Book Index
!/0, cut
: Control, Cut
# /2, bitwise exclusive or
: Arithmetic
# /2, boolean eor
#/\ /2 (clpfd)
: Propositional Constraints
#< /2 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
#<= /2 (clpfd)
: Propositional Constraints
#<=> /2 (clpfd)
: Propositional Constraints, Reified Constraints
#= /2 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
#=< /2 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
#=> /2 (clpfd)
: Propositional Constraints
#> /2 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
#>= /2 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
#\ /1 (clpfd)
: Propositional Constraints
#\ /2 (clpfd)
: Propositional Constraints
#\/ /2 (clpfd)
: Propositional Constraints
#\= /2 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
: Message Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
(vbsp becomes \VBSP and findex cannot
: Loading the Prolog Code
* /2, boolean and
* /2, multiplication
: Arithmetic
** /2, exponent
: Arithmetic
+ /1, identity
: Arithmetic
+ /2, addition
: Arithmetic
+ /2, boolean ior
,/2, conjunction
: Control
- /1, negation
: Arithmetic
- /2, subtraction
: Arithmetic
--> /2, grammar rule
: Term and Goal Expansion
-/2 (debugger show control)
: Action Variables
-> /2 ;/2, if then else
: Control
-> /2, if then
: Control
. /2, consult
: Read In
. /2, identity
: Arithmetic
- .emacs Emacs initialization file: Quick-Start
/ /2, floating division
: Arithmetic
// /2, integer division
: Arithmetic
/\ /2, bitwise conjunction
: Arithmetic
:- /1, directive
: Directives
:- /2, clause
: Programs
: Control
::/1 (objects)
: Obj Self
::/2 (objects)
: Obj Self
;/2, disjunction
: Control
< /2, arithmetic less than
: Arithmetic
< /2, boolean less
<:/1 (objects)
: Obj Self
<:/2 (objects)
: Obj Self
<< /2, left shift
: Arithmetic
= /2, unification
: Misc Pred
=.. /2, univ
: Meta Logic
=/2 (clpfd:dispatch_global/4 request)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
=:= /2, arithmetic equal
: Arithmetic
=:= /2, boolean equal
=< /2, arithmetic less or equal
: Arithmetic
=< /2, boolean less or equal
== /2, equality of terms
: Term Compare
=\= /2, arithmetic not equal
: Arithmetic
=\= /2, boolean not equal
> /2, arithmetic greater than
: Arithmetic
> /2, boolean greater
>= /2, arithmetic greater or equal
: Arithmetic
>= /2, boolean greater or equal
>> /2, right shift
: Arithmetic
?- /1, query
: Queries
?= /2, terms identical or cannot unify
: Term Compare
@< /2, term less than
: Term Compare
@=< /2, term less or equal
: Term Compare
@> /2, term greater than
: Term Compare
@>= /2, term greater or equal
: Term Compare
[]/0 (debugger condition)
: Other Tests
[]/0, consult
: Read In
\ /1, bitwise negation
: Arithmetic
\+ /1, not provable
: Control
\/ /2, bitwise disjunction
: Arithmetic
\= /2, not unifiable
: Misc Pred
\== /2, inequality of terms
: Term Compare
^ /2, boolean existential quantifier
^ /2, existential quantifier
: All Solutions
- abolish: Glossary
abolish/0 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Modify Prog
abort (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Misc Pred
abort/0 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
abs/1, absolute value
: Arithmetic
: Stream Pred
accept (top-level command)
: Queries
accepted_hosts/1 (start/1 option)
: PB Prolog Interface
- access driven programming: Obj Daemons
access/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
- accumulating parameter: Accumulating Parameters
acos/1, function
: Arithmetic
acosh/1, function
: Arithmetic
acot/1, function
: Arithmetic
acot2/2, function
: Arithmetic
acoth/1, function
: Arithmetic
- action condition, breakpoint: Action Conditions
- action execution, breakpoint: Breakpoint Actions
- action variables, debugger: Action Variables, Breakpoint Actions
- action, breakpoint: Breakpoint Actions, Creating Breakpoints
acyclic_term/1 (terms)
: Term Utilities
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates
add_edges/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
add_edges/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
add_to_heap/4 (heaps)
: Heaps
add_vertices/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
add_vertices/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
- address-constrained memory: Initializing the Prolog Engine
- advice breakpoint: Advice-points, Advanced Debugging
- advice-point: Glossary
advice/0 (debugger condition)
: Other Tests, Advice-points
agc_margin (prolog flag)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs, State Info
- alias, of a stream: Input Output
- alias, stream: Glossary
alias/1 (open/4 option)
: Stream Pred
alias/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
all (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
all (profile_data/4 resolution)
: Profiling
- all solutions: All Solutions
all_different/[1,2] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
all_distinct/[1,2] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- alphanumeric: Glossary
- ancestor goal: Debug Format
ancestor/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
ancestor/2 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests, Accessing Past Debugger States
ancestor/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
- ancestors: Glossary
ancestors (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
ancestors/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
ancestors/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
and_cast/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
annotate goal (debugger command)
: FDBG Debugger Commands
- annotation: FDBG Names of Terms
- anonymous variable: Variables, Glossary
- ANSI conformance: CPL Notes, Function Prototypes
- anti-unifications: Term Utilities
- API: Mixing C and Prolog
app, file search path
: Loading the Prolog Code
append (open/[3,4] mode)
: Stream Pred
- append, avoiding: Accumulating Lists
append/3 (lists)
: Lists
- application builder: The Application Builder
aref/3 (arrays)
: Arrays
arefa/3 (arrays)
: Arrays
arefl/3 (arrays)
: Arrays
: Meta Logic
- argument: Glossary
- arguments, command-line: Start
argv (prolog flag)
: WCX Concepts, Initializing the Prolog Engine, State Info, Start
- arithmetic: Arithmetic
- arithmetic expression: Arithmetic
- arity: Compound Terms, Glossary
array_to_list/2 (arrays)
: Arrays
- arrays: Arrays
aset/4 (arrays)
: Arrays
asin/1, function
: Arithmetic
asinh/1, function
: Arithmetic
ask/0 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
: Query Handling Predicates
assert/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Method Additions
assert/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Modify Prog
asserta/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Method Additions
asserta/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Modify Prog
- asserted clause: Modify Prog
assertz/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Method Additions
assertz/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Modify Prog
- assignment, destructive: Modify Term
assignment/[2,3] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
assoc_to_list/2 (assoc)
: Assoc
- association lists: Assoc
assumptions/1 (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
- asynchronously, calling Prolog: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
: Stream Pred
: Stream Pred
atan/1, function
: Arithmetic
atan2/2, function
: Arithmetic
atanh/1, function
: Arithmetic
- atom: Atoms, Glossary
atom (double_quotes flag value)
: State Info
- atom, one-char: Glossary
: Meta Logic
: Meta Logic
: Meta Logic
: Meta Logic
atom_garbage_collection (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
: Meta Logic
atom_to_chars/[2,3] (charsio)
: Chars I/O
- atomic term: Glossary
: Meta Logic
atoms (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- attribute declaration: Attributes
attribute/1 (declaration)
: Attributes
attribute_goal/2 (Module)
: Attributes
- attributed variables: Attributes
- attributes, object: Object Attributes, Obj Intro
attributes/1 (universal method)
: Universal Methods
augment/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
augmenta/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
augmentz/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
- auto-generation of names: FDBG Name Auto-Generation
- avoiding append: Accumulating Lists
- backtrace: Accessing Past Debugger States, Debug Commands, Glossary
backtrace (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
- backtracking: Procedural, Glossary
- backtracking, terminating a loop: Terminating a Backtracking Loop
backtracks (fd_statistics/2 option)
: Statistics Predicates
backtracks (profile_data/4 option)
: Profiling
: All Solutions
bagof_rd_noblock/3 (linda_client)
: Client
: Blackboard Primitives
: Blackboard Primitives
bb_inf/[3,5] (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
: Blackboard Primitives
: Blackboard Primitives
bid/1 (debugger condition)
: Port Tests, Built-in Predicates for Breakpoint Handling
- binary stream: Input Output
- binary trees: Trees
- binding: Glossary
bisect (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
- blackboard: Blackboard Primitives
- block declaration: Block Declarations
block/0 (debugger port value)
: Port Tests
block/1 (declaration)
: Block Declarations
- blocked goal: Debug Format, Glossary
blocked goals (debugger command)
: FDBG Debugger Commands, Debug Commands
- body: Programs, Glossary
bof (seek/4 method)
: Stream Pred
boolean on PrologSession
: PB Java Interface
boolean on QueryAnswer
: PB Java Interface
boolean on Term
: PB Java Interface
bound/1 (cumulatives/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
bounded (prolog flag)
: State Info
bounds_only/1 (cumulative/5 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
bounds_only/1 (serialized/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- box, invocation: Procedure Box, Glossary
- box, procedure: Procedure Box, Glossary
- box, WCX: WCX Hooks
- break: Nested
break (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
break (top-level command)
: Queries
: Misc Pred, Nested
break_level/1 (debugger condition)
: Past States, Break Tests
- breakpoint: Glossary
- breakpoint action: Breakpoint Actions, Creating Breakpoints
- breakpoint action condition: Action Conditions
- breakpoint action execution: Breakpoint Actions
- breakpoint condition: Creating Breakpoints
- breakpoint conditions: Breakpoint Conditions
- breakpoint handling predicates: Breakpoint Predicates
- breakpoint identifier: Creating Breakpoints
- breakpoint processing: Breakpoint Processing
- breakpoint spec: Creating Breakpoints, Glossary
- breakpoint test: Creating Breakpoints
- breakpoint test condition: Goal Tests
- breakpoint, advice: Advice-points, Advanced Debugging
- breakpoint, debugger: Advanced Debugging
- breakpoint, generic: Specific and Generic Breakpoints
- breakpoint, line: Usage
- breakpoint, setting: Usage
- breakpoint, specific: Specific and Generic Breakpoints
breakpoint_expansion/2 (user)
: Condition Macros, Hooks Related to Breakpoints
- buffer: Glossary
- builder, application: The Application Builder
- built-in predicate: Programs, Glossary
Button (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
button (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
ButtonPress (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
ButtonRelease (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
: Stream Pred
: Term and Goal Expansion
cache_size/1 (db_open/5 option)
: The Predicates
call (leashing mode)
: Basic Debug
- call, procedure: Procedural
call/0 (debugger port value)
: Port Tests
: Control
call/1 (clpfd:dispatch_global/4 request)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
: Control
: Coroutining
- callable term: Glossary
: Meta Logic
- calling Prolog asynchronously: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
- calling Prolog from C: Calling Prolog from C
calls (profile_data/4 option)
: Profiling
- CallSpec: Terminology
canvas (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
card/2, boolean cardinality
case/[3,4] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
: Exception
ceiling/1, function
: Arithmetic
- char-list: Glossary
: Meta Logic
char_conversion (prolog flag)
: State Info, Glossary
: Term I/O
- character code: Glossary
- character code set: WCX Concepts, Glossary
- character I/O: Char I/O
- character set: Token String, Environment Variables
- character, EOF: Keyboard Characters
- character, interrupt: Keyboard Characters
- character-conversion mapping: Glossary
