Missing pruning and excessive pruning are the two major classes of bugs in the implementation of global constraints. Since CLP(FD) is an incomplete constraint solver, missing pruning is mainly an efficiency concern (but ground instances for which the constraint does not hold should be rejected). Excessive pruning, however, means that some valid combinations of values are pruned away, leading to missing solutions. The following exported predicate helps spotting excessive pruning in user-defined global constraints:
about the solution in
question—stating which variables should have which values. To
use fdbg_guard/3
, first:
fdbg_on([..., constraint_hook(fdbg_guard(Goal)), ...])
As usual, the two other arguments will be supplied by the FDBG
core when calling fdbg_guard/3
Vs where Xs is the list of
variables and Vs is the list of values in question.
This pair should then be assigned the name fdbg_guard
| ?- fdbg_assign_name(Xs-Vs, fdbg_guard).
When these steps have been taken, fdbg_guard/3
will watch the
domain changes of Xs done by each constraint C.
Whenever Vs is in the domains of Xs at entry to C, but
not at exit from C, Goal is called with three more
Value terms for which
Value was removed from the domain of Variable
We will now show an example using fdbg_guard/3
. First, we will need a
few extra lines of code:
%% print_and_trace(MissValues, Constraint, Actions): To be used as a Goal for %% fdbg_guard to call when the given solution was removed from the domains %% of the variables. %% %% MissValues is a list of Var-Value pairs, where Value is the value that %% should appear in the domain of Var, but has been removed. Constraint is %% the current constraint and Actions is the list of actions returned by it. %% %% This predicate prints MissValues in a textual form, then shows the current %% (culprit) constraint (as done by fdbg_show/2), then turns on the Prolog %% tracer. print_and_trace(MissValues, Constraint, Actions) :- print(fdbg_output, '\nFDBG Guard:\n'), display_missing_values(MissValues), print(fdbg_output, '\nCulprit constraint:\n\n'), fdbg_show(Constraint, Actions), trace. display_missing_values([]). display_missing_values([Var-Val|MissVals]) :- fdbg_annotate(Var,AVar,_), format(fdbg_output, ' ~d was removed from ~p~n', [Val,AVar]), display_missing_values(MissVals).
Suppose that we have written the following N Queens program, using
a global constraint no_threat/3
with a bug in it:
:- use_module(library(fdbg)). :- use_module(library(clpfd)). queens(L, N) :- length(L, N), domain(L, 1, N), constrain_all(L), labeling([enum], L). constrain_all([]). constrain_all([X|Xs]):- constrain_between(X,Xs,1), constrain_all(Xs). constrain_between(_X,[],_N). constrain_between(X,[Y|Ys],N) :- no_threat(X,Y,N), N1 is N+1, constrain_between(X,Ys,N1). no_threat(X,Y,I) :- fd_global(no_threat(X,Y,I), 0, [val(X),val(Y)]). :- multifile clpfd:dispatch_global/4. clpfd:dispatch_global(no_threat(X,Y,I), S, S, Actions) :- ground(X), !, remove_threat(Y, X, I, NewYSet), Actions = [exit, Y in_set NewYSet]. clpfd:dispatch_global(no_threat(X,Y,I), S, S, Actions) :- ground(Y), !, remove_threat(X, Y, I, NewXSet), Actions = [exit, X in_set NewXSet]. clpfd:dispatch_global(no_threat(_,_,_), S, S, []). remove_threat(X, V, I, Set) :- Vp is V+I+1, % Bug introduced here % Vp is V+I, % Good code Vn is V-I, fd_set(X, Set0), list_to_fdset([Vn, V, Vp], VSet), fdset_subtract(Set0, VSet, Set). missing(L, Tuple) :- length(Tuple, N), length(L, N), domain(L, 1, N), lex_chain([[2,4,1,3],L]), fdbg_assign_name(L-Tuple, fdbg_guard), fdbg_assign_name(L, board), fdbg_on([constraint_hook(fdbg_guard(print_and_trace))]), queens(L, N).
We will now use print_and_trace/3
as an argument to the
visualizer to handle the case when a solution has been
removed by a constraint. The bug shown above causes three invalid
solutions to be found instead of the two correct solutions
and [3,1,4,2]
. The constraint:
constraints the search to solutions lexicographically greater than or
equal to the first correct solution, and FDBG is told to watch for its
disappearance. At some point, the buggy constraint removes it, and
calls the given predicate. This prints the cause of
waking (the value that should not have been removed by the constraint),
prints the constraint itself, then switches the Prolog debugger to trace
mode. At this point, we type ‘A’ (see FDBG Debugger Commands)
to print the annotated form of the goal containing the culprit
constraint. Finally, we type ‘A [2,4]’ to print the same
information, but taking into account the action list, which is the 4th
argument of the 2nd argument of the module prefixed goal. For clarity,
the labeling events were not turned off in the session below.
This example shows how FDBG can be used to narrow down what causes invalid pruning.
| ?- missing(L, [2,4,1,3]). % The clp(fd) debugger is switched on Labeling [8, <board_1>]: starting in range 2..4. Labeling [8, <board_1>]: indomain_up: <board_1> = 2 FDBG Guard: 4 was removed from <board_2> Culprit constraint: user:no_threat(2,<board_2>,1) board_2 = 1..4 -> {3} Constraint exited. % The debugger will first creep -- showing everything (trace) 11 2 Exit: clpfd:dispatch_global_fast(no_threat(2,_1511,1),0,0, [exit,_1511 in_set[[3|3]]], global('$mutable'(0,0),no_threat(2,_1511,1),'$mutable'(11,596), _10779,user:no_threat(2,_1511,1))) ? A clpfd:dispatch_global_fast(no_threat(2,<board_2>,1),0,0, [exit,<board_2> in_set[[3|3]]],global($mutable(0,0),no_threat(2,<board_2>,1), $mutable(11,596),<fdvar_1>,user:no_threat(2,<board_2>,1))) board_2 = 1..4 fdvar_1 = inf..sup 11 2 Exit: clpfd:dispatch_global_fast(no_threat(2,_1511,1),0,0, [exit,_1511 in_set[[3|3]]], global('$mutable'(0,0),no_threat(2,_1511,1),'$mutable'(11,596), _23859,user:no_threat(2,_1511,1))) ? A [2,4] clpfd:dispatch_global_fast(no_threat(2,<board_2>,1),0,0, [exit,<board_2> in_set[[3|3]]],global($mutable(0,0),no_threat(2,<board_2>,1), $mutable(11,596),<fdvar_1>,user:no_threat(2,<board_2>,1))) board_2 = 1..4 -> {3} fdvar_1 = inf..sup Constraint exited. 11 2 Exit: clpfd:dispatch_global_fast(no_threat(2,_1511,1),0,0, [exit,_1511 in_set[[3|3]]],global('$mutable'(0,0),no_threat(2,_1511,1),'$mutable'(11,596), _23859,user:no_threat(2,_1511,1))) ? a % Execution aborted % advice,source_info | ?- fdbg_off. % The clp(fd) debugger is switched off