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I/O on Lists of Character Codes

This example is taken from the SICStus Prolog library (simplified, but operational). A stream for writing is opened where the written characters are placed in a buffer. When the stream is closed a list of character codes is made from the contents of the buffer. The example illustrates the use of user definable streams.

The open_buf_stream() function opens a stream where the characters are put in a buffer. The stream is closed by stream_to_chars() which returns the list constructed on the heap.

The Prolog code (simplified):

foreign(open_buf_stream, '$open_buf_stream'(-address('SP_stream'))).
foreign(stream_to_chars, '$stream_to_chars'(+address('SP_stream'),

foreign_resource(example, [open_buf_stream,stream_to_chars]).

:- load_foreign_resource(example).

%% with_output_to_chars(+Goal, -Chars)
%% runs Goal with current_output set to a list of characters

with_output_to_chars(Goal, Chars) :-
        stream_code(Stream, StreamCode),
        call_and_reset(Goal, Stream, CurrOut, StreamCode, Chars).

call_and_reset(Goal, Stream, CurrOut, StreamCode, Chars) :-
        call(Goal), !,
        '$stream_to_chars'(StreamCode, Chars),
        reset_stream(Stream, CurrOut).
call_and_reset(_, Stream, CurrOut, _, _) :-
        reset_stream(Stream, CurrOut).

reset_stream(Stream, CurrOut) :-

The C code:

#include <sicstus/sicstus.h>

struct open_chars {
  char *chars;       /* character buffer */
  int index;         /* current insertion point */
  int size;

#define INIT_BUFSIZE 512

static int lputc(c, buf)
     int c;
     struct open_chars *buf;
  if (buf->index == buf->size)  /* grow buffer if necessary */
      buf->size *= 2;
      buf->chars = (char *)realloc(buf->chars, buf->size);
  return (buf->chars[buf->index++] = c);

static int lwclose(buf)
     struct open_chars *buf;
  return 0;

void open_buf_stream(streamp)
     SP_stream **streamp;
  struct open_chars *buf;

  /* Allocate buffer, create stream & return stream code */

  buf = (struct open_chars *)malloc(sizeof(struct open_chars));
  SP_make_stream(buf, NULL, lputc, NULL, NULL, NULL, lwclose,

  buf->chars = (char *)malloc(INIT_BUFSIZE);
  buf->size = INIT_BUFSIZE;
  buf->index = 0;

void stream_to_chars(streamp, head)
     SP_stream *streamp;
     SP_term_ref head;
  SP_term_ref tail = SP_new_term_ref();
  struct open_chars *buf = (struct open_chars *)streamp->user_handle;

  /* Make a list of character codes out of the buffer */

  SP_put_string(tail, "[]");
  SP_put_list_chars(head, tail, buf->chars);