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Stream I/O

The following predicates are relevant to stream I/O. Character, byte and line counts are maintained per stream. All streams connected to the terminal, however, share the same set of counts. For example, writing to user_output will advance the counts for user_input, if both are connected to the terminal. Bidirectional streams use the same counters for input and output.

Wherever a stream argument appears as input (+Stream), a stream alias can be used instead.


If RelFileSpec is user, then AbsFileName is unified with user; this "filename" stands for the standard input or output stream, depending on context. Otherwise, unifies AbsFileName with the first absolute file name that corresponds to the relative file specification RelFileSpec and that satisfies the access modes given by Options. Options is a list of zero or more of the following, the default being the empty list:

Boolean must be true or false. If true, when constructing an absolute file name that matches the given access modes, two names are tried: First the absolute file name derived directly from RelFileSpec, and then the file name obtained by first deleting all underscores from RelFileSpec. If false (default), suppresses any deletion of underscores.
Has no effect if RelFileSpec contains a file extension. Ext is an atom or a list of atoms, each atom representing an extension (e.g. '.pl') that should be tried when constructing the absolute file name. The extensions are tried in the order they appear in the list. Default value is Ext = ["], i.e. only the given RelFileSpec is tried, no extension is added. To specify extensions('') or extensions([]) is equal not to give any extensions option at all.
Has no effect if RelFileSpec contains a file extension. Picks an adequate extension for the operating system currently running, which means that programs using this option instead of extensions(Ext) will be more portable between operating systems. Type must be one of the following atoms:
implies extensions(["]). RelFileSpec is a file without any extension. (Default)
implies extensions(['.pl',"]). RelFileSpec is a Prolog source file, maybe with a .pl extension.
implies extensions(['.po']). RelFileSpec is a Prolog object file.
implies extensions(['.ql']). RelFileSpec is a QL file. Obsolescent.
implies extensions(['.sav',"]). RelFileSpec is a saved state, maybe with a .sav extension.
RelFileSpec is a foreign language object file, maybe with a system dependent extension.
RelFileSpec is a foreign language shared object file, maybe with a system dependent extension.
implies extensions(["]). RelFileSpec is a directory, not a regular file. Only when this option is present can absolute_file_name/3 access directories without raising an exception.

Mode must be an atom or a list of atoms. If a list is given, AbsFileName must obey every specified option in the list. This makes it possible to combine a read and write, or write and exist check, into one call. Each atom must be one of the following:
AbsFileName must be readable.
If AbsFileName exists, it must be writable. If it doesn't exist, it must be possible to create.
The file represented by AbsFileName must exist.
The file system is not accessed. The first absolute file name that is derived from RelFileSpec is returned. Note that if this option is specified, no existence exceptions can be raised. (Default)

Val is one of the following, where the default is determined by the current value of the fileerrors Prolog flag:
Raise an exception if a file derived from RelFileSpec has the wrong permissions, that is, can't be accessed at all, or doesn't satisfy the the access modes specified with the access option.
Fail if a file derived from RelFileSpec has the wrong permissions. Normally an exception is raised, which might not always be a desirable behavior, since files that do obey the access options might be found later on in the search. When this option is given, the search space is guaranteed to be exhausted.

Val is one of the following:
As soon as a file derived from RelFileSpec is found, commit to that file. Makes absolute_file_name/3 deterministic. (Default)
Return each file derived from RelFileSpec that is found. The files are returned through backtracking. This option is probably most useful in combination with the option file_errors(fail).

FileOrDirectory should be an atom, and controls how to resolve relative filenames. If it is '', filenames will be treated as relative to the current working directory. If a regular, existing file is given, filenames will be treated as relative to the directory containing FileOrDirectory. Otherwise, filenames will be treated as relative to FileOrDirectory.

If absolute_file_name/3 is called from a goal in a file being loaded, the default is the directory containing that file. Otherwise, the default is the current working directory.

