The server is the process running the "blackboard process". It is an ordinary SICStus process which can be run on a separate machine if necessary.
To load the package, enter the query
| ?- use_module(library('linda/server')).
and start the server with linda/0
or linda/1
Starts a Linda-server in this SICStus. The network address is written
to the current output stream as Host:PortNumber.
Starts a Linda-server in this SICStus. Each option on the list Options is one of
When the linda server is started, Host and Port are bound to the server host and port respectively and the goal Goal is called. A typical use of this would be to store the connection information in a file so that the clients can find the server to connect to.
For backward compatibility, if Options is not a list, it is assumed
to be an option of the form Address
In SICStus before 3.9.1, Goal needed an explicit module prefix to
ensure it was called in the right module. This is no longer necessary
since linda/1
is now a meta-predicate.
| ?- linda([(Host:Port)-mypred(Host,Port), accept_hook(C,S,should_accept(C,S))]).
Will call mypred/2
when the server is started. mypred/2
could start the client-processes, save the address for the clients
etc. Whenever a client attempts to connect from a host with IP address
Addr, a bi-directional socket stream Stream will be opened to
the client, and should_accept(
will be
called to determine if the client should be allowed to connect.