- character-type mapping: WCX Concepts, Glossary
: Stream Pred
character_escapes (prolog flag)
: State Info, Term I/O
character_escapes/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
- characters, wide: Input Output
chars (double_quotes flag value)
: State Info
checkbutton (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
- checking indexicals: Indexicals
choice (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
choice_points (profile_data/4 option)
: Profiling
- choicepoints: Glossary
CHOICESTKSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
- CHR control flow model: CHR Control Flow Model
- CHR debugging messages: CHR Debugging Messages
- CHR debugging options: CHR Debugging Options
- CHR debugging predicates: CHR Debugging Predicates
- CHR spypoints: CHR Spypoints
- CHR, propagation: CHR Introduction
- CHR, simpagation: CHR Introduction
- CHR, simplification: CHR Introduction
- CHR, trying a: How CHR Work
chr_debug/0 (chr)
: CHR Debugging Predicates
chr_debugging/0 (chr)
: CHR Debugging Predicates
chr_leash/1 (chr)
: CHR Debugging Predicates
chr_nodebug/0 (chr)
: CHR Debugging Predicates
chr_nospy/1 (chr)
: CHR Spypoints
chr_notrace/0 (chr)
: CHR Debugging Predicates
chr_spy/1 (chr)
: CHR Spypoints
chr_trace/0 (chr)
: CHR Debugging Predicates
circuit/1 (assignment/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
circuit/[1,2] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- clash, name: Glossary
- Classname, Fully Qualified: Jasper Library Predicates
- clause: Programs, Glossary
clause (profile_data/4 resolution)
: Profiling
- clause, asserted: Modify Prog
- clause, definite: Prolog Intro
- clause, guarded: Conditionals and Disjunction, Glossary
- clause, Horn: Prolog Intro
- clause, retracted: Modify Prog
- clause, unit: Programs, Glossary
: Modify Prog
clauseref/5 (source information descriptor)
: Message Handling Predicates
clique/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
close (Tcl command)
: File I/O
close on SPQuery
: Jasper Package Class Reference
: Stream Pred
close_client/0 (linda_client)
: Client
clpfd:dispatch_global/4 (clpfd)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
clpfd:full_answer/0 (clpfd)
: Answer Constraints
- CLSID: Terminology
- code, character: Glossary
- code, glue: Glossary
- code, source: Glossary
- code, unreachable: Xref Introduction
- code, wide character: WCX Concepts
- code-list: Glossary
codes (double_quotes flag value)
: State Info
- collection, garbage: State Info, Glossary
coloring/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
colouring/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
comclient_clsid_from_progid/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_create_instance/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_equal/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_exception_code/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_exception_culprit/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_exception_description/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_garbage_collect/0 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_get_active_object/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_iid_from_name/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_invoke_method_fun/3 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_invoke_method_proc/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_invoke_put/3 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_is_exception/1 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_is_object/1 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_name_from_iid/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_progid_from_clsid/2 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_release/1 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
comclient_valid_object/1 (comclient)
: COM Client Predicates
- ComInArg: Terminology
command (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
- command-line arguments: Start
command/1 (debugger condition)
: Action Conditions, Port Tests, Breakpoint Actions
- commands, debug: Debug Commands
- communication, process: Linda Library, Sockets
- compactcode: Glossary
compactcode (compiling flag value)
: State Info, Load Intro
: Term Compare
- comparison, term: Term Compare
- compilation: Read In
compilation_mode/1 (load_files/2 option)
: Read In
- compile: Glossary
compile-buffer (emacs command)
: Usage
compile-file (emacs command)
: Usage
compile-predicate (emacs command)
: Usage
compile-region (emacs command)
: Usage
: Read In, Load Predicates
- compiling: Run Intro
compiling (prolog flag)
: Profiling, State Info, Load Intro, Glossary
complement/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
compose/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
- compound term: Compound Terms, Terms, Glossary
: Meta Logic
- computation rule: Procedural
- ComValue: Terminology
concat (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
- concepts, FDBG: FDBG Concepts
- condition, breakpoint: Creating Breakpoints
- conditional spypoint: Creating Breakpoints
- conditionals: Conditionals and Disjunction
- conditions, breakpoint: Breakpoint Conditions
- conformance, ANSI: CPL Notes, Function Prototypes
- conjunction: Glossary
- considerations for fcompile: Considerations
consistency/1 (all_different/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
consistency/1 (all_distinct/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
consistency/1 (assignment/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
consistency_error/[3,4] (error class)
: Exception
- consistent store: Definitions
- console-based executable: Glossary
- constant: Terms, Glossary
- constraint: CLPFD Interface
- constraint event: FDBG Events
- constraint handling rule: CHR Introduction
- constraint store: Definitions
- constraint, domain: Definitions
- constraint, global: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
- constraint, partner: How CHR Work
constraints (fd_statistics/2 option)
: Statistics Predicates
- constraints, posting: Posting Constraints
- consult: Glossary
consult-buffer (emacs command)
: Usage
consult-file (emacs command)
: Usage
consult-predicate (emacs command)
: Usage
consult-region (emacs command)
: Usage
: Read In, Load Predicates
- consulting: Read In, Load Predicates, Reading In, Run Intro
consume_layout/1 (read_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
- context, load: State Info
context_error/[2,3] (error class)
: Exception
- contradictory store: Definitions
- conversions, term: Support Functions
: Meta Logic
core (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- coroutining: Coroutining
cos/1, function
: Arithmetic
cosh/1, function
: Arithmetic
cost/2 (assignment/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
cost/2 (global_cardinality/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
cot/1, function
: Arithmetic
coth/1, function
: Arithmetic
count/4 (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- counter: Profiling
: Modify Term
- creep: Glossary
creep (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
- cross-referencer: Xref Introduction
cumulative/[4,5] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
cumulatives/[2,3] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
current (seek/4 method)
: Stream Pred
- current input stream: Input Output
- current output stream: Input Output
: State Info
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates, Built-in Predicates for Breakpoint Handling
: Pred Summary, Term I/O
current_constraint/2 (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
current_handler/2 (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
current_host/1 (sockets)
: Sockets
: Stream Pred
: Database
: State Info
: Misc Pred
: Stream Pred
: State Info
: State Info
: Stream Pred
- cursor: Glossary
customize-group (emacs command)
: Customizing Emacs
customize-variable (emacs command)
: Customizing Emacs
- cut: Cut Overview, Cut, Glossary
- cut and generate-and-test: Terminating a Backtracking Loop
cut on SPQuery
: Jasper Package Class Reference
- cut, green: Cut
- cut, placement of: Placement of Cuts
- cut, red: Cut
cycles/1 (read_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
cycles/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
- cyclic term: Term I/O, Occur
cyclic_term/1 (terms)
: Term Utilities
- daemon: Obj Daemons
- data resource: The Application Builder
- data tables: Data Tables
- database: BDB Basics, Database, Glossary
- database reference: Modify Prog, Glossary
datime/[1,2] (system)
: System Utilities
- db-spec: The DB-Spec Informal Description
db_close/1 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_close_env/1 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_compress/[2,3] (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_current/5 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_current_env/2 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_current_iterator/3 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_enumerate/3 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_erase/[2,3] (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_fetch/3 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_findall/3 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_iterator_done/1 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_iterator_next/3 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_make_iterator/[2,3] (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_open/[4,5] (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_open_env/[2,3] (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_store/3 (bdb)
: The Predicates
db_sync/1 (bdb)
: The Predicates
- DCG: Term and Goal Expansion
- debug: Glossary
debug (debugging flag value)
: State Info
debug (FD flag)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
debug (prolog flag)
: Runtime Systems, State Info
- debug commands: Debug Commands
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
debug/0 (debugger mode control)
: Action Variables
- debugcode: Glossary
debugcode (compiling flag value)
: State Info, Load Intro
- debugger action variables: Action Variables, Breakpoint Actions
- debugger breakpoint: Advanced Debugging
- debugger port: Port Tests
- debugger, port: Procedure Box
- debugger-ancestor: Goal Tests
- debugger-parent: Goal Tests
debugger/0 (debugger condition)
: Other Tests, Advice-points
debugger_command_hook/2 (user)
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates, Hooks Related to Breakpoints
debugger_print_options (prolog flag)
: Runtime Systems, State Info, Action Variables, Breakpoint Actions, Debug Commands, Debug Intro
- debugging: Debug Intro
debugging (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
debugging (prolog flag)
: State Info
- debugging messages: Debug Format
- debugging messages, CHR: CHR Debugging Messages
- debugging options, CHR: CHR Debugging Options
- debugging predicates: Basic Debug
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
dec10 (syntax_errors flag value)
: State Info
- declaration: Built Intro, Load Intro, Glossary
- declaration, attribute: Attributes
- declaration, block: Block Declarations
- declaration, discontiguous: Discontiguous Declarations
- declaration, dynamic: Dynamic Declarations
- declaration, include: Include Declarations
- declaration, meta-predicate: Meta-Predicate Declarations, Meta Decl
- declaration, mode: Mode Declarations
- declaration, module: Module Declarations
- declaration, multifile: Multifile Declarations, Load Predicates
- declaration, operator: Declarations
- declaration, predicate: Declarations
- declaration, public: Public Declarations
- declaration, volatile: Volatile Declarations
- declarations: Declarations
- declarative semantics: Declarative
- declaring nondeterminacy: Declaring Nondeterminacy
decomposition/1 (cumulative/5 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
decomposition/1 (disjoint1/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
decomposition/1 (disjoint2/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
decomposition/1 (serialized/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- deep failure: Profiling
deep_fails (profile_data/4 option)
: Profiling
- definite clause: Prolog Intro
- definite clause grammar: Term and Goal Expansion
- definition, procedure: Procedural
- deinit function: Conversion Declarations, Glossary
del_assoc/4 (assoc)
: Assoc
del_edges/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
del_edges/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
