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4.5.2 Syntactic Rewriting

A file specification must be an atom or a compound term with arity 1. Such compound terms are transformed to atoms as described in ref-fdi-fsp. Let FileSpec be the given or transformed atomic file specification.

A file specification FileSpec is subject to syntactic rewriting. Depending on the operation, the resulting absolute filename is subject to further processing. Syntactic rewriting is performed wrt. a context directory Context (an absolute path), in the following steps:

The following UNIX examples assumes that Context is ‘/usr/’; that the environment variables VAR1, VAR2, VAR3 have the values ‘/opt/bin’, ‘foo’ and ‘~/temp’ respectively and that the home directory of the current user, ‘joe’, is ‘/home/joe’.

        ==> /foo/bar
        ==> /foo/blip
        ==> error
        ==> /opt/local
        ==> /usr/foo/misc
        ==> /home/joe/temp/misc
        ==> /home/jenny/bin

The following Windows examples assume that Context is ‘C:/Source/proj1’; that the environment variables VAR1, VAR2, VAR3 have the values ‘\\server\docs\brian’, ‘foo’ and ‘~/temp’ respectively and that the home directory of the current user is ‘C:/home’.

        ==> c:/foo/bar
        ==> c:/source/blip
        ==> //server/docs/local
        ==> c:/source/proj1/foo/misc
        ==> c:/home/temp/misc
        ==> error

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