Parsing and Generating XML

library(xml) is a package for parsing XML with Prolog, which provides Prolog applications with a simple "Document Value Model" interface to XML documents. A description of the subset of XML that it supports can be found at:

The package, originally written by Binding Time Ltd., is in the public domain and unsupported. To use the package, enter the query:

     | ?- use_module(library(xml)).

The package represents XML documents by the abstract data type document, which is defined by the following grammar:

document ::= xml(attributes,content) { well-formed document }
| malformed(attributes,content) { malformed document }

attributes ::= []
| [name=chardata|attributes]

content ::= []
| [cterm|content]

cterm ::= pcdata(chardata) { text }
| comment(chardata) { an XML comment }
| namespace(URI,prefix,element) { a Namespace }
| element(tagattributes,content) { <tag>..</tag> encloses content or <tag /> if empty }
| instructions(name,chardata) { A PI <? name chardata ?> }
| cdata(chardata) { <![CDATA[chardata]]> }
| doctype(tag,doctypeid) { DTD <!DOCTYPE .. > }
| unparsed(chardata) { text that hasn't been parsed }
| out_of_context(tag) { tag is not closed }

tag ::= atom { naming an element }

name ::= atom { not naming an element }

URI ::= atom { giving the URI of a namespace }

chardata ::= code-list

doctypeid ::= public(chardata,chardata)
| system(chardata)
| local

The following predicates are exported by the package:

xml_parse(+Chars, -Document[, +Options])

Parses Chars, a code-list, to Document, a document. Chars is not required to represent strictly well-formed XML.

Options is a list of zero or more of the following, where Boolean must be true or false:

Indent the element content (default true).
Use the extended character entities for XHTML (default true).
Remove namespace prefixes from attributes when it's the same as the prefix of the parent element (default false).

xml_parse(-Chars, +Document[, +Options])
Generates Chars, a code-list, from Document, a document. If Document is not a valid document term representing well-formed XML, an exception is raised.

In this usage of the predicate, the only option available is format/1.

xml_subterm(+Term, ?Subterm)

Unifies Subterm with a sub-term of Term, a document. This can be especially useful when trying to test or retrieve a deeply-nested subterm from a document.


"Pretty prints" Document, a document, on the current output stream.