These built-in predicates are meta-logical. They treat uninstantiated variables as objects with values which may be compared, and they never instantiate those variables. They should not be used when what you really want is arithmetic comparison (see Arithmetic) or unification.
The predicates make reference to a standard total ordering of terms, which is as follows:
For example, here is a list of terms in standard order:
[ X, -1.0, -9, 1, fie, foe, X = Y, foe(0,2), fie(1,1,1) ]
NOTE: the standard order is only well-defined for finite (acyclic) terms. There are infinite (cyclic) terms for which no order relation holds. Furthermore, blocking goals (see Procedural) on variables or modifying their attributes (see Attributes) does not preserve their order.
These are the basic predicates for comparison of arbitrary terms:
Term1 ==
The terms currently instantiating Term1 and Term2 are literally identical (in particular, variables in equivalent positions in the two terms must be identical). For example, the query
| ?- X == Y.
fails (answers no
) because X and Y are distinct
uninstantiated variables. However, the query
| ?- X = Y, X == Y.
succeeds because the first goal unifies the two variables
(see Misc Pred).
Term1 \==
The terms currently instantiating Term1 and Term2
are not literally identical.
Term1 @<
The term Term1 is before the term Term2 in the standard order.
Term1 @>
The term Term1 is after the term Term2 in the standard order.
Term1 @=<
The term Term1 is not after the term Term2 in the standard order.
Term1 @>=
The term Term1 is not before the term Term2 in the standard order.
Some further predicates involving comparison of terms are:
X and Y are either syntactically identical or
syntactically non-unifiable.
The result of comparing terms Term1 and Term2 is Op, where the possible values for Op are:
Thus compare(=,Term1,Term2)
is equivalent to
Term1 == Term2
The elements of the list List1 are sorted into the standard order
(see Term Compare) and any identical elements are merged, yielding
the list List2. (The time and space complexity of this operation
is at worst O(N lg N) where N is the length of List1.)
The list List1 must consist of pairs of the form Key-Value.
These items are sorted into order according to the value of Key,
yielding the list List2. No merging takes place. This predicate
is stable, i.e. if K-A
occurs before K-B
in the
input, then K-A
will occur before K-B
in the output. (The
time and space complexity of this operation is at worst O(N lg N)
where N is the length of List1.)