del_max_assoc/4 (assoc)
: Assoc
del_min_assoc/4 (assoc)
: Assoc
del_vertices/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
del_vertices/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
- delegation: Obj Intro
- delegation, message: Obj Self
delete/3 (lists)
: Lists
delete_file/[1,2] (system)
: System Utilities
delete_from_heap/4 (heaps)
: Heaps
depth/1 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests, Breakpoint Tests
descendant/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
descendant/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
descendants/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
descendants/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
- destructive assignment: Modify Term
- determinacy checker: The Determinacy Checker
- determinacy detection, last clause: Last Clause Determinacy Detection
- determinacy detection, via indexing: Determinacy Detection
- determinate: Glossary
- determinate goal: Cut
- development system: Glossary, Development and Runtime Systems
: Coroutining
- differential inheritance: Differential Inheritance
- directive: Programs, Queries and Directives, Start, Glossary
directory (load_context/2 key)
: State Info
directory_files/2 (system)
: System Utilities
disable this (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates
- discontiguous declaration: Discontiguous Declarations
discontiguous/1 (declaration)
: Discontiguous Declarations
discontiguous_warnings (prolog flag)
: Runtime Systems, State Info, Read In, Discontiguous Declarations
discrepancy/1 (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
disjoint1/[1,2] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
disjoint2/[1,2] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- disjunction: Conditionals and Disjunction, Glossary
display (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
display/0 (debugger show control)
: Action Variables
: Term I/O
display/1 (tk_new/2 option)
: Creating a Tcl Interpreter Extended with Tk
dom/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
dom/1 (fd_global/3 spec)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
- domain constraint: Definitions
- domain variable: CLPFD Interface
- domain, finite: CLPFD Interface
- domain-consistent: Definitions
- domain-disentailed: Definitions
- domain-entailed: Definitions
domain/3 (clpfd)
: Membership Constraints
domain_error/[2,4] (error class)
: Exception
double on Term
: PB Java Interface
double_quotes (prolog flag)
: State Info, Term I/O, Compound Terms, Glossary
down (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
dump/3 (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
- dynamic code, semantics of: Modify Prog
- dynamic declaration: Dynamic Declarations
- dynamic method: Dynamic Methods
- dynamic object: Obj Dynamic, Dynamically Declared Objects, Obj Intro
- dynamic predicate: Glossary
- dynamic resource: Foreign Resources
dynamic/0 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Dynamically Declared Objects
dynamic/1 (declaration)
: Dynamic Declarations
dynamic/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Dynamic Methods
dynamic_methods/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
dynamic_objects/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
ect (order_resource/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
edge_finder/1 (cumulative/5 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
edge_finder/1 (serialized/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
edges/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
edges/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
- efficiency, increasing: Writing Efficient Programs
element/3 (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- Emacs initialization file .emacs: Quick-Start
- emacs interface: Emacs Interface
empty_assoc/1 (assoc)
: Assoc
empty_fdset/1 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
empty_heap/1 (heaps)
: Heaps
empty_interval/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
empty_queue/1 (queues)
: Queues
enable this (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates
- encoded string: CPL Notes, Glossary
- encoding, external: WCX Concepts
- encoding, external (of wide characters): Glossary
- encoding, internal: WCX Concepts
- encoding, internal (of wide characters): Glossary
- encoding, system: WCX Concepts
- encoding, system (of wide characters): Glossary
- encoding, UTF-8: Glossary
- end of line: Stream Pred
- end of stream: Stream Pred
end_of_stream/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
: Read In, Load Predicates
entailed/1 (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
entailments (fd_statistics/2 option)
: Statistics Predicates
Enter (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
entry (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
enum (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
environ/2 (system)
: System Utilities
- environment: The Environment
environment/1 (db_open/5 option)
: The Predicates
eof (seek/4 method)
: Stream Pred
eof (Tcl command)
: File I/O
- EOF character: Keyboard Characters
eof_action/1 (open/4 option)
: Stream Pred
eof_action/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
eof_code (open/4 eof_action value)
: Stream Pred
: Modify Prog
error (open/4 eof_action value)
: Stream Pred
error (overflow FD flag value)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
error (syntax_errors flag value)
: State Info
error (unknown flag value)
: Debug Pred, State Info, Undefined Predicates
- error handling: Exception, Exceptions Debug
- error, syntax: Syntax Errors
error_exception/1 (user)
: Debug Pred, Exceptions Debug
- escape sequence: Escape Sequences, State Info, Glossary
est (order_resource/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
eval (Tcl command)
: Control Flow
evaluation_error/[2,4] (error class)
: Exception
- event, constraint: FDBG Events
- event, FDBG: FDBG Events
- event, labeling: FDBG Events
exception (leashing mode)
: Basic Debug
- exception handling: Exception, Exceptions Debug
- exception handling in C: Exception Handling in C
- exception term: Exception Handling in C
exception/1 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
exception/1 (debugger port value)
: Port Tests
exec/3 (system)
: System Utilities
- executable, console-based: Glossary
- executable, stand-alone: Stand-alone Executables, Glossary
- executable, windowed: Glossary
- execution: Execution
- execution profiling: Profiling
- execution, nested: Nested
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates, Accessing Past Debugger States, Built-in Predicates for Breakpoint Handling
execution_time (profile_data/4 option)
: Profiling
existence_error/[2,5] (error class)
: Exception
exit (leashing mode)
: Basic Debug
exit/0 (clpfd:dispatch_global/4 request)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
exit/1 (debugger port value)
: Port Tests
exited/1 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests, Accessing Past Debugger States
- exiting: Exiting
exp/1, exponent
: Arithmetic
exp/2, exponent
: Arithmetic
expand/0 (clpqr)
: Syntactic Sugar
: Term and Goal Expansion
- expansion, macro: Term and Goal Expansion
- expansion, module name: Meta-Predicate Declarations, Meta Exp, Glossary, Mode Spec
- export: Glossary
- exported predicate: Basic Concepts
expr (Tcl command)
: Expressions
- expression, arithmetic: Arithmetic
- extended runtime system: Glossary
extended_characters/1 (xml_parse/3 option)
- extendible predicate: Built Intro, Glossary
extensions/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
- external encoding: WCX Concepts
- external encoding (of wide characters): Glossary
- fact: Glossary
fail (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
fail (leashing mode)
: Basic Debug
fail (overflow FD flag value)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
fail (syntax_errors flag value)
: State Info
fail (unknown flag value)
: Debug Pred, State Info, Undefined Predicates
: Control
fail/0 (clpfd:dispatch_global/4 request)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
fail/0 (debugger port value)
: Port Tests
fail/1 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
- failure, deep: Profiling
- failure, shallow: Profiling
: Control
false/0 (debugger condition)
: Other Tests
- fastcode: Glossary
fastcode (compiling flag value)
: State Info, Load Intro
- fcompile, considerations for: Considerations
: Read In, Load Predicates
- FD predicate: FD Predicates, User-Defined Constraints
- FD set: FD Set Operations
fd_closure/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_copy_term/3 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_degree/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_dom/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_flag/3 (clpfd)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
fd_global/[3,4] (clpfd)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
fd_max/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_min/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_neighbors/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_set/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_size/2 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
fd_statistics/[0,2] (clpfd)
: Statistics Predicates
fd_var/1 (clpfd)
: Reflection Predicates
- FDBG concepts: FDBG Concepts
- FDBG event: FDBG Events
- FDBG output stream: FDBG The fdbg_output Stream
fdbg:fdvar_portray/3 (fdbg)
: FDBG Customizing Output
fdbg:legend_portray/3 (fdbg)
: FDBG Customizing Output
fdbg_annotate/[3,4] (fdbg)
: FDBG Writing Visualizers
fdbg_assign_name/2 (fdbg)
: FDBG Naming Terms
fdbg_current_name/2 (fdbg)
: FDBG Naming Terms
fdbg_get_name/2 (fdbg)
: FDBG Naming Terms
fdbg_guard/3 (fdbg)
: FDBG Debugging Global Constraints
fdbg_label_show/3 (fdbg)
: FDBG Built-In Visualizers
fdbg_labeling_step/2 (fdbg)
: FDBG Annotation
fdbg_legend/[1,2] (fdbg)
: FDBG Writing Visualizers
fdbg_off/0 (fdbg)
: FDBG Options
fdbg_on/[0,1] (fdbg)
: FDBG Options
- fdbg_output: FDBG The fdbg_output Stream
fdbg_show/2 (fdbg)
: FDBG Built-In Visualizers
fdbg_start_labeling/1 (fdbg)
: FDBG Annotation
fdbg_transform_actions/3 (fdbg)
: FDBG Writing Legend Printers
fdset_add_element/3 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_complement/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_del_element/3 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_disjoint/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_eq/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_intersect/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_intersection/[2,3] (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_interval/3 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_max/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_member/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_min/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_parts/4 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_singleton/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_size/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_subset/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_subtract/3 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_to_list/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_to_range/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
fdset_union/[2,3] (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
ff (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
ffc (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
- file: Input Output
file (load_context/2 key)
: State Info
- file search path: Stream Pred, Input Output
- file specification: Input Output, Glossary
- file, PO: Load Predicates, Glossary
- file, QL: Load Predicates, Glossary
file/1 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
file_errors/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
file_exists/[1,2] (system)
: System Utilities
file_name/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
file_property/2 (system)
: System Utilities
file_search_path/2 (user)
: Stream Pred, Input Output
file_type/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
fileerrors (prolog flag)
: State Info, Stream Pred
: Stream Pred
fileerrors/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
fileref/2 (source information descriptor)
: Message Handling Predicates
find this (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
find_constraint/2 (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