The functionality of absolute_file_name/3 is most easily described as a four phase process, in which each phase gets an infile from the preceding phase, and constructs one or more outfiles to be consumed by the succeeding phases. The phases are:

  1. Syntactic rewriting
  2. Underscore deletion
  3. Extension expansion
  4. Access checking

Each of the three first phases modifies the infile and produces variants that will be fed into the succeeding phases. The functionality of all phases but the first are decided with the option list. The last phase checks if the generated file exists, and if not asks for a new variant from the preceding phases. If the file exists, but doesn't obey the access mode option, a permission exception is raised. If the file obeys the access mode option, absolute_file_name/3 commits to that solution, subject to the solutions option, and unifies AbsFileName with the file name. For a thorough description, see below.

Note that the relative file name RelFileSpec may also be of the form PathAlias(FileSpec), in which case the absolute file name of the file FileSpec in one of the directories designated by PathAlias is returned (see the description of each phase below).

Phase 1
This phase translates the relative file specification given by RelFileSpec into the corresponding absolute file name. See Input Output, for a description of syntactic rewriting. The rewrite is done wrt. the value of the relative_to option. There can be more than one solution, in which case the outfile becomes the solutions in the order they are generated. If the succeeding phase fails, and there is no more solutions, an existence exception is raised.
Phase 2
See the ignore_underscores option.
Phase 3
See the extensions and file_type options.
Phase 4
See the access option.


To check whether the file my_text exists in the home directory, with one of the extensions .text or .txt, and is both writable and readable:

| ?- absolute_file_name('~/my_text', File,

To check if the Prolog file same_functor exists in some library, and also check if it exists under the name samefunctor:

| ?- absolute_file_name(library(same_functor), File,
                        [file_type(source), access(exist),

file_search_path(+Alias,-Expansion) [Hook]

Specifies how to rewrite compound filenames to atomic ones, as described in Input Output. Alias should be an atom and Expansions a filename. The predicate may succeed nondeterministically in this search for an atomic filename.

The predicate exists as a dynamic, multifile predicate at startup with the following clauses. See State Info for more info on the Prolog flag host_type. SP_APP_DIR denotes the absolute path to the directory that contains the executable. SP_RT_DIR denotes the absolute path to the directory that contains the SICStus run-time.

file_search_path(library, Path) :-
file_search_path(system, Platform) :-
        prolog_flag(host_type, Platform).
file_search_path(application, SP_APP_DIR).
file_search_path(runtime, SP_RT_DIR).

library_directory(-Directory) [Hook]

Specifies a directory to be searched when a filename of the form library(Name) is used. The predicate exists as a dynamic, multifile predicate at startup with a single clause defining the location of the Prolog library. It may succeed nondeterministically in this search for a library directory.

open(+FileName,+Mode,-Stream) [ISO]
open(+FileName,+Mode,-Stream,+Options) [ISO]

If FileName is a valid file name, the file is opened in mode Mode (invoking the UNIX function fopen) and the resulting stream is unified with Stream. Mode is one of:

Open the file for input.
Open the file for output. The file is created if it does not already exist, the file will otherwise be truncated.
Open the file for output. The file is created if it does not already exist, the file will otherwise be appended to.

If FileName is an integer, it is assumed to be a file descriptor passed to Prolog from C. The file descriptor is connected to a Prolog stream (invoking the POSIX function fdopen) which is unified with Stream.

Options is a list of zero or more of:

Specifies whether the stream is a text or binary stream. Default is text.
Specifies whether repositioning is required for the stream (true), or not (false). The latter is the default.
Specifies that the atom A is to be an alias for the stream.
Specifies what action is to be taken when the end of stream has already been reported (by returning -1 or end_of_file), and a further attempt to input is made. Action can have the following values:
An exception is raised. This is the default.
An end of stream indicator (-1 or end_of_file) is returned again.
The stream is considered not to be at end of stream and another attempt is made to input from it.

Specifies to pass the term Wcx to the wide character extension component; see Prolog Level WCX Features.

close(+X) [ISO]
close(+X, +Options) [ISO]

If X is a stream or alias, the stream is closed. If X is the name of a file opened by see/1 or tell/1, the corresponding stream is closed. Options is a list possibly containing the following element:

Specifies whether SICStus Prolog is to close the stream forcefully, even in the presence of errors (true), or not (false). The latter is the default. Currently this option has no effect.

current_input(?Stream) [ISO]

Stream is the current input stream. The current input stream is also accessed by the C variable SP_curin.

current_output(?Stream) [ISO]

Stream is the current output stream. The current output stream is also accessed by the C variable SP_curout.


