This example contains a simple program that allows you to enter an arithmetic expression (conforming to Prolog syntax) as a string and displays the value of the given expression, as shown in the following figure:
The calculation itself will be done in Prolog.
We now we will go through the steps of developing this program.
Edit it, adding two textboxes
and txtValue
, and two command buttons,
and cmdQuit
Save the form window to the calculator.frm
Then the project will contain the following two files:
, evaluating the given
expression with the is/2
predicate, and providing a minimal
level of exception handling:
prolog_calculate(Expr, Value) :- on_exception(Exc, Value is Expr, handler(Exc,Value)). handler(domain_error(_,_,_,_),'Incorrect expression'). handler(Exc,Exc).
Note that this example focuses on a minimal implementation of the problem, more elaborate exception handling will be illustrated in the Train example (see Example 2 - Train).
Compile this file, and deposit the file calc in the directory
where the calculator.vbp
project is contained.
procedure executed when the
form is loaded, calling the PrologInit()
function and
loading the calc file with the help of the
Private Sub Form_Load() If PrologInit() <> 1 Then GoTo Err If PrologQueryCutFail("ensure_loaded(app(calc))") <> 1 Then GoTo Err Exit Sub Err: MsgBox "Prolog initialization failed", 48, "Error" Unload Me End Sub
procedure activated
by the cmdRun
command button. This procedure will execute the
procedure defined in the
Prolog file:
Public Function calculate(ByVal Expr As String) As String Dim qid As Long Dim result As String Dim ret As Long Dim Q As String Q = "prolog_calculate(" & Expr & ",Value)" qid = PrologOpenQuery(Q) If qid = -1 Then GoTo Err ' e.g. syntax error ret = PrologNextSolution(qid) If ret <> 1 Then GoTo Err ' failed or error ret = PrologGetString(qid, "Value", result) If ret <> 1 Then GoTo Err calculate = result Call PrologCloseQuery(qid) Exit Function Err: MsgBox "Bad expression", 48, "Error!" calculate = "" End Function
procedure executed when
the calc
form is unloaded, e.g. when the application exits.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) PrologDeInit End Sub