
It is possible to leave space between widgets through the padding options to the packer: -padx and -pady. What these do is to allocate space to the slave that is padded with the padding distances. An example would be:

     pack .b1 .b2 .b3 -side left -padx 10

External Padding

which adds 10 pixels of space to either side of the button widgets. This has the effect of leaving 10 pixels at the left side of button .b1, 20 pixels between buttons .b1 and .b2, 20 pixels between buttons .b2 and .b3, and finally 10 pixels on the right side of button .b3.

That was external padding for spacing widgets. There is also internal padding for increasing the size of widgets in the X and Y directions by a certain amount, through -ipadx and -ipady options; i.e. internal padding. For example:

     pack .b1 .b2 .b3 -side left -ipadx 10 -ipady 10

Internal Padding

instead of spacing out the widgets, will increase their dimensions by 10 pixels in each direction.