
of library(clpfd)
with the option list
Heuristics that involve randomization depend on a random seed. The
seed is the same in each run, meaning that the same sequence of values
will be tried in each run. This behavior can be changed by setting a
specific random seed using clpfd:fd_setrand/1
Constraint annotations of the form domain
, bounds
, and
are recognized by the FlatZinc interpreter. Any other
constraint annotation is ignored.
The following variable annotations are recognized. Any other variable annotation is ignored:
output_var since release 4.2
the variable may be written on the current output stream.
output_array since release 4.2
the variable array may be written on the current output stream.
the variable will not be considered in any default labeling (such as when the search annotations do not include all variables)