and spld
should not have
embedded spaces. For file names with spaces, you can use the corresponding
short file name.
, selecting the ‘Manual’ or ‘Release Notes’ item in the
‘Help’ menu may give an error message similar to
‘… \!Help\100#!Manual.lnk could not be found’. This happens when
Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed or if it has not been installed
for the current user.
Open C:\Program Files\SICStus Prolog VC15 4.5.0\doc\pdf\ in the
explorer and try opening
relnotes.pdf. If this brings up a configuration dialog for
Adobe Acrobat, then configure Acrobat and try the ‘Help’ menu
again. Alternatively, you may have to obtain Adobe Acrobat. It is
available for free from https://www.adobe.com/.
If SICStus is installed for a single user, then SICStus will not find the
license information when started by another user.
In this case, the windowed version of SICStus (spwin
) will
put up a dialog where a license can be entered.