This example illustrates the use of user:term_expansion/[2,4]
augment the built-in predicate expand_term/2
, which works
as a filter on the input to compile and consult. The code
below will allow the declaration :- wait f/3
as an alias
for :- block f(-,?,?)
. Wait declarations were used in
previous versions of SICStus Prolog.
Note the multifile
declaration, which prevents this
clause from erasing any other
clauses for the same predicate that might have been
:- op(1150, fx, [wait]). :- multifile user:term_expansion/2. user:term_expansion((:- wait F/N), (:- block Head)) :- functor(Head, F, N), wb_args(N, Head). wb_args(0, _Head). wb_args(1, Head) :- arg(1, Head, -). wb_args(N, Head) :- N>1, arg(N, Head, ?), N1 is N-1, wb_args(N1, Head).