A Global Constraint Example

The following example defines a new global constraint exactly(X,L,N), which is true if X occurs exactly N times in the list L of domain variables. N must be an integer when the constraint is posted. A version without this restriction and defined in terms of reified equalities was presented earlier; see Reified Constraints.

This example illustrates the use of state information. The state has two components: the list of variables that could still be X, and the number of variables still required to be X.

The constraint is defined to wake up on any domain change.

% exactly.pl
An implementation of exactly(I, X[1]...X[m], N):

Necessary condition: 0 <= N <= m.
Rewrite rules:

[1] |= X[i]=I  → exactly(I, X[1]...X[i-1],X[i+1]...X[m], N-1):
[2] |= X[i]!=I → exactly(I, X[1]...X[i-1],X[i+1]...X[m], N):
[3] |= N=0     → X[1]!=I ... X[m]!=I
[4] |= N=m     → X[1]=I  ... X[m]=I
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

% the entrypoint
exactly(I, Xs, N) :-
        dom_suspensions(Xs, Susp),
        fd_global(exactly(I,Xs,N), state(Xs,N), Susp).

dom_suspensions([], []).
dom_suspensions([X|Xs], [dom(X)|Susp]) :- 
        dom_suspensions(Xs, Susp).

% the solver method
:- multifile clpfd:dispatch_global/4.
clpfd:dispatch_global(exactly(I,_,_), state(Xs0,N0), state(Xs,N), Actions) :-
        exactly_solver(I, Xs0, Xs, N0, N, Actions).

exactly_solver(I, Xs0, Xs, N0, N, Actions) :-
        ex_filter(Xs0, Xs, N0, N, I),
        length(Xs, M),
        (   N=:=0 -> Actions = [exit|Ps], ex_neq(Xs, I, Ps)
        ;   N=:=M -> Actions = [exit|Ps], ex_eq(Xs, I, Ps)
        ;   N>0, N<M -> Actions = []
        ;   Actions = [fail]
% exactly.pl
% rules [1,2]: filter the X's, decrementing N
ex_filter([], [], N, N, _).
ex_filter([X|Xs], Ys, L, N, I) :- X==I, !,
        M is L-1,
        ex_filter(Xs, Ys, M, N, I).
ex_filter([X|Xs], Ys0, L, N, I) :-
        fd_set(X, Set),
        fdset_member(I, Set), !,
        Ys0 = [X|Ys],
        ex_filter(Xs, Ys, L, N, I).
ex_filter([_|Xs], Ys, L, N, I) :-
        ex_filter(Xs, Ys, L, N, I).

% rule [3]: all must be neq I
ex_neq(Xs, I, Ps) :-
        fdset_singleton(Set0, I),
        fdset_complement(Set0, Set),
        eq_all(Xs, Set, Ps).

% rule [4]: all must be eq I
ex_eq(Xs, I, Ps) :-
        fdset_singleton(Set, I),
        eq_all(Xs, Set, Ps).

eq_all([], _, []).
eq_all([X|Xs], Set, [X in_set Set|Ps]) :- 
        eq_all(Xs, Set, Ps).


% sample queries: 

| ?- exactly(5,[A,B,C],1), A=5.  
A = 5, 
B in(inf..4)\/(6..sup), C in(inf..4)\/(6..sup)

| ?- exactly(5,[A,B,C],1), A in 1..2, B in 3..4.
C = 5,
A in 1..2,
B in 3..4

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