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The following example defines a new global constraint exactly(X,L,N), which is true if X occurs exactly N times in the list L of integer variables. N must be an integer when the constraint is posted. A version without this restriction and defined in terms of reified equalities was presented earlier; see Reified Constraints.

This example illustrates the use of state information. The state has two components: the list of variables that could still be X, and the number of variables still required to be X.

The constraint is defined to wake up on any domain change.

An implementation of exactly(I, X[1]...X[m], N):

Necessary condition: 0 <= N <= m.
Rewrite rules:

[1] |= X[i]=I  → exactly(I, X[1]...X[i-1],X[i+1]...X[m], N-1):
[2] |= X[i]!=I → exactly(I, X[1]...X[i-1],X[i+1]...X[m], N):
[3] |= N=0     → X[1]!=I ... X[m]!=I
[4] |= N=m     → X[1]=I  ... X[m]=I
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

% the entrypoint
exactly(I, Xs, N) :-
        dom_suspensions(Xs, Susp),
        fd_global(exactly(I,Xs,N), state(Xs,N), Susp).

dom_suspensions([], []).
dom_suspensions([X|Xs], [dom(X)|Susp]) :- 
        dom_suspensions(Xs, Susp).

% the propagator
:- multifile clpfd:dispatch_global/4.
clpfd:dispatch_global(exactly(I,_,_), state(Xs0,N0), state(Xs,N), Actions) :-
        exactly_solver(I, Xs0, Xs, N0, N, Actions).

exactly_solver(I, Xs0, Xs, N0, N, Actions) :-
        ex_filter(Xs0, Xs, N0, N, I),
        length(Xs, M),
        (   N=:=0 -> Actions = [exit|Ps], ex_neq(Xs, I, Ps)
        ;   N=:=M -> Actions = [exit|Ps], ex_eq(Xs, I, Ps)
        ;   N>0, N<M -> Actions = []
        ;   Actions = [fail]
% rules [1,2]: filter the X's, decrementing N
ex_filter([], [], N, N, _).
ex_filter([X|Xs], Ys, L, N, I) :- X==I, !,
        M is L-1,
        ex_filter(Xs, Ys, M, N, I).
ex_filter([X|Xs], Ys0, L, N, I) :-
        fd_set(X, Set),
        fdset_member(I, Set), !,
        Ys0 = [X|Ys],
        ex_filter(Xs, Ys, L, N, I).
ex_filter([_|Xs], Ys, L, N, I) :-
        ex_filter(Xs, Ys, L, N, I).

% rule [3]: all must be neq I
ex_neq(Xs, I, Ps) :-
        fdset_singleton(Set0, I),
        fdset_complement(Set0, Set),
        eq_all(Xs, Set, Ps).

% rule [4]: all must be eq I
ex_eq(Xs, I, Ps) :-
        fdset_singleton(Set, I),
        eq_all(Xs, Set, Ps).

eq_all([], _, []).
eq_all([X|Xs], Set, [X in_set Set|Ps]) :- 
        eq_all(Xs, Set, Ps).


% sample queries: 

| ?- exactly(5,[A,B,C],1), A=5.  
A = 5, 
B in(inf..4)\/(6..sup), C in(inf..4)\/(6..sup)

| ?- exactly(5,[A,B,C],1), A in 1..2, B in 3..4.
C = 5,
A in 1..2,
B in 3..4

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