This package defines operations on terms for subsumption checking, “anti-unification”, testing acyclicity, and getting the variables.
Please note: anti-unification is a purely syntactic operation; any attributes attached to the variables are ignored.
To load the package, enter the query
| ?- use_module(library(terms)).
| ?- subsumes_chk(f(X), f(a)). true | ?- subsumes_chk(f(a), f(X)). no | ?- subsumes_chk(A-A, B-C). no | ?- subsumes_chk(A-B, C-C). true
| ?- term_subsumer(f(g(1,h(_))), f(g(_,h(1))), T). T = f(g(_B,h(_A))) | ?- term_subsumer(f(1+2,2+1), f(3+4,4+3), T). T = f(_A+_B,_B+_A)
If Term contains floats or integers outside the small integer range, the hash value will be platform dependent. Otherwise, the hash value will be identical across runs and platforms.
The depth of a term is defined as follows: the (principal functor of) the term itself has depth 1, and an argument of a term with depth i has depth i+1.
Depth should be an integer >= -1. If Depth = -1 (the default), Term must be ground, and all subterms of Term are relevant in computing Hash. Otherwise, only the subterms up to depth Depth of Term are used in the computation.
Range should be an integer >= 1. The default will give hash values in a range appropriate for all platforms.
| ?- term_hash([a,b,_], 3, 4, H). H = 2 | ?- term_hash([a,b,_], 4, 4, H). true | ?- term_hash(f(a,f(b,f(_,[]))), 2, 4, H). H = 2
is provided primarily as a tool for the
construction of sophisticated Prolog clause access schemes. Its
intended use is to generate hash values for terms that will be
used with first argument clause indexing, yielding compact
and efficient multi-argument or deep argument indexing.