For constraint store S, variable X, and finite domain R:
The following definitions, adapted from [Van Hentenryck et al. 95], define important notions of consistency and entailment of constraints wrt. stores.
A ground constraint is true if it holds and false otherwise.
A constraint C is domain-consistent wrt. S iff, for each variable Xi and value Vi in D(Xi,S), there exist values Vj in D(Xj,S), 1 <= j <= n /\ i != j, such that C(V1,...,Vn) is true.
A constraint C is domain-entailed by S iff, for all values Vj in D(Xj,S), 1 <= j <= n, C(V1,...,Vn) is true.
Let D'(X,S) denote the interval [min(D(X,S)),max(D(X,S))].
A constraint C is bounds-consistent wrt. S iff, for each variable Xi, there exist values Vj and Wj in D'(Xj,S), 1 <= j <= n, i != j, such that C(V1,...,min(D(Xi,S)),...,Vn) and C(W1,...,max(D(Xi,S)),...,Wn) are both true.
A constraint C is bounds-entailed by S iff, for all values Vj in D'(Xj,S), 1 <= j <= n, C(V1,...,Vn) is true.
Finally, a constraint is domain-disentailed (bounds-disentailed) by S iff its negation is domain-entailed (bounds-entailed) by S.