There are several things to do if the speed of the Emacs environment
is a problem:
- First of all, make sure that prolog.el and
sicstus-support.el are compiled, i.e. that there is a
prolog.elc and a sicstus-support.elc file at the same
location as the original files. To do the compilation, start Emacs
and type M-x byte-compile-file <RET> path <RET>,
where path is the path to the ‘*.el’ file. Don't be alarmed
if there are a few warning messages as this is normal. If all went
well, there should now be a compiled file, which is used the next time
Emacs is started.
- The next thing to try is changing the setting of
to nil
. This means that
Emacs uses built-in functions for some of the source code parsing,
thus speeding up indentation. The problem is that it does not handle all
peculiarities of the Prolog syntax, so this is a trade-off between
correctness and speed.
- The setting of the
variable also affects
the speed, 'beg-of-line
being faster than 'beg-of-clause
- Font locking may be slow. You can turn it off using customization,
available through M-x customize-group <RET> font-lock
<RET>. An alternative is to enable one of the lazy font locking
modes. You can also turn it off completely; see Basic Configuration.
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