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Jasper Method Call Example

We begin with a small example.

/* */
import se.sics.jasper.*;

public class Simple {
  private String instanceDatum = "this is instance data";

  static int simpleMethod(int value) {
    return value*42;

  public String getInstanceData(String arg) {
    return instanceDatum + arg;

Compile (UNIX):

% javac -deprecation \
  -classpath <installdir>/lib/sicstus-3.9.1/bin/jasper.jar

On Windows this may look like (the command should go on a single line):

C:\> c:\jdk1.2.2\bin\javac -deprecation
 -classpath "D:\Program Files\SICStus Prolog\bin\jasper.jar"

The flag -deprecation is always a good idea, it makes javac warn if your code use deprecated methods.


:- use_module(library(jasper)).
main :-
   %% Replace '/my/java/dir' below with the path containing
   %% 'Simple.class', e.g. to look in the current directory use
   %% classpath(['.']).
   %% You can also use the CLASSPATH environment variable and call
   %% jasper_initialize(JVM)
   %% On Windows it may look like classpath(['C:/MyTest'])

   format('Calling a static method...~n',[]),
               method('Simple','simpleMethod',[static]), % Which method
               simple_method(+integer,[-integer]), % Types of arguments
               simple_method(42,X)), % The arguments.
   format('simpleMethod(~w) = ~w~n',[42,X]),

   format('Creating an object...~n',[]),
   jasper_new_object(JVM, 'Simple', init, init, Object),

   format('Calling an instance method on ~w...~n',[Object]),
               %% first arg is the instance to call
               get_instance_data(+object('Simple'), +string,[-string]),
               get_instance_data(Object, 'foobar', X1)),
   format('getInstanceData(~w) = ~w~n',['foobar',X1]).

Then, run SICStus (if necessary with the -m flag):

% echo "[simple],main." | sicstus -m
SICStus 3.9 (x86-linux-glibc2): Fri Sep 24 17:43:20 CEST 1999
Licensed to SICS
% consulting /home1/jojo/
% consulted /home1/jojo/ in module user, 100 msec 26644 bytes
Calling a static method...
simpleMethod(42) = 1764
Creating an object...
Calling and instance method on $java_object(135057576)...
getInstanceData(foobar) = this is instance datafoobar


This example performed three things.