Execution Mode Rulesquoted-name | ::= quoted-atom
| |
| backquoted-atom
| ||
base-prefix | ::= 0b | { indicates base 2 }
| 0o | { indicates base 8 }
| |
| 0x | { indicates base 16 }
| |
char-item | ::= quoted-item
| |
other-escape-sequence | ::= x alpha... \ | {treating a,b,... and A,B,... as 10,11,... } in the range [0..15], hex character code }
| o digit... \ | { in the range [0..7], octal character code }
| |
| <LFD> | { ignored }
| |
| \ | { stands for itself }
| |
| ' | { stands for itself }
| |
| " | { stands for itself }
| |
| ` | { stands for itself }
| |
quoted-char | ::= <SPC>
| |
| printing-char