12.3.54 SP_load_sicstus_run_time()


     #include <sicstus/sicstus.h>
     SP_load_sicstus_run_time(SP_get_dispatch_type **pfuncp,
                              void *reserved);


On success the address of the SP_get_dispatch() function of the newly loaded SICStus run-time is stored at this address.
Reserved, should be NULL.

Return Value

Positive if a new run-time could be loaded, non-positive on error. Please note: The return value was incorrectly described prior to SICStus Prolog 4.0.5. Also note that, for historical reasons, the meaning of the return value is different from the convention used by most of the SICStus Prolog C API.


SP_load_sicstus_run_time() loads a new SICStus run-time.

As a special case, if SP_load_sicstus_run_time() is called from a SICStus run-time that has not been initialized (with SP_initialize()) and that has not previously been loaded as the result of calling SP_load_sicstus_run_time(), no new run-time is loaded. Instead, the SP_get_dispatch() of the run-time itself is returned. In particular, the first time SP_load_sicstus_run_time() is called on the initial SICStus run-time, and if this happens before the initial SICStus run-time is initialized, no new run-time is loaded.

Calling SP_load_sicstus_run_time() from a particular run-time can be done from any thread.

An application that links statically with the SICStus run-time should not call SP_load_sicstus_run_time().

You should not use pre-linked foreign resources when using multiple SICStus run-times in the same process.

For an example of loading and using multiple SICStus run-times, see library/jasper/spnative.c that implements this functionality for the Java interface Jasper.

See Also

Multiple SICStus Run-Times.

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