Node:Misc Pred, Previous:Profiling, Up:Built Intro
?X = ?Y [ISO]
Defined as if by the clause Z=Z.
; i.e. X and Y are
?X \= ?Y [ISO]
The same as \+ X = Y
; i.e. X and Y are
not unifiable.
unify_with_occurs_check(?X, ?Y) [ISO]
True if X and Y unify to a finite (acyclic) term.
Runs in almost linear time.
If List is instantiated to a list of determinate length, then Length will be unified with this length.
If List is of indeterminate length and Length is instantiated to an integer, then List will be unified with a list of length Length. The list elements are unique variables.
If Length is unbound then Length will be unified with all
possible lengths of List.
Unifies each of the variables in term Term with a special term, so
that write(Term)
(or writeq(Term)
(see Term I/O) prints those variables as (A + (i mod
26))(i/26) where i ranges from N to M-1.
N must be instantiated to an integer. If it is 0 you get the
variable names A, B, ..., Z, A1, B1, etc. This predicate is used by
(see State Info).
The goal Goal is executed on backtracking. This predicate is useful if Goal performs some side-effect which must be done on backtracking to undo another side-effect.
Note that this operation is immune to cuts. That is, undo/1
not behave as if it were defined by:
weak_undo(_). weak_undo(Goal) :- Goal, fail.
since defining it that way would not guarantee that Goal be executed on backtracking.
Note also that the Prolog top-level operates as a read-call-fail loop,
and backtracks implicitly for each new query. Raised exceptions and the
and abort/0
implicit backtracking as well.
halt [ISO]
Causes Prolog to exit back to the shell. (In recursive calls to Prolog
from C, this predicate will return back to C instead.)
halt(+Code) [ISO]
Causes the Prolog process to immediately exit back to the shell with the
integer return code Code, even if it occurs in a recursive call from C.
op(+Precedence,+Type,+Name) [ISO]
Declares the atom Name to be an operator of the stated Type
and Precedence (see Operators). Name may also be a list
of atoms in which case all of them are declared to be operators. If
Precedence is 0 then the operator properties of Name (if
any) are cancelled.
current_op(?Precedence,?Type,?Op) [ISO]
The atom Op is currently an operator of type Type and
precedence Precedence. Neither Op nor the other arguments
need be instantiated at the time of the call; i.e. this predicate can
be used to generate as well as to test.
Invokes a recursive top-level. See Nested.
(This predicate is not available in runtime systems.)
Aborts the current execution. See Nested. (In recursive calls to Prolog
from C, this predicate will return back to C instead.)
save_files(+SourceFiles, +File)
Any module declarations, predicates, multifile clauses, or
directives encountered in SourceFiles are saved in object format into
the file File. Source file information as provided by
for the relevant predicates and modules is also
If File does not have an explicit suffix,
the suffix .po
will be appended to it.
SourceFiles should denote a single file or a list of files.
File can later be loaded by load_files/[1,2]
, at which time
any saved directives will be re-executed.
If any of the SourceFiles declares a module, File too will
behave as a module-file and export the predicates listed in the first module
declaration encountered in SourceFiles.
See Saving.
save_modules(+Modules, +File)
The module declarations, predicates, multifile clauses and initializations belonging to Modules are saved in object format into the file File. Source file information and embedded directives (except initializations) are not saved.
If File does not have an explicit suffix, the suffix .po
will be appended to it. Modules should denote a single module or
a list of modules. File can later be loaded by
and will behave as a module-file and export any
predicates exported by the first module in Modules.
See Saving.
save_predicates(:Spec, +File)
The predicates specified by the generalized predicate spec Spec are saved in object format into the file File. Source file information and embedded directives are not saved. Thus, this predicate is intended for saving data represented as tables of dynamic facts, not for saving static code.
If File does not have an explicit suffix, the suffix .po
will be appended to it. File can later be loaded by
. See Saving.
save_program(+File, :Goal)
The system saves the program state into file File.
When the program state is restored, Goal is executed.
Goal defaults to true
See Saving.
The system is returned to the program state previously saved to file
File with start-up goal Goal. restore/1
may succeed,
fail or raise an exception depending on Goal. See Saving.
Performs a garbage collection of the global stack immediately.
Performs a garbage collection of the atoms immediately.
Enables garbage collection of the global stack (the default).
Disables garbage collection of the global stack.
The sequence of characters (prompt) which indicates that the system is
waiting for user input is represented as an atom, and unified with
Old; the atom bound to New specifies the new prompt. In
particular, the goal prompt(X, X)
unifies the current prompt with
X, without changing it. Note that this predicate only affects the
prompt given when a user's program is trying to read from the standard input stream
(e.g. by calling read/1
). Note also that the prompt is reset to
the default |:
on return to top-level.
Displays the introductory messages for all the component parts of the current system.
Prolog will display its own introductory message when initially run and
on reinitialization by calling version/0
. If this message is
required at some other time it can be obtained using this predicate
which displays a list of introductory messages; initially this list
comprises only one message (Prolog's), but you can add more messages
using version/1
. (This predicate is not available in runtime
Appends Message to the end of the message list which is output by
. Message must be an atom.
(This predicate is not available in runtime systems.)
The idea of this message list is that, as systems are constructed on top
of other systems, each can add its own identification to the message
list. Thus version/0
should always indicate which modules make
up a particular package. It is not possible to remove messages from the
help [Hookable]
Displays basic information, or a user defined help
message. It first calls user:user_help/0
, and only if that call
fails is a default help message printed on the current output stream.
(This predicate is not available in runtime systems.)
user_help [Hook]
This may be defined by the user to print a help message on the current output stream.