Next: 4.9.0 Bugs Fixed, Previous: 4.9.0 New Features, Up: 4.9.0 Changes [Contents]
and setof/3
has been
improved, especially when the generator gives many solutions.
and setof/3
enumerate solutions may be different compared to earlier releases. The
solutions themselves are the same, only their enumeration order may
have changed.
changed from a 32-bit
type to the same size as SP_integer
, i.e. 64-bit
on 64-bit platforms. This does not affect Prolog code. This only
affects (64-bit) C/C++ code, e.g., foreign functions doing Prolog
I/O. In most cases this should be a source-code compatible change.
has been removed. It was replaced with library(lmdb)
in release 4.7.