abolish/0 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectancestor/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectancestor/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectancestors/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectancestors/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectand_cast/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectassert/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectassert/1 (object method)
: Method Additionsassert/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectasserta/1 (object method)
: Method Additionsasserta/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectasserta/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectassertz/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectassertz/1 (object method)
: Method Additionsassertz/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectattributes/1 (universal method)
: Universal Methodsaugment/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectaugmenta/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectaugmentz/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectdescendant/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectdescendant/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectdescendants/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectdescendants/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectdynamic/0 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectdynamic/0 (object method)
: Dynamically Declared Objectsdynamic/1 (object method)
: Dynamic Methodsdynamic/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectdynamic_methods/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectdynamic_objects/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectget/1 (inlined method)
: Inlined Methodsget/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objecthas_attribute/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objecthas_instance/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectinstance/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectmethods/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectnew/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectnew/1 (object method)
: Object Creationnew/2 (object method)
: Object Creationnew/2 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectobject (built-in object)
: The Proto-Objectobject/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectobjects/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objector_cast/2 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectrestart/0 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectretract/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectretractall/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectself/1 (inlined method)
: Inlined Methodsself/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectset/1 (inlined method)
: Inlined Methodsset/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectstatic/0 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectstatic/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectstatic_methods/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectstatic_objects/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectsub/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectsub/1 (object method)
: Super and Subsubs/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectsuper (keyword)
: The Keyword Supersuper/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectsuper/2 (universal method)
: Inheritancesuper/2 (universal method)
: Universal Methodssupers/1 (utility method)
: The Utility Objectupdate/1 (object method)
: The Proto-Objectutility (built-in object)
: The Utility Object