Exported Predicates

The following predicates all take as (optional) argument a list Options which can be used to change the default behavior of the execution. This list may contain zero or more of the following:

where MznDatFile must be a MiniZinc data file. Means that MznDatFile is passed to the MiniZinc-to-FlatZinc translator through the --data option.
where ListOfParDef is a list of elements of the form Id=Value where Id is a MiniZinc identifier and Value is a MiniZinc value. Means that all elements are written to a temporary file which is passed to the MiniZinc-to-FlatZinc translator through the --data option.
where Boolean must be true or false. If true (the default), the constraints of the MiniZinc program are posted directly and a separate call to fzn_post/1 (see FlatZinc Exported Predicates) is not necessary. (Only usable with mzn_load_file/3 and mzn_load_model/3).
where NumberOfSolutions must be an integer greater than zero or the atom all. Describes the number of solutions to search for, default is 1. (Only usable with mzn_run_file/2 and mzn_run_model/2).
where ListOfVarDef is a list of elements of the form Id=Var where Id is a MiniZinc identifier and Var is a Prolog variable. Means that Var is unified with the value of Id after the MiniZinc program is loaded. (Only usable with mzn_load_file/3 and mzn_load_model/3).

The first two predicates can be used to run a MiniZinc program in one go.

mzn_run_file(+MznFile, +Options)
MznFile is a MiniZinc program file and Options is a list of options as described above. (Usable options are data_file/1, parameters/1, and solutions/1.) Runs the MiniZinc program in MznFile and writes the result on the current output stream. This is done by first calling the external MiniZinc-to-FlatZinc translator and parsing the output of that program with fzn_run_stream/[1,2] (see FlatZinc Exported Predicates). Fails if the constraints of the MiniZinc program are inconsistent.


mzn_run_model(+MznModel, +Options)
MznModel is a MiniZinc program specified by a list of strings as explained below and Options is a list of options as described above. (Usable options are data_file/1, parameters/1, and solutions/1.) Runs the MiniZinc program specified by MznModel and writes the result on the current output stream. This is done by first calling the external MiniZinc-to-FlatZinc translator and parsing the output of that program with fzn_run_stream/[1,2] (see FlatZinc Exported Predicates). The MiniZinc program specification MznModel must be a list of strings (list of character codes) where each element must specify one line of the MiniZinc program. For example, a MiniZinc program for the N Queens problem can be specified as follows:
          NQueens = ["int: n;",
                     "array [1..n] of var 1..n: q;",
                     "constraint forall (i in 1..n, j in i+1..n)",
                         "(q[i] != q[j] /\\",
                          "q[i] + i != q[j] + j /\\",
                          "q[i] - i != q[j] - j);",
                     "solve satisfy;",
                     "output [\"A solution to the \", show(n),",
                     "\" Queens problem: \", show(q), \"\\n\"];"]

Note that backslashes and double quotes must be escaped with an additional backslash.


Consider the following MiniZinc program for solving the N Queens problem located in library('zinc/examples/queen.mzn'):

int: n; array [1..n] of var 1..n: q; constraint forall (i in 1..n, j in i+1..n) ( q[i] != q[j] /\ q[i] + i != q[j] + j /\ q[i] - i != q[j] - j ); solve satisfy; output ["A solution to the ", show(n), " Queens problem: ", show(q), "\n"];

Consider now the following goal at the Prolog top level:

     | ?- mzn_run_file(library('zinc/examples/queen'),

Since library('zinc/examples/queen4.dat') contains the single line

     n = 4;

the following is written on the current output stream:

     A solution to the 4 Queens problem: [2, 4, 1, 3]
     1 solution found

The initialization n = 4 can also be passed using the parameter/1 option. So the following goal is equivalent to the one above:

     | ?- mzn_run_file(library('zinc/examples/queen'), [parameters([n=4])]).

Finally, the following goal finds all solutions to the 4 Queens problem:

     | ?- mzn_run_file(library('zinc/examples/queen'),
                       [parameters([n=4]), solutions(all)]).

Given this goal, the following is written on the current output stream:

     A solution to the 4 Queens problem: [2, 4, 1, 3]
     A solution to the 4 Queens problem: [3, 1, 4, 2]
     2 solutions found

The next two predicates can be used to construct a FlatZinc state (see FlatZinc Exported Predicates).

mzn_load_file(+MznFile, -FznState)
mzn_load_file(+MznFile, +Options, -FznState)
MznFile is a MiniZinc program file and Options is a list of options as described above. (Usable options are data_file/1, parameters/1, post/1, and variables/1.) Initializes a FlatZinc state FznState with respect to MznFile. May fail if post(true) and the constraints are inconsistent.


mzn_load_model(+MznModel, -FznState)
mzn_load_model(+MznModel, +Options, -FznState)
MznModel is a MiniZinc program specified by a list of strings as explained for mzn_run_model/[1,2] above and Options is a list of options as described above. (Usable options are data_file/1, parameters/1, post/1, and variables/1.) Initializes a FlatZinc state FznState with respect to MznModel. May fail if post(true) and the constraints are inconsistent.


The following Prolog goal constructs a FlatZinc state representing the 4 Queens problem:

     | ?- mzn_load_file(library('zinc/examples/queen'),
                        [parameters([n=4])], Queen4State).

See FlatZinc Exported Predicates for more information on FlatZinc states and how they can be queried. A very useful option to mzn_load_file/3 and mzn_load_model/3 is the variables/1 option, which can be used to unify values of MiniZinc identifiers with Prolog variables (this option can be used in place of several calls to fzn_identifier/3). For example, the following goal posts an additional symmetry breaking constraint and labels the variables using a Prolog goal that finds all remaining solutions to the 4 Queens problem:

     | ?- mzn_load_file(library('zinc/examples/queen'),
                        [parameters([n=4]), variables([q=Q])],
          Q = [Q1, Q2|_], Q1 #< Q2,
          findall(_, (labeling([], Q), fzn_output(Queen4State)), _).

Given this goal, the following is written on the current output stream:

     A solution to the 4 Queens problem: [2, 4, 1, 3]

The final predicate can be used to translate a MiniZinc file to a FlatZinc by a direct call to the MiniZinc-to-FlatZinc translator.

mzn_to_fzn(+MznFile, +FznFile)
mzn_to_fzn(+MznFile, +Options, +FznFile)
MznFile is a MiniZinc program file and Options is a list of options as described above. (Usable options are data_file/1 and parameters/1.) Calls the external MiniZinc-to-FlatZinc translator which result is written to FznFile.


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