find_constraint/3 (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
: All Solutions
findall_constraints/[2,3] (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
- finding nondeterminacy: The Determinacy Checker
- finite domain: CLPFD Interface
first (order_resource/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
first_bound/2 (clpfd)
: Enumeration Predicates
- flag, Prolog: State Info
flit/0 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
flit/2 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
- float: Floats
float on Term
: PB Java Interface
: Meta Logic
float/1, coercion
: Arithmetic
float_format/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
float_fractional_part/1, fractional part
: Arithmetic
float_integer_part/1, coercion
: Arithmetic
floor/1, function
: Arithmetic
- floundered query: Glossary
- floundering: Procedural
- flow control model, CHR: CHR Control Flow Model
: Stream Pred
for (Tcl command)
: Control Flow
force/1 (close/2 option)
: Stream Pred
foreach (Tcl command)
: Control Flow
- foreign language interface: Calling C from Prolog, Mixing C and Prolog
- foreign predicate: Glossary
- foreign resource: Foreign Resources, Glossary
- foreign resource linker: The Foreign Resource Linker
- foreign resource, linked: Creating the Linked Foreign Resource, Foreign Resources
- foreign resource, pre-linked: Glossary
: Conversion Declarations
: Interface Predicates
: Conversion Declarations
format (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
- format-command: Message Phases
format/1 (xml_parse/3 option)
: Term I/O
format_to_chars/[3,4] (charsio)
: Chars I/O
frame (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
: Coroutining
: Coroutining
- Fully Qualified Classname: Jasper Library Predicates
- function prototype: Function Prototypes
- function, deinit: Conversion Declarations, Glossary
- function, init: Conversion Declarations, Glossary
- functor: Compound Terms, Glossary
: Meta Logic
- garbage collection: State Info, Glossary
: Misc Pred
: Misc Pred
garbage_collection (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- gauge: Gauge
gc (prolog flag)
: Spaceout, State Info
: Misc Pred
gc_margin (prolog flag)
: State Info
gc_trace (prolog flag)
: State Info
gcd/2, greatest common divisor
: Arithmetic
gen_assoc/3 (assoc)
: Assoc
gen_label/3 (trees)
: Trees
generalization/1 (cumulatives/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- generalized predicate spec: Glossary
- generate-and-test, use with cut: Terminating a Backtracking Loop
generate_message/3 (SU_messages)
: Message Handling Predicates
generate_message_hook/3 (user)
: Pred Summary, Message Handling Predicates
- generic breakpoint: Specific and Generic Breakpoints
- generic object: Parameter Transfer, Generic Objects for Easy Reuse
get/1 (debugger condition)
: Port Tests
get/1 (inlined method)
: Inlined Methods
get/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
get_assoc/[3,5] (assoc)
: Assoc
get_atts/2 (Module)
: Attributes
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
get_from_heap/4 (heaps)
: Heaps
get_label/3 (trees)
: Trees
: Modify Term
get_next_assoc/4 (assoc)
: Assoc
get_prev_assoc/4 (assoc)
: Assoc
getrand/1 (random)
: Random
gets (Tcl command)
: File I/O
global (Tcl command)
: Global Variables
- global constraint: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
global/1 (disjoint1/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
global/1 (disjoint2/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
global_cardinality/[2,3] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
global_stack (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
GLOBALSTKSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
- glue code: Glossary
- GNU Emacs: Emacs Interface
- goal: Programs, Glossary
- goal, ancestor: Debug Format
- goal, blocked: Debug Format, Glossary
- goal, determinate: Cut
- goal, parent: Cut
- goal, unblocked: Glossary
goal/1 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests, Breakpoint Tests
goal_expansion/3 (user)
: Term and Goal Expansion
goal_private/1 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests, Storing User Information in the Backtrace
: Message Handling Predicates
- grammar rule: Term and Goal Expansion
- grammar, definite clause: Term and Goal Expansion
- graphs, unweighted: UGraphs
- graphs, weighted: WGraphs
- green cut: Cut
- ground: Glossary
: Meta Logic
- guarded clause: Conditionals and Disjunction, Glossary
: Misc Pred
- handling, error: Exception, Exceptions Debug
- handling, exception: Exception, Exceptions Debug
- handling, interrupt: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
- handling, signal: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
has_attribute/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
has_instance/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
- head: Programs, Glossary
heap (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
heap_size/2 (heaps)
: Heaps
heap_to_list/2 (heaps)
: Heaps
- heaps: Heaps
help (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
help (top-level command)
: Queries
: Misc Pred
- hidden module: Def Modules
hidden/1 (module/3 option)
: Def Modules
hide/0 (debugger condition)
: Condition Macros
- hierarchy, object: Obj Hierarchies
- hook functions for I/O: Hooks
- hook predicate: Built Intro, Multifile Declarations, Glossary
- hookable predicate: Built Intro, Glossary
- Horn clause: Prolog Intro
host_id/1 (system)
: System Utilities
host_name/1 (system)
: System Utilities
host_type (prolog flag)
: State Info, Stream Pred
hostname_address/2 (sockets)
: Sockets
- I/O hook functions: Hooks
- I/O, character: Char I/O
- I/O, term: Term I/O
idempotent/1 (fd_global/3 option)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
- identifier, breakpoint: Creating Breakpoints
- identifier, query: Opening and Closing a Query
if (Tcl command)
: Control Flow
if/1 (load_files/2 option)
: Read In
: Control
ignore_ops/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
ignore_underscores/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
- IID: Terminology
- import: Glossary
- importation: Importation
- imported predicate: Basic Concepts
imports/1 (load_files/2 option)
: Read In
in/1 (linda_client)
: Client
in/2 (clpfd)
: Membership Constraints
in/2 (clpfd:dispatch_global/4 request)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
in/2 (linda_client)
: Client
in_noblock/1 (linda_client)
: Client
in_set/2 (clpfd)
: Membership Constraints
in_set/2 (clpfd:dispatch_global/4 request)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
- IName: Terminology
- include declaration: Include Declarations
include/1 (declaration)
: Include Declarations
: Control
incr (Tcl command)
: Commands to Do with Variables
- increasing efficiency: Writing Efficient Programs
indented/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
independent_set/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
- indexed term: The DB-Spec Informal Description
- indexical: Indexicals
- indexicals: FDBG Events
- indexicals, checking: Indexicals
- indexicals, propagating: Indexicals
- indexing: Indexing, Glossary
- indexing, determinacy detection via: Determinacy Detection
indomain/1 (clpfd)
: Enumeration Predicates
inf/0, infinity
: Arithmetic
inf/[2,4] (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
- infix operator: Operators
- information, source: State Info, Usage
- inheritance: Inheritance, Obj Hierarchies, Obj Intro
- inheritance by overriding: Obj Intro
- inheritance, differential: Differential Inheritance
- inheritance, multiple: Inheritance
- init function: Conversion Declarations, Glossary
- initialization: Initializations, Glossary
: Initializations
- input: Input Output
- input stream, current: Input Output
input/0 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
insert_constraint/[2,3] (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
- instance variable: Inheritance and Delegation
instance/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Modify Prog
- instances: Instances
- instances, object: Object Instances
- instantiation: Glossary
instantiation_error/[0,2] (error class)
: Exception
int on PrologSession
: PB Java Interface
int on Term
: PB Java Interface
- integer: Integers
- integer, large: Glossary
- integer, small: Glossary
: Meta Logic
integer/1, coercion
: Arithmetic
integer_rounding_function (prolog flag)
: State Info
- interface, emacs: Emacs Interface
- interface, foreign language: Calling C from Prolog, Mixing C and Prolog
- interface, Java: PB Intro
- internal encoding: WCX Concepts
- internal encoding (of wide characters): Glossary
- interoperability: Mixing C and Prolog
- interpret: Glossary
- interrupt character: Keyboard Characters
- interrupt handling: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
- interval-consistent: Definitions
- interval-disentailed: Definitions
- interval-entailed: Definitions
- introductory message: Misc Pred
inv/1 (debugger condition)
: Past States, Goal Tests, Breakpoint Tests
- invocation box: Procedure Box, Glossary
: Arithmetic
is_array/1 (arrays)
: Arrays
is_assoc/1 (assoc)
: Assoc
is_fdset/1 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
is_heap/1 (heaps)
: Heaps
is_list/1 (lists)
: Lists
: Modify Term, Meta Logic
is_ordset/1 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
is_queue/1 (queues)
: Queues
jasper_call/4 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_call_instance/6 (jasper)
: Deprecated Jasper Predicates
jasper_call_static/6 (jasper)
: Deprecated Jasper Predicates
jasper_create_global_ref/3 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_create_local_ref/3 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_deinitialize/1 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_delete_global_ref/2 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_delete_local_ref/2 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_initialize/[1,2] (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_is_instance_of/3 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_is_jvm/1 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_is_object/[1,2] (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_is_same_object/3 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_new_object/5 (jasper)
: Deprecated Jasper Predicates, Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_null/2 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
jasper_object_class_name/3 (jasper)
: Jasper Library Predicates
- Java interface: PB Intro
- Java Virtual Machine: Jasper Overview
- JNDI: PB Features
join (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
jump to port (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
- JVM: Jasper Overview
- kernel, runtime: Glossary
Key (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
- keyboard: Keyboard Characters
KeyPress (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
KeyRelease (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
: Term Compare
kill/2 (system)
: System Utilities
knapsack/3 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
label (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
- labeling: FDBG Annotation
- labeling event: FDBG Events
- labeling levels: FDBG Labeling Levels
labeling/1 (clpb)
: CLPB Interface
labeling/2 (clpfd)
: Enumeration Predicates
language (prolog flag)
: The Application Builder, State Info, Start, ISO Compliance
- large integer: Glossary
last (order_resource/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
- last call optimization: Last Call Optimization
- last clause determinacy detection: Last Clause Determinacy Detection
last/2 (lists)
: Lists
later_bound/2 (clpfd)
: Enumeration Predicates
- layout term: Term I/O
layout/1 (read_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
lct(order_resource/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
- leap: Glossary
leap (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
leash/0 (debugger condition)
: Condition Macros
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
- leashing: Glossary
Leave (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
leaves/2 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
leftmost (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
- legend: FDBG Legend
: Misc Pred
- levels, labeling: FDBG Labeling Levels
lex_chain/[1,2] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- lexical scope: Programs
- library: The Prolog Library
library_directory/1 (user)
: Stream Pred
- Linda: Linda Library
linda/[0,1] (linda)
: Server
linda_client/1 (linda_client)
