Previous: ref-lte-met-typ, Up: ref-lte-met Unification

The following predicates are related to unification. Unless mentioned otherwise, unification is performed without occurs-check (see ref-sem-occ).

To unify two terms, simply use:

     ?- X = Y.
Please note:

To unify two terms with occurs-check, use:

     ?- unify_with_occurs_check(X,Y).

To check whether two terms don't unify, use the following, which is equivalent to \+ (X=Y):

     ?- X \= Y.

To check whether two terms are either strictly identical or don't unify, use the following. This construct is useful in the context of when/2:

     ?- ?=(X,Y).

To constrain two terms to not unify, use the following. It blocks until ?=(X,Y) holds:

     ?- dif(X,Y).

The goal:

     ?- subsumes_term(General,Specific).

is true when Specific is an instance of General. It does not bind any variables.

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