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Here is the program; also in library('tcltk/examples/')
:- use_module(library(tcltk)). go :- tk_new([name('Example 1')], Interp), tcl_eval(Interp, 'button .fred -text "hello world" -command { puts "hello world"}', _), tcl_eval(Interp, 'pack .fred', _), tk_main_loop.
, not
), load the program, and evaluate the
Prolog goal go
. The first line of the go
clause calls
which creates a Tcl/Tk interpreter and returns a handle
through which Prolog will interact with the interpreter.
Next a call to tcl_eval/3
is made which creates a button
displaying the hello world
text. Next a call is made to
that causes the button to be displayed in the main
application window. Finally, a call is make to tk_main_loop/0
that passes control to Tcl/Tk, making sure that window events are serviced.
See how simple it is with just a three line Prolog program to create an application window and display a button in it. Click on the button and see what it does.
The reason you should use sicstus
on Windows instead of
is that the latter does not have the C standard streams
) and the Tcl command
will give an error if there is no stdout