: Client
linda_timeout/2 (linda_client)
: Client
lindex (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
- line breakpoint: Usage
- line, end of: Stream Pred
line/1 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
line/2 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
: Stream Pred
: Stream Pred
- linked foreign resource: Creating the Linked Foreign Resource, Foreign Resources, Glossary
- linker, foreign resource: The Foreign Resource Linker
linsert (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
- list: Compound Terms, Glossary
list (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
- list of variables: FDBG Legend
list_queue/2 (queues)
: Queues
list_to_assoc/2 (assoc)
: Assoc
list_to_fdset/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
list_to_heap/2 (heaps)
: Heaps
list_to_ord_set/2 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
list_to_tree/2 (trees)
: Trees
listbox (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
: State Info
- lists: Lists
llength (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
- load: Glossary
- load context: State Info
: Read In
: Read In, Load Predicates
: Interface Predicates
: Interface Predicates
load_type/1 (load_files/2 option)
: Read In
- loading: Read In, Load Intro
local_stack (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
LOCALSTKSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
- locks, mutual exclusion: OS Threads
log/1, logarithm
: Arithmetic
log/2, logarithm
: Arithmetic
- logic programming: Intro
long on Term
: PB Java Interface
- loop, repeat: I/O Example
lrange (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
lreplace (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
lsearch (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
lsort (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
lst (order_resource/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
- macro expansion: Term and Goal Expansion
- main thread: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
make_directory/1 (system)
: System Utilities
: The Prolog Library
map_assoc/[2,3] (assoc)
: Assoc
map_tree/3 (trees)
: Trees
- mapping, character-type: WCX Concepts
margin/3 (disjoint1/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
margin/4 (disjoint2/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
max (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
max/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
max/1 (fd_global/3 spec)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
max/2, maximum value
: Arithmetic
max_arity (prolog flag)
: State Info
max_assoc/3 (assoc)
: Assoc
max_depth/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
max_integer (prolog flag)
: State Info
max_inv/1 (debugger condition)
: Break Tests, Accessing Past Debugger States
max_list/2 (lists)
: Lists
max_path/5 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
max_path/5 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
maximize/1 (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
maximize/1 (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
maximize/2 (clpfd)
: Enumeration Predicates
member/2 (lists)
: Lists
memberchk/2 (lists)
: Lists
memory (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- memory, address-constrained: Initializing the Prolog Engine
menu (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
menubutton (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
message (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
- message delegation: Obj Self
- message sending: Obj Self
- message, introductory: Misc Pred
message_hook/3 (user)
: Message Handling Predicates
- messages, debugging: Debug Format
- messages, suppressing: Exception
- meta-call: Glossary
- meta-logical predicate: Meta Logic, Glossary
- meta-predicate: Glossary
- meta-predicate declaration: Meta-Predicate Declarations, Meta Decl
meta_predicate/1 (declaration)
: Meta-Predicate Declarations, Meta Decl
- method: Obj Intro
- method, dynamic: Dynamic Methods
method/3 (Java method identifier)
: Jasper Library Predicates
method_expansion/3 (user)
: Object Declaration
methods/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
min (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
min/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
min/1 (fd_global/3 spec)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
min/2, minimum value
: Arithmetic
min_assoc/3 (assoc)
: Assoc
min_integer (prolog flag)
: State Info
min_list/2 (lists)
: Lists
min_of_heap/[3,5] (heaps)
: Heaps
min_path/5 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
min_path/5 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
min_paths/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
min_paths/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
min_tree/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
min_tree/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
minimize/1 (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
minimize/1 (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
minimize/2 (clpfd)
: Enumeration Predicates
minmax/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
minmax/1 (fd_global/3 spec)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
- mixing C/C++ and Prolog: Mixing C and Prolog
mktemp/2 (system)
: System Utilities
mod/2, integer modulus
: Arithmetic
mod_time/1 (file_property/2 property)
: System Utilities
- mode declaration: Mode Declarations
- mode spec: Glossary, Mode Spec
- mode, WCX: WCX Concepts
mode/1 (debugger condition)
: Action Conditions, Port Tests, Breakpoint Actions
mode/1 (declaration)
: Mode Declarations
mode/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
- module: Glossary
module (load_context/2 key)
: State Info
- module declaration: Module Declarations
- module name expansion: Meta-Predicate Declarations, Meta Exp, Glossary, Mode Spec
- module system: Module Intro
- module, hidden: Def Modules
- module, object: Obj Expand
- module, source: Basic Concepts, Glossary
- module, type-in: State Info, Basic Concepts, Glossary
- module-file: Def Modules, Glossary
: State Info
module/1 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests
module/2 (declaration)
: Module Declarations, Def Modules
module/3 (declaration)
: Module Declarations, Def Modules
- most general unifier: Procedural
Motion (Tk event type)
: Event Handling
msb/1, most significant bit
: Arithmetic
- multifile declaration: Multifile Declarations, Load Predicates
- multifile predicate: Glossary
multifile/1 (declaration)
: Multifile Declarations
- multiple inheritance: Inheritance
- mutable: Terminology
- mutable term: Modify Term, Glossary
- mutex: OS Threads
- mutual exclusion locks: OS Threads
- name auto-generation: FDBG Name Auto-Generation
- name clash: Glossary
name variable (debugger command)
: FDBG Debugger Commands
name/1 (tk_new/2 option)
: Creating a Tcl Interpreter Extended with Tk
: Meta Logic
- names of terms: FDBG Naming Terms, FDBG Names of Terms
nan/0, not-a-number
: Arithmetic
neighbors/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
neighbors/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
neighbours/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
neighbours/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
- nested execution: Nested
- network path: Input Output
new/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Object Creation
new/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Object Creation
new_array/1 (arrays)
: Arrays
newProlog on Jasper
: Java Threads
newProlog on SICStus
: Java Threads
nextSolution on SPQuery
: Jasper Package Class Reference
nextto/3 (lists)
: Lists
: Char I/O
no_doubles/1 (lists)
: Lists
nodebug (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
noexpand/0 (clpqr)
: Syntactic Sugar
: Stream Pred
: Misc Pred
- non-backtraced tests: Breakpoint Conditions
- non-terminal: Syntax Notation
non_member/2 (lists)
: Lists
- nondeterminacy, declaring: Declaring Nondeterminacy
- nondeterminacy, finding: The Determinacy Checker
none/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
: Meta Logic
nospy this (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Debug Pred, Plain Spypoint
: Debug Pred, Plain Spypoint
- notation: Notation
notify_constrained/1 (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
now/1 (system)
: System Utilities
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
nth/[3,4] (lists)
: Lists
nth0/[3,4] (lists)
: Lists
null/0 (exec/3 stream spec)
: System Utilities
: Meta Logic
: Meta Logic
: Meta Logic
number_to_chars/[2,3] (charsio)
: Chars I/O
numbervars/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
: Misc Pred
- Object: Terminology
- object: Obj Intro
object (built-in object)
: The Proto-Object
- object attributes: Object Attributes
- object hierarchy: Obj Hierarchies
- object instances: Object Instances
- object module: Obj Expand
- object, dynamic: Obj Dynamic, Dynamically Declared Objects, Obj Intro
- object, generic: Parameter Transfer, Generic Objects for Easy Reuse
- object, parameterized: Parameter Transfer, Generic Objects for Easy Reuse
- object, static: Dynamically Declared Objects, Obj Intro
- object-oriented programming: Obj Intro
object/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
objects/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
- occurs-check: Term Utilities, Occur, Glossary
off (debug flag value)
: State Info
off (debugging flag value)
: State Info
off (gc_trace flag value)
: State Info
off/0 (debugger mode control)
: Action Variables
on/1 (all_different/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
on/1 (all_distinct/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
on/1 (assignment/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
on/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
: Exception
: Control
- one-char atom: Glossary
: Standard Operators, Misc Pred, Operators
open (Tcl command)
: File I/O
: Stream Pred
open_chars_stream/2 (charsio)
: Chars I/O
: Stream Pred
openQuery on SICStus
: Jasper Package Class Reference
- operating system: System Utilities
- operator: Glossary
- operator declaration: Declarations
- operator, infix: Operators
- operator, postfix: Operators
- operator, prefix: Operators
- operators: Standard Operators, Misc Pred, Operators
- optimization, last call: Last Call Optimization
or_cast/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
ord_add_element/3 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_del_element/3 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_disjoint/2 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_intersect/2 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_intersection/[2,3,4] (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_list_to_assoc/2 (assoc)
: Assoc
ord_member/2 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_seteq/2 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_setproduct/3 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_subset/2 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_subtract/3 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_symdiff/3 (ordsets)
: Ordsets
ord_union/[2,3,4] (ordsets)
: Ordsets
- order, standard: Term Compare
order_resource/2 (clpfd)
: Enumeration Predicates
- ordered sets: Ordsets
ordering/1 (clpqr)
: Variable Ordering, Solver Predicates
: Control
out (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
out/1 (linda_client)
: Client
- output: Input Output
- output stream, current: Input Output
output/0 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
overflow (FD flag)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
- overriding, inheritance by: Obj Intro
- pair: Glossary
- parameter, accumulating: Accumulating Parameters
- parameterized object: Parameter Transfer, Generic Objects for Easy Reuse
- parent: Glossary
- parent goal: Cut
parent_clause/1 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
parent_clause/2 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
parent_clause/3 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
parent_inv/1 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests, Accessing Past Debugger States
parent_pred/1 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
parent_pred/2 (debugger condition)
: Source Tests, Breakpoint Tests
- partner constraint: How CHR Work
- path, file search: Stream Pred, Input Output
- path, network: Input Output
path/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
path/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
