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All-in-one Executables

It is possible to embed saved states into an executable. Together with static linking, this gives a all-in-one executbale, an executable that does not depend on external SICStus files.

The keys to this feature are:

Data resources are added by specifying their internal name and their location as part of the comma separated list of resources passed with the spld option --resources. Each data resource is specified as file=name where file is the name of the file containing the data (it must exist during the call to spld) and name is the name used to access the content of file during run-time. name should begin with a slash (/) and look like an ordinary lowercase file path made up of /-separated names consisting of a to z, underscore (_, period (.), and digits.

Typically, you would use spld --main=restore which will automatically restore the first .sav argument. To manually restore an embedded saved state you should use the syntax URL:x-sicstus-resource:name, e.g., SP_restore("URL:x-sicstus-resource:name").

An example will make this clearer. Suppose we create a run-time system that consists of a single file that looks like:

:- use_module(library(system)).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

% This will be called when the application starts:
runtime_entry(start) :-
   %% You may consider putting some other code here...
   write('hello world'),nl,
   write('Getting host name:'),nl,
   host_name(HostName),             % from system
   ( all_different([3,9]) ->        % from clpfd
       write('3 != 9'),nl
   ; otherwise ->
       write('3 = 9!?'),nl

Then create the saved state main.sav which will contain the compiled code of as well as the Prolog code of library(system) and library(clpfd) and other Prolog libraries needed by library(clpfd).

sicstus -i -f

SICStus 3.9 ...
Licensed to SICS
| ?- compile(main).
% compiling .../
% ... loading several library modules
| ?- save_program('main.sav').
% .../main.sav created in 201 msec
| ?- halt.

Finally, tell spld to build an executable statically linked with the SICStus run-time and the foreign resources needed by library(system) and library(clpfd). Also, embed the Prolog run-time saved state and the application specific saved state just created.

(The example is using Cygwin bash (<>) on Windows but would look much the same on other platforms. The command should be given on a single line; it is broken up here for better layout.)

spld --static

The arguments are as follows:

Link statically with the SICStus run-time and foreign resources (system and clpfd in this case). This option also adds --embed-rt-sav ensuring that the SICStus run-time .sav file is embedded.
Start the application by restoring the saved state and calling runtime_entry(start). This is not strictly needed in the above example since it is the default if any file with extension .sav or a data resource with a name with extension .sav is specified.
This is followed by three comma separated resource specifications:

This tells spld to make the content (at the time spld is invoked) of main.sav available at run-time in a data resource named /mystuff/main.sav. That is, the data resource name corresponding to "URL:x-sicstus-resource:/mystuff/main.sav".
These tell spld to link with the foreign resources (that is, C-code) associated with library(system) and library(clpfd). Since --static was specified the static versions of these foreign resources will be used.

This tells spld where to put the resulting executable.

Finally, we may run this executable on any machine, even if SICStus is not installed:

bash-2.04$ ./main.exe
hello world
Getting host name:
3 != 9

Note that no pathnames passed to spld should contain spaces. On MS Windows, this can be avoided by using the short version of pathnames as necessary.