AppSession - class se.sics.prologbeans.AppSession.
AppSession(PrologSession) - Constructor for class se.sics.prologbeans.AppSession
arguments - Variable in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBCompound


bind(String, double) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Adds the specified variable binding.
bind(String, float) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Adds the specified variable binding.
bind(String, int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Adds the specified variable binding.
bind(String, long) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Adds the specified variable binding.
bind(String, String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Adds the specified variable binding.
bind(String, Term) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Adds the specified variable binding.
bindAtom(String, String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Adds the specified variable binding.
Bindings - class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings.
Bindings handles the variable bindings in the communication with the prolog server.
Bindings() - Constructor for class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Creates a new Bindings instance with no variable bindings.
Bindings(Bindings) - Constructor for class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Creates a new Bindings instance and copies all existing variable bindings from the specified bindings.


connect() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Connects to the Prolog server.


disconnect() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Closes the connection with the Prolog server.
doubleValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns the floating-point value of this term.
doubleValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic


executeQuery(String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Sends a query to the Prolog server and waits for the answer before returning the QueryAnswer.
executeQuery(String, Bindings) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Sends a query to the Prolog server and waits for the answer before returning the QueryAnswer.
executeQuery(String, Bindings, String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Sends a query to the Prolog server and waits for the answer before returning the QueryAnswer.


floatValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns the floating-point value of this term.
floatValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic


getArgument(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns the argument at the specified index.
getArgument(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBCompound
getArgument(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList
Returns the first or second argument of this list node.
getArgument(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
Returns the first or second argument of this list node.
getArity() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns the number of arguments of this compound term or 0 if this term is not a compound term.
getArity() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBCompound
getArity() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList
getArity() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
getCharAt(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
Returns the character at the specified index in this string.
getEnd() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList
Returns the end of this list.
getError() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.QueryAnswer
Returns the error reason or null if an error has not occurred or if no error reason is known.
getHost() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Returns the host of the Prolog server (exactly as registered in setHost).
getLength() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList
Returns the length of this PBList.
getLength() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
Returns the number of characters in this PBString.
getName() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns the name of this constant or compound term.
getPort() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Returns the port of the Prolog server.
getPrologSession() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.AppSession
getPrologSession(String) - Static method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Returns the PrologSession registered in JNDI with the given name.
getPrologSession(String, HttpSession) - Static method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Returns the PrologSession registered in JNDI with the given name.
getString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
Returns the string value of this term.
getTermAt(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList
Returns the element at the specified index in this list.
getTermAt(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
Returns the element at the specified index in this list.
getTimeout() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Returns the timeout in milliseconds before the connection to the Prolog server is reset (when a query is not answered).
getValue(String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
Returns the value for the specified variable or null if the variable is not bound.
getValue(String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.QueryAnswer
Returns the value of the specified variable or null if the variable is not bound.


intValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns the integer value of this term.
intValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic
isAlwaysClosing() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
isAtom() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is an atom and false otherwise.
isAtom() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBCompound
isAtom() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic
isAtomic() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is a constant (e.g.
isAtomic() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBCompound
isAtomic() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic
isAutoConnecting() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Returns the state of the auto connect mode.
isCompound() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is a compund term and false otherwise.
isConnected() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Returns true if a connection with the Prolog server is open and false otherwise.
isError() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.QueryAnswer
Returns true if an error occurred while processing the query and false otherwise.
isFloat() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is a floating-point number and false otherwise.
isFloat() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic
isInteger() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is an integer and false otherwise.
isInteger() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic
isList() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is a list and false otherwise.
isList() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList
isString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is an instance of PBString (which can be used for fast string access) and false otherwise.
isString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
isVariable() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns true if this term is a variable and false otherwise.
isVariable() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic


longValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns the integer value of this term.
longValue() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic


name - Variable in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
nextTerm - Variable in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList


PBAtomic - class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic.
PBAtomic is the Java representation of Prolog constants and variables.
PBCompound - class se.sics.prologbeans.PBCompound.
PBCompound is the Java representation of Prolog compound terms and atoms (such as the empty list).
PBList - class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList.
PBList is the Java representation of Prolog lists.
PBString - class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString.
PBString is the Java representation of Prolog strings (e.g.
PrologSession - class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession.
PrologSession handles the connection with the Prolog Server.
PrologSession() - Constructor for class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Creates a new PrologSession instance with default Prolog server settings.


QueryAnswer - class se.sics.prologbeans.QueryAnswer.
QueryAnswer is the Java representation of an answer from the Prolog server.
QueryAnswer(Term, Bindings) - Constructor for class se.sics.prologbeans.QueryAnswer
Creates a new QueryAnswer instance with the specified information.
queryFailed() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.QueryAnswer
Returns true if the query failed (i.e.


se.sics.prologbeans - package se.sics.prologbeans
PrologBeans is a package for integrating Java and Prolog applications.
setAlwaysClose(boolean) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
setAutoConnect(boolean) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Sets the connection mode of this PrologSession.
setHost(String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Sets the host of the Prolog server (default is localhost).
setPort(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Sets the port of the Prolog server (default 8066).
setTimeout(int) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PrologSession
Sets the timeout in milliseconds before the connection to the Prolog server is reset (when a query is not answered).
stuffAtom(String) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term


Term - class se.sics.prologbeans.Term.
Term is the base for Java representations of Prolog terms.
toString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Bindings
toString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.QueryAnswer
Returns a string description of this answer.
toString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.Term
Returns a string description of this term.
toString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBCompound
toString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBList
toString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBString
toString() - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.PBAtomic


valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.AppSession
valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class se.sics.prologbeans.AppSession