path_consistency/1 (cumulative/5 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
path_consistency/1 (serialized/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
permission_error/[3,5] (error class)
: Exception
permutation/2 (lists)
: Lists
: Term and Goal Expansion
pid/1 (system)
: System Utilities
pipe/1 (exec/3 stream spec)
: System Utilities
- placement of cut: Placement of Cuts
- plain spypoint: Creating Breakpoints, Plain Spypoint
- PO File: Load Predicates
- PO file: Glossary
popen/3 (system)
: System Utilities
- port: Glossary
- port debugger: Procedure Box
- port, debugger: Port Tests
port/1 (debugger condition)
: Port Tests, Breakpoint Tests
port/1 (start/1 option)
: PB Prolog Interface
portray/1 (clpqr)
: Rationals
portray/1 (user)
: Term I/O
: Term I/O
portray_message/2 (user)
: Message Handling Predicates
portrayed/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
- position, stream: Glossary
position/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
- postfix operator: Operators
- posting constraints: Posting Constraints
- pre-linked foreign resource: Glossary
- pre-linked resource: Foreign Resources
- precedence: Glossary
precedences/1 (cumulative/5 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
precedences/1 (serialized/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
pred/1 (debugger condition)
: Goal Tests, Creating Breakpoints
- predicate: Programs, Glossary
predicate (profile_data/4 resolution)
: Profiling
- predicate declaration: Declarations
- predicate spec: Glossary
- predicate spec, generalized: Glossary
- predicate, built-in: Programs, Glossary
- predicate, dynamic: Glossary
- predicate, exported: Basic Concepts
- predicate, extendible: Built Intro, Glossary
- predicate, FD: FD Predicates, User-Defined Constraints
- predicate, foreign: Glossary
- predicate, hook: Built Intro, Multifile Declarations, Glossary
- predicate, hookable: Built Intro, Glossary
- predicate, imported: Basic Concepts
- predicate, meta-logical: Meta Logic, Glossary
- predicate, multifile: Glossary
- predicate, private: Basic Concepts
- predicate, public: Basic Concepts
- predicate, static: Glossary
- predicate, undefined: State Info, Exception, Undefined Predicates
: State Info
- predicates debugging, CHR: CHR Debugging Predicates
- predicates, breakpoint handling: Breakpoint Predicates
- predicates, debugging: Basic Debug
- prefix operator: Operators
prefix/2 (lists)
: Lists
print (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
print/0 (debugger show control)
: Action Variables
: Term I/O
: Message Handling Predicates
: Message Handling Predicates
- priority queues: Heaps
priority/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
- private predicate: Basic Concepts
private/1 (debugger condition)
: Break Tests, Storing User Information in the Backtrace
proc (Tcl command)
: User Defined Procedures
- procedural semantics: Procedural
- procedure: Glossary
- procedure box: Procedure Box, Glossary
- procedure call: Procedural
- procedure definition: Procedural
proceed/0 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
proceed/2 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
- process communication: Linda Library, Sockets
- processing, breakpoint: Breakpoint Processing
: Profiling
: Profiling
- profiledcode: Glossary
profiledcode (compiling flag value)
: State Info, Load Intro
- profiling: Gauge, Glossary
- profiling, execution: Profiling
- ProgID: Terminology
- program: Programs, Glossary
program (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- program state: State Info, Saving
- programming in logic: Intro
- programming, access driven: Obj Daemons
- programming, object-oriented: Obj Intro
project_attributes/2 (Module)
: Attributes
projecting_assert/1 (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
- Prolog flag: State Info
: State Info
: State Info
PrologCloseQuery (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologDeInit (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologGetException (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologGetLong (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologGetString (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologGetStringQuoted (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PROLOGINCSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
PrologInit (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PROLOGINITSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
PROLOGKEEPSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
PROLOGMAXSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
PrologNextSolution (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologOpenQuery (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologQueryCutFail (VB function)
: Summary of the Interface Functions
PrologSession on PrologSession
: PB Java Interface
: Misc Pred
- propagating indexicals: Indexicals
- propagation CHR: CHR Introduction
- prototype: Obj Intro
- prototype, function: Function Prototypes
prune/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
prune/1 (cumulatives/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
prunings (fd_statistics/2 option)
: Statistics Predicates
- public declaration: Public Declarations
- public predicate: Basic Concepts
public/1 (declaration)
: Public Declarations
: Char I/O
put_assoc/4 (assoc)
: Assoc
put_atts/2 (Module)
: Attributes
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
put_label/[4,5] (trees)
: Trees
puts (Tcl command)
: File I/O
- QL File: Load Predicates
- QL file: Glossary
qskip/1 (debugger mode control)
: Action Variables
quasi-skip (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
- query: Queries and Directives, Start, Glossary
- query identifier: Opening and Closing a Query
query on SICStus
: Jasper Package Class Reference
- query, floundered: Glossary
query_abbreviation/3 (SU_messages)
: Query Handling Predicates
query_class/5 (SU_messages)
: Query Handling Predicates
query_class_hook/5 (user)
: Query Handling Predicates
query_hook/6 (user)
: Query Handling Predicates
query_input/3 (SU_messages)
: Query Handling Predicates
query_input_hook/3 (user)
: Query Handling Predicates
query_map/4 (SU_messages)
: Query Handling Predicates
query_map_hook/4 (user)
: Query Handling Predicates
QueryAnswer on PrologSession
: PB Java Interface
queryCutFail on SICStus
: Jasper Package Class Reference
queue/2 (queues)
: Queues
queue_head/3 (queues)
: Queues
queue_head_list/3 (queues)
: Queues
queue_last/3 (queues)
: Queues
queue_last_list/3 (queues)
: Queues
queue_length/2 (queues)
: Queues
- queues: Queues
quiet (syntax_errors flag value)
: State Info
quoted/1 (write_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
radiobutton (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
raise exception (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Exception
- random numbers: Random
random/[1,3] (random)
: Random
random_ugraph/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
random_wgraph/4 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
randseq/3 (random)
: Random
randset/3 (random)
: Random
range_to_fdset/2 (clpfd)
: FD Set Operations
rd/[1,2] (linda_client)
: Client
rd_noblock/1 (linda_client)
: Client
reachable/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
reachable/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
read (open/[3,4] mode)
: Stream Pred
read (Tcl command)
: File I/O
: Term I/O
read_from_chars/2 (charsio)
: Chars I/O
: Char I/O
: Term I/O
read_term_from_chars/3 (charsio)
: Chars I/O
- reading in: Reading In
- reconsult: Consult
: Read In
: Database
: Database
: Database
- recursion: Glossary
- red cut: Cut
redefine_warnings (prolog flag)
: Runtime Systems, State Info, Read In, Importation
redo (leashing mode)
: Basic Debug
redo/0 (debugger port value)
: Port Tests
redo/1 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
reduce/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
reduce/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
reexit/1 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
- reference, database: Modify Prog, Glossary
- reference, term: Mixing C and Prolog
regexp (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
- region: Glossary
register_event_listener/[2,3] (prologbeans)
: PB Prolog Interface
: PB Prolog Interface
register_query/[2,3] (prologbeans)
: PB Prolog Interface
regsub (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
- reification: Reified Constraints
reject (top-level command)
: Queries
relation/3 (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
relative_to/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
rem/2, integer remainder
: Arithmetic
remove this (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
remove_attribute_prefixes/1 (xml_parse/3 option)
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates, Built-in Predicates for Breakpoint Handling
remove_constraint/1 (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
remove_duplicates/2 (lists)
: Lists
rename_file/2 (system)
: System Utilities
- repeat loop: I/O Example
: Control
reposition/1 (open/4 option)
: Stream Pred
representation_error/[1,3] (error class)
: Exception
: Read In
reset (open/4 eof_action value)
: Stream Pred
reset printdepth (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
reset printdepth (top-level command)
: Queries
reset subterm (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
reset subterm (top-level command)
: Queries
- resource, data: The Application Builder
- resource, dynamic: Foreign Resources
- resource, foreign: Foreign Resources, Glossary
- resource, linked foreign: Glossary
- resource, pre-linked: Foreign Resources
- resource, static: Foreign Resources
resource/1 (cumulative/5 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
resource/1 (serialized/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
resource_error/[1,2] (error class)
: Exception
restart/0 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
: Misc Pred, Saving
- restoring: Saving
resumptions (fd_statistics/2 option)
: Statistics Predicates
: Modify Prog
retract/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Modify Prog
retractall/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
- retracted clause: Modify Prog
retry (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
retry/1 (debugger command control)
: Action Variables
return (Tcl command)
: User Defined Procedures
reverse/2 (lists)
: Lists
- rewriting, syntactic: Input Output
round/1, function
: Arithmetic
- rule: Programs, Glossary
- rule, computation: Procedural
- rule, constraint handling: CHR Introduction
- rule, grammar: Term and Goal Expansion
- rule, search: Procedural
- running: Start
runtime (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- runtime kernel: Glossary
- runtime system: Stand-alone Executables, Glossary, Development and Runtime Systems
- runtime system, extended: Glossary
same_length/[2,3] (lists)
: Lists
sat/1 (clpb)
: CLPB Interface
: Misc Pred, Saving
: Misc Pred, Saving
: Misc Pred, Saving
: Misc Pred, Saving
- saved state: Saving
- saved-state: Glossary
- saving: Saving
scalar_product/4 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
scale (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
scan (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
scollbar (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
- scope, lexical: Programs
- search rule: Procedural
: File Pred
: File Pred
: Stream Pred
: File Pred
select/3 (lists)
: Lists
- selector: FDBG Selectors
- selector, subterm: Breakpoint Tests, Queries, Glossary
- self: Obj Self
self/1 (inlined method)
: Inlined Methods
self/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
- semantics: Glossary
- semantics of dynamic code: Modify Prog
- semantics, declarative: Declarative
- semantics, procedural: Procedural
- sending, message: Obj Self
- sentence: Full Syntax, Load Intro, Programs, Glossary
- sequence, escape: Escape Sequences, State Info, Glossary
serialized/[2,3] (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- servlet: PB Features
session_gc_timeout/1 (start/1 option)
: PB Prolog Interface
session_get/4 (prologbeans)
: PB Prolog Interface
session_put/3 (prologbeans)
: PB Prolog Interface
session_timeout/1 (start/1 option)
: PB Prolog Interface
set (Tcl command)
: Commands to Do with Variables
set printdepth (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
set printdepth (top-level command)
: Queries
set subterm (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
set subterm (top-level command)
