Node:place, Previous:grid, Up:Geometry managers


Place simply places the slave widgets in the master at the given x and y coordinates. It displays the widgets with the given width and height. For example (see also library('tcltk/examples/ex17.tcl')):

     button .b1 -text b1
     button .b2 -text b2
     button .b3 -text b3
     place .b1 -x 0 -y 0
     place .b2 -x 100 -y 100
     place .b3 -x 200 -y 200


Using The place Geometry Manager

will place the buttons .b1, .b2, and .b3 along a diagonal 100 pixels apart in both the x and y directions. Heights and widths can be given in absolute sizes, or relative to the size of the master in which case they are specified as a floating point proportion of the master; 0.0 being no size and 1.0 being the size of the master. x and y coordinates can also be specified in a relative way, also as a floating point number. For example, a relative y coordinate of 0.0 refers to the top edge of the master, while 1.0 refers to the bottom edge. If both relative and absolute x and y values are specified then they are summed.

Through this system the placer allows widgets to be placed on a kind of rubber sheet. If all the coordinates are specified in relative terms, then as the master is resized then so will the slaves move to their new relative positions.