Stream is a stream which was opened in mode Mode and which is connected to the absolute file name Filename (an atom) or to the file descriptor Filename (an integer). This predicate can be used for enumerating all currently open streams through backtracking.

set_input(+Stream) [ISO]

Sets the current input stream to Stream.

set_output(+Stream) [ISO]

Sets the current output stream to Stream.

flush_output [ISO]
flush_output(+Stream) [ISO]

Flushes all internally buffered characters or bytes for Stream to the operating system.


Opens a text output stream. Everything written to this stream will be thrown away.


N is the number of characters read/written on text stream Stream. The count is reset by set_stream_position/2.


N is the number of bytes read/written on stream Stream. Meaningful for both binary and text streams. In the latter case it will differ from the number returned by character_count/2 in the presence of wide characters. The count is reset by set_stream_position/2.


N is the number of lines read/written on text stream Stream. The count is reset by set_stream_position/2.


N is the number of characters read/written on the current line of text stream Stream. The count is reset by set_stream_position/2.


Position is a term representing the current stream position of Stream. This operation is available for any Prolog stream. You can retrieve certain data from a stream position term using stream_position_data/3.

stream_position_data(?Field, +Pos, ?Data)

The Field field of the Pos term is Data. Pos is a stream position; Field is one of: line_count, character_count, line_position, byte_count.

stream_property(?Stream, ?Property)) [ISO]

Stream Stream has property Property. Enumerates through backtracking all currently open streams, including the standard input/output/error streams, and all their properties.

Property can be one of the following:

F is the file name associated with the Stream.
Stream has been opened in mode M.
Stream is an input stream.
Stream is an output stream.
Stream has an alias A.
P is a term representing the current stream position of Stream. Same as stream_position(Stream, P).
E describes the position of the input stream Stream, with respect to the end of stream. If not all characters have been read, then E is unified with not; otherwise, (all characters read) but no end of stream indicator (-1 or end_of_file) was reported yet, then E is unified with at; otherwise, E is unified with past.
A is the end-of-file action applicable to Stream, cf. the eof_action option of open/4.
Stream is of type T.
Wide character extension information Wcx was supplied at opening Stream; see Prolog Level WCX Features.

set_stream_position(+Stream,+Position) [ISO]

Position is a term representing a new stream position of Stream, which is then set to the new position. This operation is only available for Prolog streams connected to "seekable devices" (disk files, usually). If the option reposition(true) was supplied at the successful opening of the stream, then set_stream_position/2 is guaranteed to be successful.


True if the stream Stream can be set to the byte offset Offset relative to Method, and NewLocation is the new byte offset from the beginning of the file after the operation. Method must be one of:

Seek from the beginning of the file stream.
Seek from the current position of the file stream.
Seek from the end of the file stream.

This operation is only available for Prolog streams connected to "seekable devices" (disk files, usually) and is an interface to the stdio functions fseek and ftell. After applying this operation, the character count, line count and line position aspects of the stream position of Stream will be undefined.

at_end_of_stream [ISO]
at_end_of_stream(+Stream) [ISO]

The end of stream has been reached for the input stream Stream. An input stream reaches end of stream when all characters (except EOF, i.e. -1) of the stream have been read. These predicates peek ahead for next input character if there is no character available on the buffer of Stream. Unless the stream is to be treated as connected to the terminal (see SP_force_interactive, Initializing the Prolog Engine), a stream remains at end of stream after EOF has been read, and any further attempt to read from the stream will raise an existence error (see Exception).


The end of stream or end of line has been reached for the input stream Stream. An input stream reaches end of line when all the characters except <LFD> of the current line have been read. These predicates peek ahead for next input character if there is no character available on the buffer of Stream.


Undoes the effect of nofileerrors/0.


After a call to this predicate, failure to locate or open a file will cause the operation to fail instead of the default action, which is to raise an exception with an error message.