: Queries
- set, character: Token String, Environment Variables
- set, character code: WCX Concepts
- set, FD: FD Set Operations
set/1 (inlined method)
: Inlined Methods
set/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Stream Pred
: Stream Pred
: State Info
: Stream Pred
: All Solutions
setrand/1 (random)
: Random
- sets, ordered: Ordsets
- setting a breakpoint: Usage
- shallow failure: Profiling
shallow_fails (profile_data/4 option)
: Profiling
shell/[0,1,2] (system)
: System Utilities
show/1 (debugger condition)
: Action Conditions, Port Tests, Breakpoint Actions
shutdown/[0,1] (prologbeans)
: PB Prolog Interface
shutdown_server/0 (linda_client)
: Client
- side-effect: Glossary
- SIG_DFL: Signal Handling
- SIG_ERR: Signal Handling
- SIG_IGN: Signal Handling
- sigaction: Signal Handling
- SIGBREAK: Signal Handling
- SIGCHLD: Signal Handling
- SIGCLD: Signal Handling
- SIGINT: Signal Handling
: Arithmetic
- signal: Signal Handling
- signal handling: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
- SIGUSR1: Signal Handling
- SIGUSR2: Signal Handling
- SIGVTALRM: Signal Handling
silent/0 (debugger show control)
: Action Variables
- simpagation CHR: CHR Introduction
- simple term: Glossary
: Meta Logic
- SimpleCallSpec: Terminology
- simplification CHR: CHR Introduction
sin/1, function
: Arithmetic
single_var_warnings (prolog flag)
: Runtime Systems, State Info, Read In
singletons/1 (read_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
sinh/1, function
: Arithmetic
size/1 (file_property/2 property)
: System Utilities
skip (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
skip/1 (debugger mode control)
: Action Variables
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
sleep/1 (system)
: System Utilities
- small integer: Glossary
socket/2 (sockets)
: Sockets
socket_accept/[2,3] (sockets)
: Sockets
socket_bind/2 (sockets)
: Sockets
socket_buffering/4 (sockets)
: Sockets
socket_close/1 (sockets)
: Sockets
socket_connect/3 (sockets)
: Sockets
socket_listen/2 (sockets)
: Sockets
socket_select/[5,6] (sockets)
: Sockets
- sockets: Sockets
- solutions, all: All Solutions
solutions/1 (absolute_file_name/3 option)
: Stream Pred
: Term Compare
sorting/3 (clpfd)
: Combinatorial Constraints
source (load_context/2 key)
: State Info
source (Tcl command)
: source
- source code: Glossary
- source information: State Info, Usage
- source module: Basic Concepts, Glossary
source/1 (fd_global/3 option)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
- source/sink: Input Output
: Read In
source_info (prolog flag)
: State Info, Breakpoint Tests, Usage
SP_AllocHook() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_APP_DIR (environment)
: Environment Variables
SP_atom (C type)
: OS Threads, Glossary
SP_atom_from_string() (C function)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs
SP_atom_length() (C function)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs
SP_calloc() (C function)
: OS Memory Allocation
SP_chdir() (C function)
: OS File System
SP_close_query() (C function)
: Finding Multiple Solutions of a Call
SP_code_wci() (C function)
: WCX Utility Functions
SP_compare() (C function)
: Unifying and Comparing Terms
SP_cons_functor() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_cons_list() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_continue() (C function)
: Signal Handling
SP_CSETLEN (environment)
: Environment Variables
SP_CTYPE (environment)
: Environment Variables
SP_cut_query() (C function)
: Finding Multiple Solutions of a Call
SP_define_c_predicate() (C function)
: A Simpler Way to Define C predicates
SP_DeinitAllocHook() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_deinitialize() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_errno (C macro)
: CPL Notes
SP_ERROR (C macro)
: CPL Notes
SP_error_message() (C function)
: CPL Notes
SP_event() (C function)
: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
SP_exception_term() (C function)
: Exception Handling in C
SP_FAILURE (C macro)
: CPL Notes
SP_fclose() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_fflush() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_fgetc() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_force_interactive() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_foreign_stash() (C function)
: Miscellaneous C API Functions
SP_fprintf() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_fputc() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_fputs() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_free() (C function)
: OS Memory Allocation
SP_FreeHook() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_from_os() (C function)
: WCX Utility Functions
SP_get_address() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_arg() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_atom() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_float() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_functor() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_integer() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_integer_bytes() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_list() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_list_chars() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_list_n_chars() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_number_chars() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_get_string() (C function)
: Accessing Prolog Terms
SP_getc() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_getcwd() (C function)
: OS File System
SP_InitAllocHook() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_initialize() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_is_atom() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_is_atomic() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_is_compound() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_is_float() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_is_integer() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_is_list() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_is_number() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_is_variable() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_latin1_chartype() (C function)
: WCX Utility Functions
SP_LIBRARY_DIR (environment)
: Environment Variables
SP_load() (C function)
: Loading Prolog Code
SP_make_stream() (C function)
: Installing a New Stream
SP_make_stream_context() (C function)
: Installing a New Stream
SP_malloc() (C function)
: OS Memory Allocation
: OS Threads
SP_mutex_lock() (C function)
: OS Threads
SP_mutex_unlock() (C function)
: OS Threads
SP_new_term_ref() (C function)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs
SP_next_solution() (C function)
: Finding Multiple Solutions of a Call
SP_on_fault() (C macro)
: Loading Prolog Code
SP_open_query() (C function)
: Finding Multiple Solutions of a Call
SP_PATH (environment)
: CPL Notes, Environment Variables
SP_pred() (C function)
: Calling Prolog from C
SP_predicate() (C function)
: Calling Prolog from C
SP_printf() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_put_address() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_atom() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_float() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_functor() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_integer() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_integer_bytes() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_list() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_list_chars() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_list_n_chars() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_number_chars() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_string() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_put_term() (C function)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs
SP_put_variable() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_putc() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_puts() (C function)
: Prolog Streams
SP_qid (C type)
: Finding Multiple Solutions of a Call
SP_query() (C function)
: Finding One Solution of a Call
SP_query_cut_fail() (C function)
: Finding One Solution of a Call
SP_raise_exception() (C function)
: Exception Handling in C
SP_raise_fault() (C function)
: Loading Prolog Code
SP_read_from_string() (C function)
: Creating Prolog Terms
SP_realloc() (C function)
: OS Memory Allocation
SP_register_atom() (C function)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs
SP_reinstall_signal() (C function)
: Signal Handling
SP_restore() (C function)
: Loading Prolog Code
SP_RT_DIR (environment)
: Environment Variables
SP_set_interrupt_hook() (C function)
: Hooks
SP_set_memalloc_hooks() (C function)
: Initializing the Prolog Engine
SP_set_read_hook() (C function)
: Hooks
SP_set_reinit_hook() (C function)
: Hooks
SP_set_tty() (C function)
: Internal Representation
SP_set_user_stream_hook() (C function)
: Hookable Standard Streams
SP_set_user_stream_post_hook() (C function)
: Hookable Standard Streams
- SP_SIG_DFL: Signal Handling
- SP_SIG_ERR: Signal Handling
- SP_SIG_IGN: Signal Handling
SP_signal() (C function)
: Signal Handling
SP_strdup() (C function)
: OS Memory Allocation
SP_stream (C type)
: Prolog Streams
SP_string_from_atom() (C function)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs
SP_SUCCESS (C macro)
: CPL Notes
- SP_term_ref: Mixing C and Prolog, Glossary
- SP_term_ref (C type): Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs, Mixing C and Prolog
SP_term_type() (C function)
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_to_os() (C function)
: WCX Utility Functions
SP_TYPE_ATOM (C macro)
: Testing Prolog Terms
: Testing Prolog Terms
: Testing Prolog Terms
: Testing Prolog Terms
: Testing Prolog Terms
SP_unify() (C function)
: Unifying and Comparing Terms
SP_unregister_atom() (C function)
: Creating and Manipulating SP_term_refs
SP_wci_code() (C function)
: WCX Utility Functions
SP_wci_len() (C function)
: WCX Utility Functions
space_out/3 (spaceout)
: Spaceout
- spdet, the determinacy checker: The Determinacy Checker
- spec, breakpoint: Creating Breakpoints
- spec, mode: Glossary, Mode Spec
- spec, predicate: Glossary
- specific breakpoint: Specific and Generic Breakpoints
- specification, file: Input Output, Glossary
- spld: The Application Builder
- splfr: The Foreign Resource Linker
split (Tcl command)
: Lists (Tcl)
- spxref: Xref Introduction
spy this (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
spy this conditionally (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates, Plain Spypoint
- spypoint: Debug Intro, Glossary
- spypoint, conditional: Creating Breakpoints
- spypoint, plain: Creating Breakpoints, Plain Spypoint
- spypoints, CHR: CHR Spypoints
sqrt/1, square root
: Arithmetic
stack_shifts (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- stand-alone executable: Stand-alone Executables, Glossary
- standard order: Term Compare
start/[0,1] (prologbeans)
: PB Prolog Interface
startServer on SICStus
: Java Threads
- state, program: State Info, Saving
- state, saved: Saving
- static object: Dynamically Declared Objects, Obj Intro
- static predicate: Glossary
- static resource: Foreign Resources
static/0 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
static/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
static_methods/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
static_objects/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
static_sets/1 (cumulative/5 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
static_sets/1 (serialized/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
: State Info
std/0 (exec/3 stream spec)
: System Utilities
step (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
stopServer on SICStus
: Java Threads
- store, consistent: Definitions
- store, constraint: Definitions
- store, contradictory: Definitions
- stream: Input Output, Glossary
stream (load_context/2 key)
: State Info
- stream alias: Input Output, Glossary
- stream position: Glossary
- stream, binary: Input Output
- stream, end of: Stream Pred
- stream, text: Input Output
: Prolog Streams
: Stream Pred
: Stream Pred
: Stream Pred
- string: Compound Terms, Glossary
string first (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string index (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string last (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string length (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string match (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
