[extendible]:- multifile 'SU_messages':query_abbreviation/3.
A way to specify one letter abbreviations for responses to queries from the Prolog System.
The query class being defined.
The prompt to be used, typically indicating appropriate abbreviations.
A list of word-abbreviation pairs, defining the characters accepted and the corresponding abstract answers.
This predicate defines a query class with the given prompt, the line
method, the char(
map method and help_query
failure mode. The predicate is actually implemented by the first
clause of 'SU_messages':query_class/5
query_class(QueryClass, Prompt, line, char(Pairs), help_query) :- query_abbreviation(QueryClass, Prompt, Pairs), !.
Prolog only asks for keyboard input in a few different ways. These
are enumerated in the clauses for
. These clauses specify
valid abbreviations for a given key word. For example,
query_abbreviation(yes_or_no, ' (y or n) ', [yes-[-1,0'y,0'Y], no-"nN"]) :- !.
a French translator might decide that the letters ‘O’ and ‘o’ are reasonable abreviations for ‘oui’ (yes), and therefore write
query_abbreviation(yes_or_no, ' (y or n) ', [yes-[-1,0'o,0'O], no-"nN"]) :- !.
checks the output arguments.