String on PrologSession
: PB Java Interface
String on QueryAnswer
: PB Java Interface
String on Term
: PB Java Interface
string range (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string string (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string tolower (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string toupper (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string trim (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
string trimright (Tcl command)
: Commands over Strings
- string, encoded: CPL Notes, Glossary
SU_initialize() (C function)
: The Application Builder
sub/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object, Super and Sub
: Meta Logic
sublist/2 (lists)
: Lists
subs/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
substitute/4 (lists)
: Lists
subsumes/2 (terms)
: Term Utilities
subsumes_chk/2 (terms)
: Term Utilities
- subsumption: Term Utilities
- subterm selector: Breakpoint Tests, Queries, Glossary
suffix/2 (lists)
: Lists
sum/3 (clpfd)
: Arithmetic Constraints
sum_list/2 (lists)
: Lists
sup/[2,4] (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
super (keyword)
: The Keyword Super
super/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
super/2 (universal method)
: Universal Methods, Inheritance
supers/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Object
- suppressing messages: Exception
switch (Tcl command)
: Control Flow
symmetric_closure/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
symmetric_closure/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
- synchronization: Linda Library
synchronization/1 (disjoint2/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
- syntactic rewriting: Input Output
- syntax: Glossary
- syntax error: Syntax Errors
syntax_error/[1,5] (error class)
: Exception
syntax_errors (prolog flag)
: State Info, Exception, Term I/O, Syntax Errors
syntax_errors/1 (read_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
- system encoding: WCX Concepts
- system encoding (of wide characters): Glossary
- system, development: Glossary, Development and Runtime Systems
- system, extended runtime: Glossary
- system, module: Module Intro
- system, operating: System Utilities
- system, runtime: Stand-alone Executables, Glossary, Development and Runtime Systems
system/[0,1,2] (system)
: System Utilities
system_error/[0,1] (error class)
: Exception
system_type (prolog flag)
: State Info
: Char I/O
- tables, data: Data Tables
tan/1, function
: Arithmetic
tanh/1, function
: Arithmetic
task_intervals/1 (cumulatives/3 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
taut/2 (clpb)
: CLPB Interface
tcl_delete/1 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters, Removing a Tcl Interpreter
tcl_eval/3 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters, Evaluating Tcl Expressions from Prolog
tcl_event/3 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters, Evaluate a Tcl Expression And Get Prolog Events
tcl_new/1 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters, Creating a Tcl Interpreter
: File Pred
: File Pred
- term: Terms, Glossary
- term comparison: Term Compare
- term conversions: Support Functions
- term I/O: Term I/O
- term names: FDBG Naming Terms, FDBG Names of Terms
Term on QueryAnswer
: PB Java Interface
Term on Term
: PB Java Interface
- term reference: Mixing C and Prolog
- term, atomic: Glossary
- term, callable: Glossary
- term, compound: Compound Terms, Terms, Glossary
- term, cyclic: Term I/O, Occur
- term, exception: Exception Handling in C
- term, indexed: The DB-Spec Informal Description
- term, layout: Term I/O
- term, mutable: Modify Term, Glossary
- term, simple: Glossary
term_expansion/[2,4] (user)
: Term and Goal Expansion
term_hash/[2,4] (terms)
: Term Utilities
term_position (load_context/2 key)
: State Info
term_subsumer/3 (terms)
: Term Utilities
term_variables/2 (terms)
: Term Utilities
term_variables_bag/2 (terms)
: Term Utilities
- terminating a backtracking loop: Terminating a Backtracking Loop
- terms: Term Utilities
terse (gc_trace flag value)
: State Info
- test condition, breakpoint: Goal Tests
- test, breakpoint: Creating Breakpoints
text (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
- text stream: Input Output
- thread, main: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
- threads: OS Threads
- threads, calling Prolog from: Calling Prolog Asynchronously
: Exception
time_out/3 (timeout)
: Timeout
tk_all_events (tk_do_one_event/1 option)
: Servicing Tk Events
tk_destroy_window/1 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Housekeeping
tk_do_one_event/[0,1] (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Servicing Tk Events
tk_dont_wait (tk_do_one_event/1 option)
: Servicing Tk Events
tk_file_events (tk_do_one_event/1 option)
: Servicing Tk Events
tk_idle_events (tk_do_one_event/1 option)
: Servicing Tk Events
tk_main_loop/0 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Passing Control to Tk
tk_main_window/2 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Housekeeping
tk_make_window_exist/1 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Housekeeping
tk_new/2 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Creating a Tcl Interpreter Extended with Tk
tk_next_event/[2,3] (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Servicing Tk Events, Evaluate a Tcl Expression And Get Prolog Events
tk_num_main_windows/1 (tcltk)
: Predicates for Prolog to Interact with Tcl Interpreters with Tk Extensions, Housekeeping
tk_timer_events (tk_do_one_event/1 option)
: Servicing Tk Events
tk_window_events (tk_do_one_event/1 option)
: Servicing Tk Events
tk_x_events (tk_do_one_event/1 option)
: Servicing Tk Events
TMPDIR (environment)
: Environment Variables
tmpnam/1 (system)
: System Utilities
- token: Full Syntax
: File Pred
- top-level: Start
top_level_events/0 (tk_new/2 option)
: Creating a Tcl Interpreter Extended with Tk
top_sort/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
top_sort/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
toplevel (Tk widget)
: Types of Widget
toplevel_print_options (prolog flag)
: Message Phases, State Info, Queries
- touching a variable: How CHR Work
- trace: Glossary
trace (debugging flag value)
: State Info
trace (unknown flag value)
: Debug Pred, State Info, Undefined Predicates
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
trace/0 (debugger mode control)
: Action Variables
trail (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
TRAILSTKSIZE (environment)
: Environment Variables
transitive_closure/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
transitive_closure/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
transpose/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
transpose/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
tree_size/2 (trees)
: Trees
tree_to_list/2 (trees)
: Trees
- trees, binary: Trees
: State Info
: Control
true/0 (debugger condition)
: Other Tests
true/1 (debugger condition)
: Other Tests, Breakpoint Tests
truncate/1, function
: Arithmetic
- trying a CHR: How CHR Work
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
: Char I/O
- type-in module: State Info, Basic Concepts, Glossary
type/1 (file_property/2 property)
: System Utilities
type/1 (open/4 option)
: Stream Pred
type/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
type_error/[2,4] (error class)
: Exception
typein_module (prolog flag)
: State Info
- ugraph: UGraphs
ugraph_to_wgraph/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
unblock/0 (debugger port value)
: Port Tests
- unblocked goal: Glossary
- unbound: Glossary
unconstrained/1 (chr)
: CHR Built-In Predicates
- undefined predicate: State Info, Exception, Undefined Predicates
: Misc Pred
- unification: Procedural, Glossary
- unifier, most general: Procedural
unify (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
: Misc Pred
- unit clause: Programs, Glossary
unknown (prolog flag)
: Debug Pred, State Info, Exception, Undefined Predicates
: Debug Pred, Undefined Predicates
unknown_predicate_handler/3 (user)
: Exception, Undefined Predicates
unleash/0 (debugger condition)
: Condition Macros
: Interface Predicates
- unreachable code: Xref Introduction
unregister_event_listener/1 (prologbeans)
: PB Prolog Interface
unset (Tcl command)
: Commands to Do with Variables
- unweighted graphs: UGraphs
up (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
update/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Object
: Modify Term
uplevel (Tcl command)
: User Defined Procedures
upvar (Tcl command)
: User Defined Procedures
: Read In
- user: Inserting Clauses
: Condition Macros, Hooks Related to Breakpoints
: Debug Pred, Breakpoint Predicates, Hooks Related to Breakpoints
: Debug Pred, Exceptions Debug
: Stream Pred, Input Output
: Pred Summary, Message Handling Predicates
: Term and Goal Expansion
: Stream Pred
: Message Handling Predicates
: Object Declaration
: Term I/O
: Message Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
: Query Handling Predicates
: Term and Goal Expansion
: Exception, Undefined Predicates
: Misc Pred
user_error (prolog flag)
: Prolog Streams, State Info, Input Output
user_error (stream alias)
: Input Output
user_help/0 (user)
: Misc Pred
user_input (prolog flag)
: Prolog Streams, State Info, Input Output
user_input (stream alias)
: Input Output
user_main() (C function)
: User-defined Main Programs
user_output (prolog flag)
: Prolog Streams, State Info, Input Output
user_output (stream alias)
: Input Output
- UTF-8 encoding: Glossary
utility (built-in object)
: The Utility Object
val/1 (case/4 spec)
: Combinatorial Constraints
val/1 (fd_global/3 spec)
: The Global Constraint Programming Interface
value/1 (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
: Meta Logic
- variable: Terminology, Variables, Terms, Glossary
- variable, anonymous: Variables, Glossary
- variable, domain: CLPFD Interface
- variable, instance: Inheritance and Delegation
- variable, touching a: How CHR Work
variable/1 (labeling/2 option)
: Enumeration Predicates
variable_names/1 (read_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
- variables, attributed: Attributes
- variables, list of: FDBG Legend
variables/1 (read_term/[2,3] option)
: Term I/O
variant/2 (terms)
: Term Utilities
vbsp, file search path
: Loading the Prolog Code
verbose (gc_trace flag value)
: State Info
verify_attributes/3 (Module)
: Attributes
version (prolog flag)
: State Info
: Misc Pred
vertices/2 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
vertices/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3 (ugraphs)
: UGraphs
vertices_edges_to_wgraph/3 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
view/1 (gauge)
: Gauge
- visualizer: FDBG Visualizers
void on Bindings
: PB Java Interface
void on PrologSession
: PB Java Interface
- volatile: Glossary
- volatile declaration: Volatile Declarations
volatile/1 (declaration)
: Volatile Declarations
wait/2 (system)
: System Utilities
walltime (statistics/2 option)
: State Info
- WAM: Intro
warning (unknown flag value)
: Debug Pred, State Info, Undefined Predicates
wcx (prolog flag)
: State Info
- WCX (Wide Character eXtension) component: Input Output
- WCX box: WCX Hooks
- WCX mode: WCX Concepts
wcx/1 (load_files/2 option)
: Read In
wcx/1 (open/4 option)
: Stream Pred
wcx/1 (stream property)
: Stream Pred
- weighted graphs: WGraphs
- wgraph: WGraphs
wgraph_to_ugraph/2 (wgraphs)
: WGraphs
when/1 (load_files/2 option)
: Read In
: Coroutining
while (Tcl command)
: Control Flow
- wide character code: WCX Concepts
- wide characters: Input Output
- windowed executable: Glossary
with_output_to_chars/[2,3,4] (charsio)
: Chars I/O
working_directory/2 (system)
: System Utilities
wrap/2 (disjoint1/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
wrap/4 (disjoint2/2 option)
: Combinatorial Constraints
write (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
write (open/[3,4] mode)
: Stream Pred
write/0 (debugger show control)
: Action Variables
: Term I/O
: Term I/O
write_term/1 (debugger show control)
: Action Variables
: Term I/O
write_term_to_chars/[3,4] (charsio)
: Chars I/O
write_to_chars/[2,3] (charsio)
: Chars I/O
: Term I/O
- XEmacs: Emacs Interface
xml_parse/[2,3] (xml)
xml_pp/1 (xml)
xml_subterm/2 (xml)
- zip: Glossary
zip (debugger command)
: Debug Commands
zip (debugging flag value)
: State Info
: Debug Pred, Basic Debug
zip/0 (debugger mode control)
: Action Variables
{}/1 (clpqr)
: Solver Predicates
~ /1, boolean not